Panel Video: Should ICE Release or Continue Detention for Aliens during Pandemic?


Press Release

Panel Transcript 

Event Summary

The Center for Immigration Studies hosted a virtual panel discussion Monday, April 13, at 1 p.m. on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention and whether the institutional conditions of detention centers necessitate the release of immigrant detainees due to the coronavirus and the safety, and legal implications of releases.


Mark Krikorian
Executive Director
Center for Immigration Studies

Andrew Arthur
Resident Fellow in Law and Policy
Center for Immigration Studies

Dan Cadman
Center for Immigration Studies

Thomas Hodgson
Bristol County

Panel Video


Panel Clips

Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson launches prisoner release alert system to notify the public


Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson explains jail's COVID-19 virus response


Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson Discusses Who is Behind Detention Release Push