Panel Video: Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Related Publications: Paper, Transcript

A new Center for Immigration Studies report finds that, 13 years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes – not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

The report, “Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children: A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food Programs,” is authored by Steven A. Camarota, Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies. It was released Tuesday, April 5, at 9:00 a.m. during a panel discussion at the National Press Club, 14th & F streets, N.W.


Steven A. Camarota, Director of Research, Center for Immigration Studies?

Mickey Kaus, blogger and author, at the Daily Caller

Iain Murray, Vice President for Strategy, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Moderator: Mark Krikorian, Executive Director, Center for Immigration Studies

Introduction by Mark Krikorian


Steven A. Camarota's Statement


Mickey Kaus' Statement


Iain Murray's Statement


Steven A. Camarota's Rebuttal


Question and Answer Session

Topics: Welfare