Printable Scorecard: Rate Trump's Upcoming Immigration Proclamation
The Center for Immigration Studies hosted a panel discussion on Tuesday, May 19 discussing twenty actions the president could take immediately that could potentially reduce the number of temporary foreign workers by 1.2 million, or nearly 50 percent. The starting point for conversation was a Center report, Hire American, which provides realistic solutions to helping the 18.2 million native-born Americans and 4.3 million immigrants now out of work, and the millions more who have stopped looking for work.
Jessica Vaughan, the Center’s director of policy studies, said, “Suspending the entry of new temporary workers is a no-brainer in the midst of a pandemic and unprecedented economic collapse. It’s equally important to slash the number of discretionary work permits, because these create unfair competition for American workers and encourage visitors and illegal entrants to remain here when they would otherwise go home.” Vaughan continued, “In addition, taxpayers should not have to provide relief to employers who have chosen guest workers over U.S. workers.”