One of the reasons ongoing mass immigration is a security problem for a modern society is that it creates and constantly refreshes unassimilated immigrant communities that serve as cover for bad guys, whether transnational terrorists or transnational criminals, whose access to modern technologies of communications, transportation, and weaponry makes the threat different in kind from anything we faced in earlier eras.
An illustration from Sunday's Washington Times:
Just northeast of Atlanta, Gwinnett County, where Mr. Haro-Perez was arrested, has become a ground zero of sorts for Mexican drug cartels, according to authorities.
The county's population has more than doubled since 1990, and authorities say the Hispanic, particularly Mexican, population has exploded with a mixture of both legal and illegal immigrants.
According to U.S. Census data, Hispanics made up less than 2.5 percent of Gwinnett County's population in 1990, a number that increased to 11 percent in 2000 and was up to 16 percent by 2007.
"We emphasize that the vast majority of those people have nothing to do with drug dealing, but what they do is they allow the Mexican cartels, almost all of whose operatives are Mexican, to hide in plain sight," Mr. Nahmias said.
Of course, immigrant neighborhoods — or neighborhoods occupied by any people who feel the need to stick together — have always faced this problem. But crack or anthrax smuggled by coordinated international conspiracies make that problem altogether more serious. As the Don said, it's not like gambling or liquor, even women, which is something that most people want nowadays, and is forbidden to them by the pezzonovante of the Church.