Friday is the 28th anniversary of the first World Trade Center attack, which killed six people and came close to knocking down the Twin Towers seven-and-a-half years before another group of Islamist terrorists succeeded. The experience of one of its masterminds should give pause to lawmakers considering the U.S. Citizenship Act, a.k.a. the Biden-Menendez amnesty bill.
Mahmud “The Red” Abouhalima was an Egyptian radical Islamist who flew to the U.S. in the fall of 1985 on a tourist visa. He had no intention of leaving and became an illegal alien the next year when he overstayed his allotted time. Working as a cab driver in New York, he applied for the 1986 amnesty — as a farmworker. And he was approved, as were thousands of others, in what the New York Times called “one of the most extensive immigration frauds ever perpetrated against the United States Government.”