Event Summary
The Center for Immigration Studies streamed an Immigration Newsmaker conversation featuring former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who is campaigning to take back the Alabama U.S. Senate seat that he held for 20 years. This timely conversation with one of the nation’s top immigration experts takes place as President Trump contemplates signing a second Presidential Proclamation expanding suspension of certain immigration categories to help the American worker in a time of high unemployment.
Mark Krikorian
Executive Director
Center for Immigration Studies
Jeff Sessions
Former Attorney General
Department of Justice
Full Panel Video
Panel Clips
Jeff Sessions Describes His Experience with "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"
Reaction to President Trump's Immigration Proclamation
What should President Trump Do Next?
Should OPT Students Stay in the U.S.?
Jeff Sessions Discusses Wages
What Should We Do About DACA?
Will Jeff Sessions Promote President Trump's Agenda