A curious thing happened just over a week ago, on December 30, a doldrums kind of news day when people are still relaxing from the prior holidays and wrapping their minds around the thought of another new year just around the corner.
Those masters of manipulation in the Obama administration promulgated in the Federal Register, the official voice of the United States government, a "Notice of Request for Information" jointly submitted by the secretaries of State and Homeland Security. Who can doubt that they planned exactly when this would be published so as to ensure that it captured as little attention as possible, relying on the holiday season and spirit to dull people's awareness or responses?
The notice is a solicitation for ideas about how the administration can further its goals of circumventing Congress through "executive action" in the arena of immigration policy — as if they haven't done enough damage already. It comes complete with its own table of contents and lays out what the administration is looking for in the way of ideas, no doubt from open borders and big-immigration-numbers advocates. You can bet that any responses suggesting that they trim those numbers and abide by the law will quickly be filed in the circular bin and shredded.
As Jon Feere of the Center for Immigration Studies forewarned in the middle of December, "Many more plans, guidelines, and policies [are] not yet issued ... much remains unknown about exactly how this scheme will operate." This oddball notice in the Register puts the point under the exclamation mark in showing exactly how right Feere was in his prediction.
One wonders whether the devious minds at work in coming up with these things delight in a sense of the ironic. Here they are, using the Federal Register to solicit ideas to further actions that are being taken outside the framework of immigration laws of the country — actions that were not themselves promulgated in the Federal Register, as the Administrative Procedure Act requires (despite whatever they may claim to the contrary).
This use of the Federal Register when they wish, and disregard for it when it doesn't suit their interest, is proof that this administration is staffed by imperious scofflaws who hold not only the Constitution but the American people in contempt. They are living embodiment that the words used by Jonathan Gruber describing Americans as "stupid" were no accident, but represent the viewpoint of the president and virtually all of his cabinet of cronies.
Meanwhile, stay tuned for the next episode in this serial charade. I can't wait to see what happens as the nuts and squirrels drop out of the trees in response to this solicitation.