Cheating Our Way to 4 Percent Growth

By Jason Richwine on April 3, 2019

"I believe it's time to establish a national goal of reaching 4 percent economic growth," Donald Trump declared in a speech two months before he won the 2016 election. He still references 4 percent regularly, but getting there by increasing productivity seems almost impossible.

Rumors are circulating that the White House may try to "cheat" its way to higher GDP growth with a major expansion of immigration. Those rumors could be true, given the president’s promise from the State of the Union to accept legal immigrants in "the largest numbers ever" — a promise that he later insisted was more than a mere ad-lib. Just this week, DHS announced 30,000 additional visas for low-skill guest workers. It may be a preview of something much larger, as presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner is reportedly working on a grand proposal centered around importing labor.


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