The Center for Immigration Studies hosted a panel discussion on focusing on employer discrimination against native-born workers. The conversation centered on the release of a report examining real-world case studies in which the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has sued employers for systematically favoring low-skill immigrants over native workers.
Video: No Americans Need Apply
Transcript: No Americans Need Apply
Streams: Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Twitter
When: Thursday, October 24, 2019, at 9:30 a.m.
Where: National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, D.C.
- Jason Richwine Ph.D., an independent public policy analyst and National Review contributor.
- Peter Kirsanow, serving his third term as a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and a partner with a law firm specializing in labor and employment law.
- Kevin Lynn, executive director of Progressives for Immigration Reform, an organization focused on the unintended consequences of immigration policies and guest worker programs that undermine working Americans.
Contact: Marguerite Telford, (202) 466-8185, [email protected]
Topics: Costs of Immigration