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The Center for Immigration Studies’ mission is to examine, inform, and critique American immigration policy. In the pursuit of this goal, the Center seeks to provide the latest immigration news and research for all involved in the debate over this complex issue. In addition to its e-mail news services, reports, and books, the Center disseminates an annual list of doctoral dissertations and theses that relate to immigration in order to keep those involved abreast of the most recent developments in emerging scholarship.
This compilation contains dissertations completed in 2010.
For ease of use, the list is organized into the following categories: Acculturation/Identity, Canada, Economics/Labor, Education, Health, History, International, Migration Process, Policy/Politics, Refugees/Asylum, Religion, and Women/Families. However, many of the items could have easily fallen into two or three different categories. Those readers who are interested in a particular topic are encouraged to browse the entire list due to the necessarily subjective organizational scheme.
Acculturation of Russian refugee adolescents: The life domain of peer relationships,
by Morozov, Andrew, Ph.D., University of Denver, 2010
Acculturation and travel motivation for Chinese-American seniors,
by Wu, Yi-Hsien, M.S., San Jose State University, 2010
Adapting to car culture: The process of immigrant transportation assimilation in new gateway cities,
by Cline, Michael E., Ph.D., University of Texas at San Antonio, 2010
A handful of dust: Reading South Asian (im)migrant identity in Islamicate literatures,
by Rashid, Hussein, Ph.D., Harvard University, 2010
Analyzing language choice among Russian-speaking immigrants to the United States,
by Kasatkina, Natalia, Ph.D., University of Arizona, 2010
Andalusian encounters: Immigration, Islam, and regional identity in southern Spain,
by Rogozen-Soltar, Mikaela H., Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2010
A re-examination of universalistic views on acculturation through personal narratives,
by Turi-Markovic, Tunde, Ph.D., Northeastern University, 2010
A theory of immigrant religious adaptation: Disruption, assimilation, and facilitation,
by Connor, Phillip Carey, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2010
‘A time for resistance’: Globalization, undocumented immigration, and the Chicana/o movement in the San Diego borderlands,
by Patino, Jimmy C., Jr., Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 2010
‘Because I’m neither Gringa nor Latina, because I am not any one thing’: Children of Colombian and Dominican immigrants negotiating identities within (trans)national social fields,
by Upegui-Hernandez, Debora, Ph.D., City University of New York, 2010
Becoming Nikkei: Reflections of transcultural identity in the writing of four Spanish American writers of Japanese descent,
by Le Moyne, Charlotte Elaine Saulnier, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2010
Changing patterns of self-disclosure among Soviet immigrants to the United States,
by Manevich, Inessa, Ph.D., Columbia University, 2010
Citizenship of the heart and mind: Educating Germany’s immigrants in the ideological, emotional, and practical components of belongingness,
by Brown, Jessica Autumn, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2010
Collective identity and African American views of Africa, African immigrants, and immigrant entitlements,
by Pendaz, Sadie, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2010
Conditional extremism — When do exclusionary national identities spur hostility to immigrants & radical right support?
by Schram, Laura N., Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2010
Contesting citizenship across borders: Identity, rights, and participation among Central Americans in Los Angeles,
by Zimmerman, Arely M., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
Defining perceptions of immigrants and immigration in the United States: Personal values, contact, and demographics,
by Avila, Shawna L., M.S., Southern Adventist University, 2010
‘El Jardin del Eden’, ‘Bordertown’, and the United States-Mexico border region: Representations of integration and the changing nation-state,
by Valdes, Julio, M.A., Carleton University (Canada), 2010
Erasing Mexican Chicago: The role of community-based organizations and immigrant networks in the gentrifying neighborhood of Pilsen,
by Orta, David, M.A., Loyola University Chicago, 2010
Ethnic entanglements: A comparative study of Arab American and Chicano literatures,
by Gabra, Marian Helmy, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
Ethnic heterogeneity and the limits of altruism,
by Eger, Maureen A., Ph.D., University of Washington, 2010
Ethnic identification for children of Hispanic intermarriage: Ethnic leakage?
by Perez, Deborah, Ph.D., University of Texas at San Antonio, 2010
Ethnography of identity, assimilation and the dynamics of community relationship: The study of Muslims in the Utah Salt Lake Valley area,
by Bhuiyan, Haider Ali, Ph.D., University of Utah, 2010
Flourishing among Japanese immigrants and sojourners in Texas: Social capital and acculturation
by Ando, Sachi, Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington, 2010
From a world away to living next door: The residential segregation and attainment of America’s newest immigrants,
by Hall, Matthew S., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2010
From many identities to one voice? Arab American activism forged from the politics of isolation,
by Skuratowicz, Katarzyna Zofia, Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, 2010
Home making in small-town America: Mexican and Latina/o diasporas and citizenship practices in the Midwest,
by Acosta, Aide, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010
Identity matters: Bosnian identity maintenance in a post-migration setting,
by Lucken, Kristen Remington, Ph.D., Boston University, 2010
Immigrant assimilation, family functioning and delinquency: A test of mediating and moderating influences,
by DiPietro, Stephanie Maura, Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, 2010
Immigration and transitional space: The development of the intercultural third,
by Nedumchira, Christin A., Psy.D., The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 2010
Immigrating to New Orleans post-Katrina: An ethnographic study of a Brazilian enclave,
by Gibson, Annie McNeill, Ph.D., Tulane University, 2010
Interrogating neoliberal multiculturalism and Latina representation in U.S. film culture,
by Nava, Steve, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010
Las familias de los pioneros: Identity formation in Greenville, South Carolina’s, first Colombian immigrants and their children,
by Safranek, Lauren, M.A., University of South Carolina, 2010
Latino locales: Does context matter?
by Dempsey, Matthew C., M.A., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2010
Latino success in rural southwestern Minnesota,
by Rivera, Alena, M.S.E., Southwest Minnesota State University, 2010
Linguistic citizenship and ideologies of Americanness in a U.S. naturalization class,
by Lee, Jung Eun, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2010
Linguistic landscape of ‘Little Russia by the Sea,’ A multilingual community in a Brooklyn Area of New York City,
by Litvinskaya, Alena A., M.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2010
Narrative thesis project: Bicultural challenges of a Peruvian American immigrant,
by Martinez, William, M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 2010
National identity and young children: A comparative study of 4th and 5th graders in Singapore and the United States,
by Koh, Serene S., Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2010
National parishes within ethnic enclaves: The gradual process of Americanizing Catholic immigrants to Baltimore,
by Greer, Adam C., M.A.L.S., Georgetown University, 2010
Outside of the gateway, just off the Beltway: Ghanaian and Nigerian immigrants in the United States,
by Buford, Mindelyn, II, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University,2010
Parental influences on ethnic identity development: Implications of parenting style, attachment, and ethnic socialization,
by Abu-Sbaih, Rula, Psy.D., Pace University, 2010
Perceived discrimination and Latino youth adjustment: Examining the influence of relinquished control and immigration status,
by Chithambo, Taona Patricia, M.A., University of Southern California, 2010
Personal narrative: The struggles of a Latina immigrant adapting to life in the U.S. while discovering her ethnic identity,
by Delgado, Olga Lucia, M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 2010
Political transnationalism and assimilation: A case study of Dominican and Mexican immigrants,
by Rea, Rachel C., M.A.L.S., Georgetown University, 2010
Sporting Frenchness: Nationality, race, and gender at play,
by Wines, Rebecca W., Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2010
The civic engagement of Latino immigrants in the United States,
by Tucker, Cristina M., Ph.D., Wayne State University, 2010
The early acculturation experience and its effect on the current sense of identity of Taiwanese adult immigrants: A qualitative study,
by Chang, Ching-min, Psy.D., California Institute of Integral Studies, 2010
The effects of Self-interest and prejudice on immigration attitudes,
by Courtemanche, Marie, Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2010
Transnational life histories: Mexican origin elderly in southwest Detroit, Michigan,
by Saenz, Gabriela, M.A., Michigan State University, 2010
Understanding the factors that have contributed to the maintenance of a Jamaican identity despite assimilation pressures faced by Jamaican immigrants living in the United States of America,
by Campbell-Farrell, Juliet, Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, 2010
Us against whom? How we categorize outgroup members as threats,
by Stevens, Sean T., M.S., Rutgers State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, 2010
We are made of our food: Latino/a immigration and the practices and politics of eating,
by Mares, Teresa Marie, Ph.D., University of Washington, 2010
You can’t go home again: Japanese Peruvian immigrants and the struggle for integration and identity in the Japanese homeland,
by Moorehead, Robert Steven, Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 2010
A journey towards professional integration — Experiences of immigrant Ph.D. students in breaking down barriers to enter Canadian academia,
by Shi, Wenying, Ph.D., University of Alberta (Canada), 2010
Canadian public discourse around issues of inadmissibility for potential immigrants with diseases and/or disabilities 1902-2002,
by Capurri, Valentina, Ph.D., York University (Canada), 2010
Chinese-Canadian community organizing and the pursuit of multiculturalism, unity, and diversity,
by Chan, Pearl, Ph.D., Indiana University, 2010
Conservatives, liberals, and the construction of the immigrant: A critical discourse analysis of the Bill C-50 debate,
by Clydesdale, Jacquelyn, M.A., University of Calgary (Canada), 2010
Economic integration of immigrants to Canada and foreign credential recognition,
by Girard, Magali, Ph.D., McGill University (Canada), 2010
Everytime I fall in love, I fall in love with you: Monogamous citizenship and Canadian immigration policy,
by Gaucher, Megan, M.A., University of Alberta (Canada), 2010
Fathering perceptions and experiences of Ethiopian immigrant/refugee men in a Canadian urban centre,
by Tachble, Admasu A., Ph.D., University of Calgary (Canada), 2010
Implicit contracts and immigrant wages in Canada,
by Xing, Yue, Ph.D., Carleton University (Canada), 2010
New home, new learning: Chinese immigrants, unpaid household work, and lifelong learning,
by Liu, Lichun Willa, Ph.D., University of Toronto (Canada), 2010
Planning for ethnocultural difference: Engagement in a changing winnipeg,
by Ross, Andrew, M.C.P., University of Manitoba (Canada), 2010
Roots and routes: A reimaging of Chinese immigrant adolescents’ identity constructions in Toronto
by Liu, Chunjiao, M.A., McGill University (Canada), 2010
The challenges of creating social capital and increasing community participation in a diverse population: Implications for theory, policy and practice based on a case study of a Canadian housing co-operative,
by Morris, Marika, Ph.D., Carleton University (Canada), 2010
The influence of Canada’s immigration program on the sustainable livelihoods of immigrants and refugees
by Singh, Sabena, M.Ed., University of Manitoba (Canada), 2010
The plight of environmentally displaced persons: Responding to their needs in the context of Canadian refugee and immigration law,
by Sivapathasundaram, Sivagowry, LL.M., York University (Canada), 2010
The religious lives of immigrant Muslim women in Canada: The case of Bangladeshi women in St. John’s, Newfoundland,
by Akter, Nasrin, M.W.S., Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada), 2010
Assets portfolios of U.S. legal immigrants: Impact of visa categories and previous experience in the U.S.,
by Zhao, Yu, M.S., Tufts University, 2010
Building transnational media spaces: Immigrant journalism in Venezuelan South Florida
by Shumow, Moses A., Ph.D., University of Miami, 2010
Engineering the global Indian: Skills, cosmopolitanism, and families in circuits of high-tech migrations between India and the United States,
by Khandekar, Aalok, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2010
Essays on the political economy of immigration and of language,
by Gomez-Ruano, Gerardo, Ph.D., Boston University, 2010
Gendered incorporation experiences: A multi-generational study of Mexican American employment and education,
by Tafoya-Estrada, Rosaura, Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 2010
Give me your engineers, your Ph.D.s, yearning to fund my welfare state. Fiscal crises and gigh-skilled immigration policies,
by Medina Garciadiego, Mariana, Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis, 2010
Immigrant and minority entrepreneurship in federal community development programs,
by Smith, Richard John, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2010
In defense of the new working class? Labor union embeddedness, labor migration, and immigrant integration,
by Wilkens, Erika Adrienne, Ph.D., Syracuse University, 2010
Korean immigrant entrepreneurs in inner-city minority neighborhoods: Who are those who stay and who are those who leave?
by Kim, Wook-Jin, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2010
Labor force participation, earnings, and occupational distribution of Asian and Hispanic married female immigrants,
by Das, Trina, Ph.D., Clark University, 2010
Labor market experiences of the foreign born: An assessment of national origin differences in employment status from 1980 to 2000,
by Quashie, Nekehia, M.A., University of Utah, 2010
Latino entrepreneurs in nontraditional destinations: The case of northern Utah,
by Smith, Rebecca A., Ph.D., Utah State University, 2010
Offshoring, immigration, and the domestic labor market,
by Olney, William W., Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2010
Relative socioeconomic status and the probability of migration: A study of the effects of relative socioeconomic status on the decision to migrate to the United States,
by Barker, Alexandra S. V., M.S., University of Massachusetts, Boston, 2010
The effects of immigration and sanctuary statutes on natives’ labor market outcomes,
by Marra, Lauren, M.P.P., Georgetown University, 2010
The hierarchies of help: South Asian service workers in New York City,
by Chatterji, Miabi, Ph.D., New York University, 2010
The impact of cross-border flows on markets for labor, higher education, and goods and services,
by Jackson, Osborne A., Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2010
The impact of changes in the composition of the labor force on the wage distribution,
by Eberhard, Juan, Ph.D., Yale University, 2010
The impact of local enforcement of immigration laws on undocumented immigrant day laborers,
by Brown, Cynthia Ann, Ph.D., Walden University, 2010
The influence of adult upgrading on the possible selves of foreign-trained professional women,
by Crocker, Jocelyn Ruth, M.Ed., University of Alberta (Canada), 2010
Three essays on the economics of immigration,
by Tu, Jiong, Ph.D., McMaster University (Canada), 2010
Thy kingdom come: The intersection of King Cotton and immigration policy,
by Turner, Sylvia D., Ph.D., Emory University, 2010
With and without the white coat: The racialization of Southern California’s Indian physicians,
by Murti, Lata, Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2010
An analysis of international student inflow into the United States,
by Han, Mee Young, Ph.D., American University, 2010
An exploration of the impact of family background factors on the science achievement of Afro-Caribbean and African American students in the United States,
by Pinder, Patrice J., Ed.D., Morgan State University, 2010
Asian parents’ perceptions of child disability and school contact for services,
by Kim, Nayoung, Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, 2010
Bicultural & vocational identities: Promoting school engagement in a sample of Cape Verdean immigrants,
by Coutinho, Maria Teresa N., Ed.D., Boston College, 2010
Bilingual education — A historic and programmatic overview,
by Tillmanns, Jens U., M.A., The University of Texas at El Paso, 2010
Breathing uneasy: Citizenship and subjectivity in pediatric asthma management,
by Higashi, Robin Takeko, Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco with the University of California, Berkeley, 2010
Cognitive flexibility and planning skills as predictors of social-academic resilience in Hispanic-American elementary school children,
by Acevedo, Maria, Ph.D., Fordham University, 2010
College choice and documented Chinese immigrant community college students in Massachusetts
by Luie, Siu Ming, Ph.D., Boston College, 2010
Educational resources of Cambodian American adolescents: The role of ‘hidden capital’,
by Su, Denise N., Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010
Evaluation of cultural competency medical education curriculum through the assessment of changes in student racial attitudes,
by Ruiz, Maribeth Sian, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010
Fangyan-speaking learners of Mandarin Chinese in U.S. universities: Experiences of students with heritage backgrounds in Chinese languages other than Mandarin,
by Hsiao, Jennifer Ching-hui, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2010
Invisible subjects: Asian America in the American imaginary,
by Kim, Heidi Kathleen, Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2010
Las fronteras de nuestra educacion: Documenting the pedagogies of migration of Mexican and Chicana/o undocumented immigrant households,
by Benavides Lopez, Corina, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
Leveling the playing field: First generation Korean American males and school based extracurricular activities,
by Levy, Corey, Psy.D., Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, 2010
Messages of nationalism in Mexican and U.S. textbooks: Implications for the national identity of transnational students,
by Jerdee, Danielle, M.A., Loyola University Chicago, 2010
Mid-childhood immigrant perspectives on achieving college success,
by Litwicki, Mark J., Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago, 2010
Money is not enough: Remittances and other determinants of youth educational attainment in a Southern Mexican migrant-sending community,
by Sawyer, Adam Samuel Winslow, Ed.D., Harvard University, 2010
More than a new country: Effects of immigration, home language, and school mobility on elementary students’ academic development,
by Broomes, Orlena, Ed.D., University of Toronto (Canada), 2010
Mr. Holland’s failure: How ethnic discrimination by teachers affects future student success,
by Anzalone, Mariangela, M.P.P., Georgetown University, 2010
Out of the shadows: An inquiry into the lives of undocumented Latino AB540 students,
by Martinez-Calderon, Carmen, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2010
Parental absence and academic achievement in immigrant students,
by Wright, Chrysalis Lamae, Ph.D., Florida International University, 2010
Persistence and degree attainment: The role of individual decision making, various forms of capital, and institutional factors among Mexican-American undergraduate students,
by Hernandez, Eliza Aguirre, Ph.D., The University of Texas at San Antonio, 2010
Postcolonial construction of self: Two immigrant secondary science teachers from Nigeria and Kenya explore the role of cultural and indigenous beliefs in their teaching,
by Kitonga, Ndindi, Ph.D., Chapman University, 2010
Reading immigration stories: Emotion and literary imagination in school-based book clubs,
by Lewis, Mark A., Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2010
Resegmenting assimilation: Analyzing second generation education from a binational perspective,
by Silva, Travis Scott, M.A., University of California, San Diego, 2010
School counselors and Latino/a English language learners: Closing the achievement/opportunity gaps to increase college-going rates,
by Cook, Amy Lynne, Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 2010
Schools, demographic shift, and the New Latino Diaspora: A statewide study of organizational adaptation,
by Lowenhaupt, Rebecca J., Ph.D., The University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2010
Suenos indocumentados: Using LatCrit to explore the testimonios of undocumented and U.S. born Chicana college students on discourses of racist nativism in education,
by Huber, Lindsay Perez, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
The contributions of the unwanted,
by Chavez McKay, Claudia Estela, Ph.D., University of San Diego, 2010
The role of school in the adjustment of immigrant West Indian adolescents: A case study of a program for new arrivals,
by Santiesteban, Yvette L., Ed.D., Central Connecticut State University, 2010
Ugandan immigrant students’ perceptions of barriers to academic achievement in American high schools,
by Ssekannyo, Denis, Ed.D., University of the Pacific, 2010
Access and utilization of health services among Latino immigrant male day laborers in the United States,
by Enriquez-Haass, Vilma Lucrecia, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
An exploratory descriptive study of farmworker human service providers: Stigma, empathy and immigration attitudes by,
Terrazas, Samuel R., Ph.D., Barry University School of Social Work, 2010
A study of immigration and obesity among recent Mexican immigrants to the New York City area,
by Vilar Compte, Mireya, Ph.D., New York University, 2010
Awareness and knowledge of HIV/AIDS among female Indian university students in South India and as immigrants in the U.S.- Mexico border region,
by Mangadu, Thenral, Ph.D., University of Texas at El Paso, 2010
Comiendo bien: A situational analysis of the transnational processes sustaining and transforming healthy eating among Latino immigrant families in San Francisco,
by Martinez, Airin Denise, Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco, 2010
Contextualizing obesity among Latino farmworkers: A critical analysis of structural and cultural processes affecting farmworker health and nutrition in central Florida,
by Johnson, Melissa H., M.A., University of South Florida, 2010
Effects of generation of immigration on overweight in Canadian youth,
by Quon, Elizabeth, M.A., Concordia University (Canada), 2010
Investigating the social context of immigration-related factors and Asian American health,
by Duldulao, Aileen Alfonso, Ph.D., University of Washington, 2010
Immigration and obesity in African American adults residing in the United States,
by Ade, Julius N., Ph.D., Walden University, 2010
Inequality and health care access: A mixed-methods study of the experiences of Mexican origin families in California,
by Acosta, Pauline Sue, Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2010
Levels of stress and depression among Latinos who have experienced the deportation of a family member,
by Gutierrez, Maria C., M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 2010
Mental health status of Asian and Latino/Caribbean immigrants,
by Lv, Hua, Ph.D., University of Miami, 2010
Mi casa no es su casa: Exploring the psychological consequences of the 2007 New Bedford immigration raid,
by Baillie, Jeanine E., Psy.D., Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, 2010
Psychological stressors of older Korean American women,
by Hwang, Myung Hee Lee, M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 2010
State variations in linguistic competency policies and the effects on immigrant access to health services,
by Kao, Dennis, Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2010
Stress-related depressive symptomatology among Mexican American adolescents: The role of perceived control,
by Fabrett Antunez, Fairlee Cecilia, Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2010
The correlation between adult attachnment style and the incidence of major depressive disorder in Mexican American women,
by Alvarado, Sandra, Ph.D., Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2010
The relationship of acculturation to health outcomes among African immigrant adults: A life-course perspective,
by Okafor, Maria-Theresa C., Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore, 2010
Visual impairment and eye health and safety among Latino farmworkers,
by Verma, Amit, D.P.H., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2010
Asian immigration to and migration within the U.S. 1995-2000,
by Bao, Yang, M.A., State University of New York at Binghamton, 2010
Bands of brothers: The negotiation of identity in the Congregation of the Mission’s Polish Vice-province in the United States, 1903-1975,
by Kaczynski, Charles R., Ph.D., Catholic University of America, 2010
Between foreigners and citizens: Bilinguals in Asian American and Latino literature, 1960-2000,
by Lim, Jeehyun, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2010
Between Gemeinschaft and Gesselschaft: Jewish-American identity from the 1880s to the 1980s,
by Gottlieb, Andrew, Ph.D., Union Institute and University, 2010
Building a movement: Filipino American union and community organizing in Seattle in the 1970s,
by Domingo, Ligaya Rene, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2010
But they did not build this house: The attitude of Evangelical Protestantism towards immigration to the United States, 1800-1924,
by Phalen, William J., Ph.D., Rutgers State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, 2010
Chinese coolies in Cuba and Peru: Race, labor, and immigration, 1839-1886,
by Narvaez, Benjamin Nicolas, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2010
Cultural analysis of the early Japanese immigration to the United States during Meiji to Taisho era (1868-1926),
by O, Hosok, Ph.D., Oklahoma State University, 2010
Deporting the red menace: Russian immigrants, progressive reformers, and the first red scare in Chicago, 1917-1920,
by Orr, Suzanne Elizabeth, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame, 2010
Did the Irish ‘become white’? Global migration and national identity, 1842-1877,
by McMahon, Cian Turlough, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2010
Drawing the boundaries of democracy: Immigrants and citizens in ancient Greek political thought,
by Kasimis, Demetra Fannie, Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2010
Dreams conferred on a distant land: The Indian immigrant experience in greater Chicago, 1965-1995,
by Bhattacharyya, Hira, Ph.D., Purdue University, 2010
Families precede nation and race? Marriage, migration, and integration of Japanese war brides after World War II,
by Nakamura, Masako, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2010
Global migration in transition: The Americas, Europe, and Italian diaspora (1946-1960),
by Maccari-Clayton, Marina, Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2010
How the Irish, Germans, and Czechs became Anglo: Race and identity in the Texas-Mexico borderlands,
by Barber, Marian Jean, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 2010
Intimate encounters, racial frontiers: stateless GI babies in South Korea and the United States, 1953-1965,
by Park, Bongsoo, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2010
Iowa statewide voting patterns 1891-1912: Naturalization does not create voting citizens,
by Atkinson, Sue A., Ph.D., Iowa State University, 2010
Native but foreign: Indigenous transnational refugees and immigrants in the U.S.-Canadian and U.S.-Mexican borderlands, 1880-present,
by Rensink, Brenden, Ph.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2010
National borders, neighborhood boundaries: Gender, space and bBorder formation in Chinese and Mexican Los Angeles, 1871-1938,
by Quintana, Isabella Seong-Leong, Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2010
Neither citizens nor aliens: Filipino ‘American nationals’ in the U.S. empire, 1900-1946,
by Schlimgen, Veta R., Ph.D., University of Oregon, 2010
Paddy and the public Irish immigrants, New York City, and mass culture, 1830-1860,
by McGovern, William Patrick, M.A., Duquesne University, 2010
Race, gender, and citizenship: The removal of Japanese and Japanese Mexicans from the United States/Mexico borderlands during World War II,
by Chew-Smithart, Selfa Alejandra, Ph.D., University of Texas at El Paso, 2010
Relatives, refugees, and reform: Italian Americans and Italian immigration during the Cold War, 1945-1965,
by Battisti, Danielle, Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2010
Rolling for the revolution: A transnational history of Cuban cigar makers in Havana, Florida, and New York City, 1853-1895,
by Daniel, Evan Matthew, Ph.D., New School University, 2010
Seeking the ‘mother of exiles’: A cultural and political history of American refugee policy in the twentieth century,
by O’Flaherty, Katherine M., Ph.D., The University of Maine, 2010
Seeking asylum: German Jewish refugees in South Africa, 1933-1948,
by Stone, Lotta M., Ph.D., Clark University, 2010
The Italian emigration of modern times: Relations between Italy and the United States concerning emigration policy, diplomacy, and anti-immigrant sentiment, 1870-1927,
by Stahle, Patrizia Fama, Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi, 2010
‘The whole world is our country’: Immigration and anarchism in the United States, 1885-1940,
by Zimmer, Kenyon, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 2010
Unguarded border: The movement of people and ideas between the United States and Canada during the Vietnam War era,
by Maxwell, Donald William, Ph.D., Indiana University, 2010
Can using a global perspective help control migration? Ecuador and Spain’s Proyecto Codesarrollo Canar-Murcia,
by Velasquez, Christina L., M.A., University of California, San Diego, 2010
Challenging migrant worker policies in Korea: Settlement and local citizenship,
by Kim, Sagang, Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2010
Comparing immigration policies in Japan and Korea: A historical-institutionalist approach,
by Lee, Byoungha, Ph.D., Rutgers State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, 2010
Controlling migrant workers: Thailand’s perspective,
by Srivarathonbul, Vasu, Ph.D., Northern Illinois University, 2010
Crossing borders, crossing margins: Immigrant women and transnational narrative in contemporary Spain,
by Shepherd, Neica Michelle, Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2010
Cultural anxieties and institutional regulation: ‘Specialized’ mental healthcare and ‘immigrant suffering’ in Paris, France,
by Larchanche, Stephanie, Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis, 2010
Don’t abandon ‘our boat’: Shifting perceptions of emigration in contemporary Senegalese literature and song,
by Rofheart, Mahriana L., Ph.D., Rutgers State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, 2010
Exclusion and everyday citizenship: New York, Paris, Barcelona,
by Castaneda, Ernesto, Ph.D., Columbia University, 2010
Female North African-French students in France: Narratives of educational experiences,
by Murray, Donna L., Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2010
Greeks of Metro-Vancouver: Identity, culture, and community,
by Tsiknis, Stella Panayiota, M.A., Carleton University (Canada), 2010
Immigrants of a different religion: Jewish Argentines and the boundaries of Argentinidad, 1919-2009,
by Dizgun, John, Ph.D., Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, 2010
Immigration and crime rates in Japan: Does an increase in foreign-born people threaten Japanese public safety?
by Kobayashi, Hitoshi, M.P.P., Georgetown University, 2010
Judicial responses to the indefinite detention of non-citizens subject to removal orders: A comparative study of Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada
by Thwaites, Rayner Bartholomew, S.J.D., University of Toronto (Canada), 2010
‘Liberte, egalite, et Fraternite’: Identity, marginalization, and second-generation North African immigrants in France,
by Beaman, Jean Marie, Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2010
North African women in Spain: Dreams and reality, identity, and belonging,
by Pasricha, Laurie Ann, M.A., California State University, Long Beach, 2010
On intolerance and immigration: Understanding perceptions of intra- and extra=diversity in Denmark and Canada,
by Bodington, Malene, M.A., Concordia University (Canada), 2010
Politically divided: A comparative analysis of German right-wing extremist voter support,
by Morgan, Carolyn Marie, M.A., University of Louisville, 2010
Pride and prejudice: The mediational role of socio-cognitive development in the occurrence of PTSD among Mizrahi immigrant veterans in Israel,
by Rosenblum, Amalia, Ph.D., New School University, 2010
Questions of belonging: The rhetoric ofi and national identity in contemporary France,
by Husseini, Rana T., Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2010
The boundaries of national identity defined: Nationalism and immigration trends in post-Soviet Russia,
by Romanova, Ekaterina, Ph.D., George Mason University, 2010
The crisis of francite: An inquiry into French national identity, language and the state through the ages,
by Passie, Kris A., M.A., Colorado State University, 2010
The determinants of destination language proficiency and its impact on labor market outcomes among immigrants in Spain,
by Swedberg Gonzalez, Pablo, Ph.D., Columbia University, 2010
The global and the local: Black Britain and globalization,
by Foster, Brian G., Ph.D., The Claremont Graduate University, 2010
The second immigrant generation in Germany,
by Luthra, Renee Reichl, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
Toward a shift in the migration paradigm: Inclusion, exclusion, immigration, and development in the Cape Verde Islands,
by Jose-Marcelino, Pedro Ferreiro, M.A., York University (Canada),2010
Within and without: Identity and immigration in contemporary European politics,
by Fox, Lisa Courtney, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010
Migration Process
‘In the same boat now’: Peoples of the African diaspora and/as immigrants: The politics of race, migration, and nation in twentieth-century American literature,
by Davis-McElligatt, Joanna Christine, Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 2010
Distant fields: Mexican farmworkers and new immigrant destinations in the United States,
by Jensen, Eric Brandon, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2010
Latino migration and the new global cities: Transnationalism, race, and urban crisis in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1945-2000,
by Barber, Llana, Ph.D., Boston College, 2010
The daily lives of recently arrived immigrant youth: Access and negotiation of capital in a transnational space,
by Jefferies, Julian, Ph.D., Boston College, 2010
Transnational connections of first generation immigrants from Kenya in the United States,
by Kioko, Maria Mwikali, Ph.D., Rutgers State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick, 2010
U.S. and domestic migration decisions of Mexican workers,
by Hong, Gihoon, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2010
‘Ahora marchamos, manana votamos’: Naturalization of Latino immigrants in San Diego and the current immigration reform movement,
by Rodriguez, Norma, M.A., University of California, San Diego, 2010
Analysis of the Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Act,
by Miranda, Raquel D., M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 2010
Are immigrants crime prone? A multifaceted investigation of the relationship between immigration and crime in two eras,
by Bersani, Bianca Elizabeth, Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, 2010
Attitudes toward immigrants and immigration policy,
by Berg, Justin Allen, Ph.D., Washington State University, 2010
Beyond the border: On rhetoric, U.S. immigration, and governmentality,
by Wiebel, Jon Christopher, Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2010
CIRA and the H-2C: Reviewing the potential for future comprehensive immigration reform,
by Hawkins, Brian W., M.A., University of California, San Diego, 2010
Domestic violence in Iowa: Exploring the experiences of Latinas with organizational response,
by Reina, Angelica, M.S., Iowa State University, 2010
Emotional labor, dirty work & the face of immigration at the U.S. Border Patrol,
by Rivera, Kendra Dyanne, Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2010
Examining the citizenship test for immigrants into the U.S.,
by DeVaul, Amanda N., M.S., University of Central Missouri, 2010
287(G) and public safety: Determining the effects of local immigration enforcement on crime,
by Pinheiro, Erika D., M.P.P., Georgetown University, 2010
Framing Illegality in the United States: Sonic Culture, Power and the Politics of Representation
by Arellano, Gerardo Nunez, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2010
Framing immigration: The impact of 9/11 and the London train bombings on the portrayals of immigrants and immigration in the print media ,
by Niles, Beau, Ph.D., University of Florida, 2010
Generational status and offending among a sample of Hispanic adolescents,
by Lopez, Kristina, M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio, 2010
Give me your young, your educated, and your talented: Explaining the international diffusion of the points immigration system,
by Duncan, Natasha T., Ph.D., Purdue University, 2010
Group threat and democratic equality: Measuring the impact of immigration on state-level civil rights enforcement,
by Van Slooten, Pippi, Ph.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2010
Immigrant naturalization and nation-building in North America,
by Aptekar, Sofya, Ph.D., Princeton University, 2010
Immigration and institutional change in the receiving country,
by Zhirnov, Andrey Yevgenyevich, M.A., State University of New York at Binghamton, 2010
Immigrant family, national borders: Mainstream and diasporic news media, audiences, and the Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act,
by Martin, MaryAnn Elizabeth, Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2010
Immigration, space, time, and border politics: The persistence of ‘Touch of Evil’ in contemporary U.S. media visions of the borderlands,
by Toohey, David E., Ph.D., University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2010
Justice and the foreigner: Illegal alienage and the dilemmas of law and government in Mmodern America,
by Murthy, Hamsa M., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2010
Library services in U.S. immigration detention facilities,
by Chin, Stephanie Lan, M.L.I.S., San Jose State University, 2010
Making citizens: The rhetoric, practice, and educational implications of the new United States naturalization exam,
by Fruja, Ramona Maria, Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2010
Moral panics and the criminalization of immigration: America’s response to post-9/11 federal regulations and the USA PATRIOT Act,
by Hauptman, Samantha M., Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 2010
Narratives of power and the power of narratives: Transformation along the U.S.-Mexico border,
by Cormier, Caroline L., M.A., University of Toronto (Canada), 2010
Neoliberal captivity: Criminalization of Latina migrants and the construction of irrecuperability,
by Escobar, Martha D., Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 2010
Ni de aqui ni de alla: Transnationalism and political participation in Latino/a communities,
by Garcia-Rios, Sergio I., M.A., University of Texas at El Paso, 2010
Organizing the Brown Tide: La Gran Epoca Primavera 2006 en Los Angeles, an insider’s story,
by Diaz, Jesse, Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, 2010
Policy analysis of the immigration reform and control act of 1986 ,
by Cruz, Maribel, M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 2010
Praying with our feet: Religion and immigration politics in the new sanctuary movement,
by Yukich, Grace, Ph.D., New York University, 2010
Restrictive discourse manufacturing reactionary solutions to internal causes: A qualitative Mmedia analysis of immigration policy discourse,
by de la Fuente, Nicolas Antonio, M.A., Arizona State University, 2010
Should hepatitis B screening be Aadded to the United States immigration medical exam? A cost-Uutility model,
by Beca, Jaclyn, M.Sc., University of Toronto (Canada), 2010
Texas Rangers to Border Patrol, the shift in border security in the 1920s: The legacy of undemocratic and often violent origins,
by Arriaga, Rodolfo, M.A., University of Texas - Pan American, 2010
The increasing significance of race: The effects of race and immigration on violent and property crime for white, black, and Latino neighborhoods,
by Reedus, LaTashia R., Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2010
The long-term consequences of immigration politics,
by Monogan, James E., III, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010
The relationship between the undocumented immigrant battered Latina and U.S. immigration policy: ‘I feel at peace here, I don’t want to leave’,
by Mowder, Denise L., Ph.D., Washington State University, 2010
The rescaling of U.S. immigration policy: A socio-spatial analysis of enforcement in Herndon, Virginia,
by Svajlenka, Nicole Prchal, M.A., George Washington University, 2010
The role of perceived collective anger and fear on policy support in response to terrorist threat,
by Kim, Jaeshin, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2010
The U.S.-Mexico border fence: An exploration of the effectiveness of this immigration policy,
by Garza, Froylan, M.P.A., University of Texas - Pan American, 2010
Toward a more deliberative public sphere: A case study of immigration policy discourse in Rhode Island,
by Edgerly, Louisa S., Ph.D., University of Washington, 2010
Trafficking in meaning: Law, victims, and the state,
by Peters, Alicia W., Ph.D., Columbia University, 2010
Understanding the ‘new nativism’: Causes and consequences for immigration policy attitudes in the United States,
by Knoll, Benjamin Richard, Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 2010
Where’s the ‘public’ in public policy: Skewed democratic pluralism vs. nuanced public opinion in attitudes toward unauthorized immigrants,
by Kay, Ward, Ph.D., George Mason University, 2010
Afghan refugee students’ academic and social experiences in a U.S. high school,
by Almazyed, Maysoon, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2010
A local community addresses the linguistic needs of refugees,
by Kielczewski, Sarah-Anne Laster, M.A., Arizona State University, 2010
‘At least eight or ten children’: The paradox of post-resettlement fertility among African refugees in central Massachusetts,
by Sarkis, Marianne, Ph.D., Florida State University, 2010
Coping with the crisis: Migration and settlement decisions of Yucateco migrants to the United States,
by Hartman, Georgia Lynne, M.A., University of California, San Diego, 2010
Regulating refugees: The relationship between regime type and political asylum in China and Malaysia,
by Seng, Erica Lauren, M.A., American University, 2010
The impact of 9/11 on the judicial treatment of Middle East asylum applicants in the U.S. courts,
by Gordon, Louis, Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2010
Translating law and lives: Asylum and legal aid in Athens,
by Cabot, Heath, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010
‘We will always be in the shadows’: A qualitative descriptive study of undocumented Latino immigrants surviving in the United States,
by Mendez-Shannon, Elizabeth C., Ph.D., University of Iowa, 2010
Evolving communities, evolving faiths: A three-article series on Hispanics and religion in North Carolina,
by Hendershot, Eva, M.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010
From traditional to missional church: Describing a contextual model of change for ingrown Korean diaspora church in North America,
by Lee, Gil Pyo, D.Miss., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2010
Preparing seminarians for preaching among immigrant communities,
by Henson, Joel, D.Min., Aquinas Institute of Theology, 2010
The best of both worlds: How word of faith Pentecostalism teaches Latino immigrants to become Americans,
by Lin, Tony Tian-Ren, Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2010
The bonds of faith: Religion and community among Nigerian immigrants in the U.S., 1965-present,
by McComb, Veronica Savory, Ph.D., Boston University, 2010
Training Hispanic layman to minister in the United States,
by Boswell, James Beryl, D.Min., Liberty University, 2010
‘A new American comes “home”’: Race, nation, and the immigration of Korean War adoptees, ‘GI babies,’ and brides,
by Woo, Susie, Ph.D., Yale University, 2010
Authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles: A cross-cultural study of Armenian American and European Americans’ parenting styles of young children,
by Baghdaserians, Elmida S., Ed.D., Pepperdine University, 2010
Career development of second-Ggeneration immigrant women,
by Mikhail, Anne Marie, Ph.D., McGill University (Canada), 2010
Detention to reintegration in the context of the 1996 Immigration Reform Act: Life experiences of immigrant women Ddeported to Trinidad and Tobago,
by Gomes, Maria Therese, Ph.D., Howard University, 2010
Experiences of separation from caregivers during immigration: Adult attachment style and responses to separation-related words and pictures in African-Caribbean immigrants,
by Harris, Lauren, Ph.D., Long Island University, The Brooklyn Center, 2010
Exploring the effects of limited English language proficiency on disability: A pilot study of adult Chinese-, Japanese-, and Korean-language Sspeakers in the United States,
by Qiao, Xiaofei, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2010
Exploring sense of indebtedness toward parents among Korean American youth,
by Kang, Hyeyoung, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010
Family separation and changes in peer relationships among early adolescent Latino youth: Examining the mediating role of family relationships,
by House, L. Duane, Ph.D., Georgia State University, 2010
From Kabul to the academy: Narratives of Afghan women’s journeys to and through U.S. doctoral programs,
by Aryan, Bushra, Ph.D., University of Denver, 2010
Home away from home: Paradoxes of nostalgia in the lives of first generation immigrant girls,
by Miyazawa, Kaoru, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University, 2010
Immigration as a theologizing experience: Spiritual well-being as a moderating factor in migratory grief and acculturation,
by Sharp, Irma A., Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago, 2010
In search of authorship in dialogue from ‘be| |tween’: A grounded theory of first language loss in children of immigrants,
by Choi, Jean, Psy.D., The Wright Institute, 2010
Latino immigrant mothers’ experiences and adapations to promote personal and family wellness in response to increased anti-immigrant climate,
by Corona-Ordonez, Hercilia B., M.A., University of Massachusetts Boston, 2010
Latino paternal involvement: The role of acculturation, ethnic identity, and machismo,
by Glass, Jon Andrew, Ph.D., Gannon University, 2010
Lenguas migrantes: Learning from the multiple border crossings of Mexican immigrant children,
by Torres-Guevara, Rosario, Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University, 2010
Mail-order bride marriages: The case of Afghan women in California,
by Langary, Sayid Sattar, M.A., California State University, Fullerton, 2010
Mixed-status families and public assistance: The impact on both states & families,
by Vargas, Edward D., Ph.D., Indiana University, 2010
My heart was over there with you and I was here: Exploring the immigration narratives of families separated during the course of migration,
by Lopez, Monica Elizabeth, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2010
Psychosocial adjustment to widowhood and refugee status: Consequences of the 1979 invasion of Afghanistan by the former Soviet Union on Afghan women who came to America,
by Sartip, Maha Yousufzai, Ph.D., Walden University, 2010
Romanian-American spouses’ perception of gender roles: A grounded theory,
by Chelbegean, Romulus, Ph.D., Loma Linda University, 2010
The lived experience of mothers as they sought health care for their internationally adopted children,
by Murphy, Natalie L., Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University, 2010
The second wave: Contemporary sub-Saharan African migration to the United States and the role of gender,
by Rivers, Natasha Marie, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
Toward a new model of intervention with Latino families surviving domestic violence,
by Garcia-Leeds, Claudia B., Ph.D., City University of New York, 2010
Transnational motherhood: The impact of immigration-related mother-child separation on Latina mothers,
by Graham, Sheila Vanessa, Ph.D., Columbia University, 2010
Unaccompanied migrant youth: Negotiating (il)legality and pursuing justice,
by Heidbrink, Lauren, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2010
Work experiences of professional West Indian immigrant women in the United States: An exploratory study,
by Barrett, Kyla-Gaye Simone, Psy.D., Rutgers State University of New Jersey, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, 2010