The latest Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 likely voters continues to show that President Biden is vulnerable on the issue of immigration. When asked, “Is the current situation with migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border a crisis?”, 66 percent said “yes” while just 20 percent said “no.” Thirteen percent were unsure if the current situation is a crisis. While not as unfavorable as the April Harvard-Harris poll that found that 80 percent of registered voters believe the current surge of illegal aliens at the border is “a crisis that needs to be addressed immediately”, a similar 20 percent in that poll did not believe the situation is a crisis. The difference is the undecided voters in the Rasmussen poll. Still, both recent polls continue a trend of a majority of Americans opposing the Biden administration’s handling of the border.
The full results of the Rasmussen poll are behind a paywall, but according to CNSNews, the majority of Americans consider Biden policies to be responsible for the border crisis. When asked whether “the nation’s current immigration problems” are due to former President Trump or President Biden’s policies, 50 percent blame the latter, 41 percent the former, and 9 percent are unsure who to blame. Yet among voters who believe there is a border crisis, 69 percent blame Biden administration policies. Similarly, among the 20 percent of respondents who do not believe the situation at the border is a crisis, 74 percent blame former President Trump.
The Rasmussen poll was conducted on May 9-10, 2021. The margin of error is +/- 3 percent with a 95 percent confidence level.