The Atlantic has published a piece by two eminences grises of the Left’s mass immigration project arguing that the Left’s mass immigration project is responsible for the election of Trump.
Great news, right? Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, no?
You can see why casual readers might read the article as a notable and encouraging sign. The authors, longtime activists Cecilia Muñoz and Frank Sharry, write, “We believe that immigration has become a losing issue for Democrats over the past decade because elected leaders have followed progressive advocates to the left, beyond the political space available to them.”
Except that the authors are two of the progressive activists most responsible for the poisoning of our immigration politics, and they repent of nothing. They complain about the “militant demands” and “confrontational tactics” of their immigration-activist allies, painting themselves as “pragmatists” favoring “moderation.”
But their moderate, pragmatic solution is just the same tired old “comprehensive immigration reform” (CIR) — i.e., fraudulent promises of future enforcement in exchange for up-front amnesty and hugely increased legal immigration — the pursuit of which is why we’re here in the first place.
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