
By Mark Krikorian on June 12, 2008

D.A. King is a dynamo in Georgia, working tirelessly for tougher immigration enforcement. He's a normal patriot — no Zionist conspiracy hogwash or anything like that — and has been published in the Atlanta paper and elsewhere and been on Fox, CNN, etc. Imagine my surprise, then, when I learned that he's been blacklisted by the Washington Post. And I don't mean that metaphorically. He submitted a letter in response to Jim Hoagland's recent column about "pooling" American sovereignty (I blogged on the column here), got a positive response about publishing it from an editorial page staffer, then received the following:

As you know, I liked the letter, but an editor here said that The Post will not print letters from your group.

(D.A. tells the story here.) Now, papers don't have to print anything they don't want to. But maintaining this kind of formal blacklist for a mainstream group, however much the paper may not like its politics, is repellent. What's worse, it looks like this isn't the result of one editor's prejudices, but rather the Post's joining La Raza's anti-free speech campaign, We Can Stop the Hate.

It won't be long now before we get our own "Human Rights Tribunals" like the one conducting Mark Steyn's show trial in Canada.