The "American Connection" to Terrorism

By Dan Cadman on May 29, 2014

Even as the media are reporting that the wind-down of the war in Afghanistan may be paired with a wind-up of involvement in the Syrian civil war — by means, for instance, of a possible White House request to provide direct military aid in the form of weapons to insurgents fighting the al Assad regime — we hear that one of the insurgent groups, al Nusra, a radical Islamist organization with al Qaeda connections, is trumpeting a successful suicide bombing by an American with the nom-de-guerre of Abu Hurayra Al-Amriki (literally "The American Keeper of the Kitten").

For those who are unaware, cats hold a particularly special place in Islamic fundamentalist thinking because, unlike dogs which are considered unclean, cats were beloved of Muhammed. Thus the reason for the name, as well as for the picture released by al Nusra of the individual who allegedly martyred himself holding a cat. (The original Abu Hurayra (or Hurairah) was a seventh-century companion of Muhammed.)

As of the moment, American law enforcement sources are declining to identify the individual as an American citizen, describing him instead as "having an American connection".

This is an intriguing distinction to make. One might reasonably conclude that the individual was perhaps a resident alien or, like Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev of Boston Marathon bombing infamy, an individual who availed himself of our government's overly generous (and often troubling) propensity to grant refuge or asylum even to fraudsters, criminals, and those who hate us and would do us harm.

Let us hope that more comes out on who, exactly, this individual was and how he came to be known as "The American". If in fact an alien, let us also ask hard questions about the system of "risk management" that our Department of Homeland Security and its subordinate immigration agencies claim to be using to protect the American people. After all, suicide bombing in Syria this time, some place on American soil the next.