With a staff of fewer than two dozen people, the Center for Immigration Studies has been instrumental in many of the changes that we’ve seen over the past four years. This includes key improvements in interior enforcement, security vetting, refugee resettlement, asylum policy, and visa rules. Overall, growth in the foreign-born population was reduced from roughly 650,000 a year to a more manageable annual increase of 200,000. Our research played a role in bringing about all of these changes.
The likely arrival of a new administration presents a whole new set of challenges. Joe Biden has already pledged to reverse many of the actions taken by President Trump. He has vowed to enact a moratorium on deportations, reinstate the DACA amnesty, and end the travel ban from countries that pose a high risk of terrorism and are a security concern to the United States.
In the face of these changes, the Center will be one of the only voices making the case for sensible immigration policies that protect our national security while promoting economic and social cohesion. We will do this by continuing to produce in-depth and reliable research that is trusted by all three branches of government, as well as state and local policymakers.
Our staff has testified before Congress more than 130 times over the past 20 years. We’ve testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and our work has been cited by the Supreme Court and the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General. We’ve done contract work for the Census Bureau and the Justice Department. Our legal policy analyst was a counsel for the House Judiciary Committee and served for a number of years as an immigration judge. Our director of research was selected by the National Academies of Sciences as an outside reviewer for their magisterial study of the fiscal and economic impacts of immigration.
We are also one of the most cited immigration groups in the media, competing with the much larger and better funded organizations pushing for an anti-borders agenda that creates fiscal deficits and social upheaval while marginalizing the most vulnerable.
Whatever happens in the coming year, our voice will not be silenced. We will continue to help shape immigration policy as this issue becomes ever more critical. But to do this we need your help. With your (tax-deductible) donation, you can invest in our important work.