RE: DHS Docket No. USCIS-2024-0005: Application of Certain Mandatory Bars in Fear Screenings

By Elizabeth Jacobs on June 19, 2024

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) respectfully submits the following public comment to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in response to the agency’s request for information, as published in the Federal Register on May 13, 2024. See Application of Certain Mandatory Bars in Fear Screenings; Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM); DHS Docket No. USCIS-2024-0005; RIN: 1615-AC91.

CIS is a national, nonprofit, public-interest organization comprised of millions of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation's immigration laws must be enforced, and that policies must be reformed to better serve the national interest. CIS examines trends and effects, educates the public on the impacts of sustained high-volume immigration, and advocates for sensible solutions that enhance America’s environmental, societal, and economic interests today, and into the future.