The headline above and the text below are direct quotes from a December 29 Border Patrol press release:
On December 26, 2014, at approximately 2:00 pm, Border Patrol Agents assigned to the Rio Grande City Station conducting line-watch duties near Rio Grande City, Texas, came upon an abandoned water buffalo. As the agents approached the water buffalo, they noticed a distinct smell of marijuana ...
One wonders, did the poor, abandoned critter have bad breath, or perhaps some digestive troubles. Was it even alive?
Not to worry, in rural Texas a water buffalo can be a truck carrying a large tank for water. The press release continues:
Due to the lid of the container not being attached, agents were able to observe several bundles of marijuana in plain view.
Whew, for a moment there I was starting to think about those nasty (but creative) drug smugglers, and how much trouble they would be in with the animal rights groups, for whatever they had done to that poor animal!
To give the BP pressies a bit of credit, they did illustrate the press release with a photo of the object in question.