Immigration Reading List, 1/20/12

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1. DHS IG report on fraud detection policies and procedures
2. Latest issue of CBP magazine, Frontline
3. Latest issues of DOJ EOIR Immigration Law Advisor
4. CRS report on immigration enforcement between ports of entry
5. GAO report on USCIS grants program assessment
6. U.K.: Statistics on asylum applications and child detentions
7. Netherlands: Statistics on emigration, immigration, and population




8. New report from TRAC
9. New survey on public attitudes toward immigration from Gallup
10. New report from FAIR - 'Recent Demographic Change in Arizona'
11. New report from the Pew Hispanic Center
12. Ten new reports from the Institute for the Study of Labor
13. Three new reports from the Migration Policy Institute
14. New working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research
15. Eleven new papers from the Social Science Research Network
16. New report from the International Organization for Migration
17. New report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
18. 'Strength in Diversity: The Economic and Political Impact of Immigrants, Latinos and Asians State by State'
19. 'Accessing Justice: The Availability and Adequacy of Counsel in Immigration Proceedings'
20. 'The Wrong Approach: State Anti-Immigration Legislation in 2011'
21. 'Displaced, unequal and criminalized'
22. 'The Impact of Immigration on Child Health: Experimental Evidence From a Migration Lottery Program'
23. 'On Becoming Mexican in Napa: Mexican Immigrant Girls Negotiating Challenges to Transnational Identities'
24. 'Borders and 'Belongers': Transnational Identities, Border Security, and Cross-Border Socio-Economic Integration...'
25. 'Invited Migration from Argentina, Hispanidad, and Spain's Tightened Borders:'
26. 'The Drivers of International Migration to the UK: A Panel-Based Bayesian Model Averaging Approach'
27. 'When Scholarship Disturbs Narrative: Lan Lustick on Israel's Migration Balance'






28. Emigrant Homecomings: The Return Movement of Emigrants, 1600-2000
29. No Undocumented Child Left Behind: Plyler v. Doe and the Education of Undocumented Schoolchildren
30. Marginal Workers: How Legal Fault Lines Divide Workers and Leave Them without Protection
31. Migration and Remittances from Mexico: Trends, Impacts, and New Challenges
32. Human Rights and Migration: Trafficking for Forced Labour
33. Europe's Angry Muslims: The Revolt of The Second Generation
34. Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations
35. Diaspora Diplomacy: Philippine Migration and its Soft Power Influences
36. Darkness Before Daybreak: African Migrants Living on the Margins in Southern Italy Today
37. Making and Faking Kinship: Marriage and Labor Migration Between China and South Korea






38. The Cato Journal
39. Ethnic and Racial Studies
40. International Migration Review
41. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
42. Latino Studies
43. Migration News
45. Rural Migration News

The Effects of USCIS Adjudication Procedures and Policies on Fraud Detection by Immigration Services Officers
DHS Office of Inspector General, OIG-12-24, January 5, 2012


U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Vol. 4, No. 4, Winter, 2012


Super Circuit?: Random Musings on 2011’s Top Twenty
By Edward R. Grant
Immigration Law Advisor, Vol. 5 No. 10, November-December, 2011


New from the Congressional Research Service

Border Security: Immigration Enforcement Between Ports of Entry
By Marc R. Rosenblum
CRS Report for Congress, January 6, 2012


New from the General Accountability Office

Immigrant Integration: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Could Better Assess Its Grants Program
Government Accountability Office, GAO-12-274, December 16, 2011
Report -
Highlights -


Monthly asylum application tables - October 2011
U.K. Home Office, December 29, 2011

Children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers November 2011
U.K. Home Office, December 29, 2011


Emigrants in their fifties and sixties wealthier than same-age Dutch residents
Statistics Netherlands, January 12, 2012

Dutch people who emigrate between the ages of 50 and 70 are on average richer than their peers who stayed in the Netherlands. The largest gap is found among married men belonging to the younger segment of the older generation. Divorced men who settle abroad are in fact poorer than their counterparts living in the Netherlands.
Most older emigrants in their fifties and sixties

The number of Dutch emigrants aged 50 years or older has steadily grown since 2000. Nine in ten are in their fifties or sixties; over-70s rarely leave the Netherlands to settle elsewhere. Between 2000 and 2010, more than 56 thousand native Dutch in their fifties or sixties left the Netherlands. With 31 thousand, the number of native Dutch returning to the Netherlands is significantly lower. Net migration in this age category has been negative for a number of years now.

Immigration and emigration hit new record high in 2011
Statistics Netherlands, January 11, 2012

On 1 January 2012, the Netherlands had a population in excess of 16.7 million. On balance, the population growth in 2011 was 72 thousand, i.e. 9 thousand fewer than in 2010. In 2011, there were more immigrants and emigrants than in 2010, but fewer births.
160 thousand immigrants

With 160 thousand people, immigration hit a new record high in 2011. The increase relative to 2010 is 6 thousand. Immigration started to grow in 2006 and continues to date. The growth mainly comes from new as well as long-standing member states of the European Union.

Emigration also increased; 133 thousand people settled abroad, 12 thousand more than in 2010. After a sharp decline since 2007, emigration has grown again over the past two years.

Dutch population to hit 17 million by 2016
Statistics Netherlands, December 23, 2011

In 2016, the projected population of the Netherlands will reach 17 million. There is a bigger chance that the 17 millionth resident will be a newborn baby than an immigrant. In the next five years, 180 thousand babies will be born every year and 160 thousand immigrants are projected to enter the country on an annual basis. Annual mortality will average 140 thousand and approximately the same amount of people will leave the country to settle elsewhere. The emigrants are – for a large part – former immigrants.


New from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University

Agency's Immigration Enforcement Claims Not Supported By Own Data
January 2012

Syracuse, N.Y. — Case-by-case records provided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show that many fewer individuals were apprehended, deported or detained by the agency than were claimed in its official statements — congressional testimony, press releases, and the agency's latest 2010 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics.

The ICE data was provided to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University in late December, almost two years — 582 days — after TRAC had requested it on May 17, 2010.

Details about the vast differences between the agency activities documented by the data and its public statements are laid out in a FOIA appeal filed by TRAC on January 4. The surprising size of the discrepancies, the TRAC appeal said, indicated that either 'ICE has been making highly exaggerated and inaccurate claims about the level of its enforcement activities,' or it is 'withholding on a massive scale.'


New survey from Gallup

Americans' Immigration Concerns Linger
Nearly two-thirds are dissatisfied with the current level of immigration
By Lymari Morales
Gallup, January 17, 2012

It is important to note that Gallup's question does not distinguish between legal and illegal immigration, a distinction that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney brought up in Monday night's debate in South Carolina. Romney did not dispute that he takes a tougher stance against illegal immigration than his Republican rivals, but said 'I love legal immigration.' Without that distinction, Americans have consistently favored a decrease in immigration over an increase, including in a different Gallup poll conducted in June 2011.

With the exception of the controversy over Arizona's immigration law, which Americans tended to favor when it was enacted, immigration has not received significant national attention over the past four years. Perhaps as a result, and because of seemingly more pressing economic issues, immigration is not high on Americans' priority list at the moment. In the current survey, 3% mention it as the nation's most important problem, compared with 11% in January 2008.


New report from FAIR

Recent Demographic Change in Arizona: Anatomy of Effective Immigration Reform Legislation
By Jack Martin
January 2012


New from the Pew Hispanic Center

President’s Approval Rating Drops, but He Leads 2012 Rivals
As Deportations Rise to Record Levels, Most Latinos Oppose Obama’s Policy
By Mark Hugo Lopez, Ana Gonzalez-Barrera and Seth Motel
December 28, 2011

Disapproval of Obama's policy is most widespread among those who are aware that deportations have risen during his tenure. Among this group, more than three-quarters (77%) disapprove of the way his administration is handling the issue of deportations. Among those who are not aware that an increase has occurred, slightly more than half disapprove.

Awareness of the level of deportations is higher among foreign-born Hispanics than among native-born Hispanics—55% versus 25%. It is even higher among those who are most at risk of deportation. Seven-in-ten (71%) Hispanic immigrants who are not U.S. citizens and do not have a green card—a group that closely aligns with the unauthorized immigrant population2—say the Obama administration has deported more unauthorized immigrants than the Bush administration.


New from the Institute for the Study of Labor

1. Are All Migrants Really Worse Off in Urban Labour Markets? New Empirical Evidence from China
By Jason Gagnon, Theodora Xenogiani, and Chunbing Xing
Discussion Paper No. 6268, December 2011

2. Immigration: The European Experience
By Christian Dustmann and Tommaso Frattini
Discussion Paper No. 6261, December 2011

3. Pitfalls of Immigrant Inclusion into the European Welfare State
By Martin Kahanec, Anna Myunghee Kim, and Klaus F. Zimmermann
Discussion Paper No. 6260, December 2011

4. H-1Bs: How Do They Stack Up to US Born Workers?
By Magnus Lofstrom and Joseph Hayes
Discussion Paper No. 6259, December 2011

5. The Labor Market Effects of Immigration and Emigration in OECD Countries
By FrEdEric Docquier, Caglar Ozden, and Giovanni Peri
Discussion Paper No. 6258, December 2011

6. Assimilation in Multilingual Cities
By Javier Ortega and Gregory Verdugo
Discussion Paper No. 6243, December 2011

7. The Impact of Parents' Years since Migration on Children's Academic Achievement
By Helena Skyt Nielsen and Beatrice Schindler Rangvid
Discussion Paper No. 6242, December 2011

8. Immigration Policy and Entrepreneurship
By Stephane Mahuteau, Matloob Piracha, Massimiliano Tani, Matias Vaira Lucero
Discussion Paper No. 6238, December 2011

9. How Immigrant Children Affect the Academic Achievement of Native Dutch Children
By Asako Ohinata and Jan C. van Ours
Discussion Paper No. 6212, December 2011

10. Immigrant Enclaves and Crime
By Brian Bell and Stephen Machin
Discussion Paper No. 6205, December 2011


New from the Migration Policy Institute

1. Chinese Immigrants in the United States
By Kristen McCabe
Migration Information Source, January 2012

2. Living In Between: The Chinese in South Africa
By Yoon Jung Park
Migration Information Source, January 2012

3. China's Young Rural-to-Urban Migrants: In Search of Fortune, Happiness, and Independence
By Xiaochu Hu
Migration Information Source, January 2012


New from the National Bureau of Economic Research

The Competitiveness Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Policies
By Joseph E. Aldy and William A. Pizer
NBER Working Paper No. 17705, December 2011


New from the Social Science Research Network

1. Crime and Enforcement in Immigrant Neighborhoods: Evidence from New York City
By Garth Davies, Simon Fraser University School of Criminology and Jeffrey Fagan, Columbia Law School
Columbia Public Law Research Paper No. 12-292

2. The Prospects and Challenges of Educational Reform for Latino Undocumented Children: An Essay Examining Alabama’s H.B. 56 and Other State Immigration Measures
By Maria Pabon Lopez, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law; Diomedes J. Tsitouras, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law; and Pierce C. Azuma
Loyola New Orleans Law Research Paper

3. Measuring the Climate for Immigrants: A State-by-State Analysis
By Huyen Pham, Texas Wesleyan University School of Law and Van H. Pham, Baylor University Department of Economics
The Role of the States in Immigration Enforcement and Policy, Gabriel Jack Chin and Carissa Hessick, eds., New York University Press, 2012

4. Detrimental Reliance on Detrimental Reliance: The Courts’ Conflicting Standards for the Retroactive Application of New Immigration Laws to Past Acts
By Anjum Gupta, Rutgers School of Law Newark
Rutgers Law Review, Forthcoming

5. The Rights of Noncitizens in the United States
By Susan Bibler Coutin
Annual Review of Law and Social Science, Vol. 7, 2011

6. Recentering Foreign Affairs Preemption in Arizona V. United States: Federal Plenary Power, the Spheres of Government, and the Constitutionality of S.B. 1070
By Patrick J. Charles, Government of the United States of America - Air Force
Cleveland State Law Review, Vol. 60, No. 1, 2012

7. Prosecutorial Discretion in Deportation Cases: The Enforcement Priorities of the Department of Homeland Security
By Jean Pierre Espinoza
Journal of the Lakeland Bar Association, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2011

8. Between Control and Assistance: The Problem of European Accommodation Centres for Asylum Seekers
By Alice Szczepanikova, Inst. for the Analysis of Society and Politics, J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
International Migration, Forthcoming

9. To License or Not to License? A Look at Differing Approaches to Policing the Activities of Nonlawyer Immigration Service Providers
By Careen Shannon, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
Cardozo Law Review, Vol. 33, No. 2, December 2011

10. Immigration and National Security: The Illusion of Safety Through Local Law Enforcement Action
By David A. Harris, University of Pittsburgh - School of Law
Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, Vol. 28, 2011
University of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2011-27

11. German-Jewish Emigres and U.S. Invention
By Petra Moser, Stanford University; Alessandra Voena, Harvard University; and Fabian Waldinger, University of Warwick Department of Economics
December 15, 2011


New from the International Organization for Migration

The State of Environmental Migration 2010
Edited by Francois Gemenne, Pauline Brucker, and Joshua Glasser
December 2011


New from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Sweden 2011
OECD Publishing, January 2012


Strength in Diversity: The Economic and Political Impact of Immigrants, Latinos and Asians State by State
Immigration Policy Center, January 2012


Accessing Justice: The Availability and Adequacy of Counsel in Immigration Proceedings
Study Group on Immigrant Representation
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, December 2011


The Wrong Approach: State Anti-Immigration Legislation in 2011
By A. Elena Lacayo,
National Council of La Raza, January 10, 2012


Displaced, unequal and criminalized
Fighting for the Rights of Migrants in the United States
By David Bacon
The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 2011


The Impact of Immigration on Child Health: Experimental Evidence From a Migration Lottery Program
By Steven Stillman, John Gibson, and David McKenzie
Economic Inquiry, Volume 50, No. 1, January 2012


On becoming Mexican in Napa: Mexican immigrant girls negotiating challenges to transnational identities
By Lilia Soto
Social Identities, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 2012


Borders and 'Belongers': Transnational Identities, Border Security, and Cross-Border Socio-Economic Integration in the United States Borderlands with Canada and the British Virgin Islands
By Victor Konrad and John Everitt
Comparative American Studies, Volo. 9, No. 4, December 2011


Invited Migration from Argentina, Hispanidad, and Spain's Tightened Borders: Ariadna Pujol's Documentary, Aguaviva (2006)
By Sohyun Lee
Comparative American Studies, Volo. 9, No. 4, December 2011


The drivers of international migration to the UK: A panel-based Bayesian model averaging approach
By James Mitchell, Nigel Pain, and Rebecca Riley
The Economic Journal, Vol. 121, No. 557, December 2011


When Scholarship Disturbs Narrative: Lan Lustick on Israel's Migration Balance
By Sergio DellaPergola
Israel Studies Review, Vol. 26, No. 2, Winter 2011


Emigrant Homecomings: The Return Movement of Emigrants, 1600-2000
Edited by Marjory Harper

Manchester University Press, 228 pp.

Paperback, ISBN: 0719070716, $75.00

Book Description: Emigrant Homecomings addresses the significant but neglected issue of return migration to Britain and Europe since 1600. While emigration studies have become prominent in both scholarly and popular circles in recent years, return migration has remained comparatively under-researched, despite evidence that in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, between a quarter and a third of all emigrants from many parts of Britain and Europe ultimately returned to their countries of origin. Emigrant Homecomings analyzes the motives, experiences, and impact of these returning migrants in a wide range of locations over four hundred years, as well as examining the mechanisms and technologies which enabled their return. The book examines the multiple identities that migrants adopted and the huge range and complexity of homecomers' motives and experiences. It also dissects migrants' perception of 'home' and the social, economic, cultural, and political ch!
ange that their return engendered.


No Undocumented Child Left Behind: Plyler v. Doe and the Education of Undocumented Schoolchildren
By Michael Olivas

NYU Press, 208 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0814762441, $35.00

Kindle, 504 KB, ASIN: B006L2BXZ2, $15.40

Book Description: The 1982 U. S. Supreme Court case of Plyler v. Doe, which made it possible for undocumented children to enroll in Texas public schools, was a watershed moment for immigrant rights in the United States. The Court struck down both a state statute denying funding for education to undocumented children and a municipal school district's attempt to charge an annual $1,000 tuition fee for each undocumented student to compensate for the lost state funding. Yet while this case has not returned to the Supreme Court, it is frequently contested at the state and local level.

In No Undocumented Child Left Behind, Michael A. Olivas tells a fascinating history of the landmark case, examining how, 30 years later, Plyler v. Doe continues to suffer from implementation issues and requires additional litigation and vigilance to enforce the ruling. He takes a comprehensive look at the legal regime it established regarding the education of undocumented school children, moves up through its implementation, including direct and indirect attacks on it, and closes with the ongoing, highly charged debates over the Development, Relief, and Education for Minors (DREAM) Act, which aims to give conditional citizenship to undocumented college students who graduated from US high schools and have been in the country for at least five years.


Marginal Workers: How Legal Fault Lines Divide Workers and Leave Them without Protection
By Caren Grown and Ruben Garcia

NYU Press, 200 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0814732216, $45.00

Kindle, 481 KB, ASIN: 0814732216, $28.80

Book Description: Undocumented and authorized immigrant laborers, female workers, workers of color, guest workers, and unionized workers together compose an enormous and diverse part of the labor force in America. Labor and employment laws are supposed to protect employees from various workplace threats, such as poor wages, bad working conditions, and unfair dismissal. Yet as members of individual groups with minority status, the rights of many of these individuals are often dictated by other types of law, such as constitutional and immigration laws. Worse still, the groups who fall into these cracks in the legal system often do not have the political power necessary to change the laws for better protection.

In Marginal Workers, Ruben J. Garcia demonstrates that when it comes to these marginal workers, the sum of the law is less than its parts, and, despite what appears to be a plethora of applicable statutes, marginal workers are frequently lacking in protection. To ameliorate the status of marginal workers, he argues for a new paradigm in worker protection, one based on human freedom and rights, and points to a number of examples in which marginal workers have organized for greater justice on the job in spite of the weakness of the law.


Migration and Remittances from Mexico: Trends, Impacts, and New Challenges
By Alfredo Cuecuecha and Carla Pederzini

Lexington Books, 276 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0739169793, $75.00

Book Description: Migration and Remittances from Mexico: Trends, Impacts, and New Challenges, edited by Alfredo Cuecuecha and Carla Pederzini, compiles twelve articles on the migration phenomenon from Mexico and other Latin American countries to the United States.

The first part of the book provides an overview of three recent surveys, all carried out in Mexico. The surveys consider international migration flows from Mexico to the US, the characteristics of migrants, and some of the causes and effects of migration in Mexico both for national and rural samples. The next section of the book analyzes the factors that explain the relationship between internal migration and human development. Then, the authors look at different issues of migration from Mexico and Latin American countries to the US. The topics include female educational selection in migrants from Mexico to the US, the impact of differences in the US-Mexico labor market outcomes on the migratory flow, the working conditions of Mexican migrants to the US under H2 visas, and the breadth and depth of migrants' connections from Latin American countries to the US. The fourth and final section of the book studies a variety of aspects related to remittances from US to Mexico an!
d Latin American countries, including whether remittances promote growth in Mexico, whether remittances sent to Mexico finance migration of more Mexicans to the US, and whether remittances have positive impacts in the households that receive them.

The contributors to Migration and Remittances from Mexico are specialized migration researchers, trained in a broad variety of fields, including economics, sociology, demography, and political science in both Mexico and the United States. This range of backgrounds provides an essential multidiscipinary perspective from both sides of the border.


Human Rights and Migration: Trafficking for Forced Labour
Edited by Christien van den Anker and Ilse van Liempt

Palgrave Macmillan, 264 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0230279139, $70.80

Book Description: The contributors show that the current understanding of trafficking excludes large groups of people who, due to their migration status, experience human rights violations on a continuum of exploitation ranging from forced labour to minor detractions from labour standards.


Europe's Angry Muslims: The Revolt of The Second Generation
By Robert Leiken

Oxford University Press, USA, 368 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0195328973, $18.26

Kindle, 1027 KB, ASIN: B005UFBYN2, $9.99

Book Description: Bombings in London, riots in Paris, terrorists in Germany, fury over mosques, veils and cartoons--such headlines underscore the tensions between Muslims and their European hosts. Did too much immigration, or too little integration, produce Muslim second-generation anger? Is that rage imported or spawned inside Europe itself? What do the conflicts between Muslims and their European hosts portend for an America encountering its own angry Muslims?

Europe's Angry Muslims traces the routes, expectations and destinies of immigrant parents and the plight of their children, transporting both the general reader and specialist from immigrants' ancestral villages to their strange new-fangled enclaves in Europe. It guides readers through Islamic nomenclature, chronicles the motive force of the Islamist narrative, offers them lively portraits of jihadists (a convict, a convert, and a community organizer) takes them inside radical mosques and into the minds of suicide bombers. The author interviews former radicals and security agents, examines court records and the sermons of radical imams and draws on a lifetime of personal experience with militant movements to present an account of the explosive fusion of Muslim immigration, Islamist grievance and second-generation alienation.

Robert Leiken shines an unsentimental and yet compassionate light on Islam's growing presence in the West, combining in-depth reporting with cutting-edge and far-ranging scholarship in an engaging narrative that is both moving and mordant. Leiken's nuanced and authoritative analysis--historical, sociological, theological and anthropological--warns that 'conflating rioters and Islamists, folk and fundamentalist Muslims, pietists and jihadis, immigrants and their children is the method of strategic incoherence--'in the night all cats are black.''


Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations
By Fethi Mansour and Michele Lobo

Ashgate, 270 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 140942880X, $114.95

Book Description: 'Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Relations' reflects on the tensions and contradictions that arise within debates on social inclusion, arguing that both the concept of social inclusion and policy surrounding it need to incorporate visions of citizenship that value ethnic diversity. Presenting the latest empirical research from Australia and engaging with contemporary global debates on questions of identity, citizenship, intercultural relations and social inclusion, this book unsettles fixed assumptions about who is included as a valued citizen and explores the possibilities for engendering inclusive visions of citizenship in local, national and transnational spaces. Organised around the themes of identity, citizenship and intercultural relations, this interdisciplinary collection sheds light on the role that ethnic diversity can play in fostering new visions of inclusivity and citizenship in a globalised world.


Diaspora Diplomacy: Philippine Migration and its Soft Power Influences
By Joaquin Jay Gonzalez III

Mill City Press, Inc., 278 pp.

Paperback, ISBN: 1937600408, $14.00

Book Description: Diaspora Diplomacy: Philippine Migration and its Soft Power Influences is about the remarkable and untapped soft power that international migrants possess and how various sectors-from governments, NGOs, business, and international organizations- could tap this valuable resource to enhance global cooperation and development. With compelling stories from Filipina and Filipino migrants in San Francisco, London, Dubai, Dhaka, and Singapore comprising the large Philippine diaspora, this book illustrates how this widespread community performs numerous acts of public diplomacy, bridging the cultural and economic gap between its homeland and its new home base


Darkness Before Daybreak: African Migrants Living on the Margins in Southern Italy Today
By Hans Lucht

University of California Press, 306 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0520270711, $60.00

Paperback, ISBN: 0520270738, $24.95

Kindle, 601 KB, 308 pp., ASIN: B005T5O728, $9.99

Book Description: This riveting book chronicles the lives of a group of fishermen from Ghana who took the long and dangerous journey to Southern Italy in search of work in a cutthroat underground economy. A story that illuminates the nature of high-risk migration around the world, Darkness before Daybreak reveals the challenges and experiences of these international migrants who, like countless others, are often in the news but are rarely understood. Hans Lucht tells how these men live on the fringes of society in Naples, what the often deadly journey across the Sahara Desert and Mediterranean Sea involved, and what their lives in the fishing village of Senya Beraku--where there are no more fish--were like. Asking how these men find meaning in their experiences, Lucht addresses broader existential questions surrounding the lives of economic refugees and their death-defying struggle for a life worth living. He also considers the ramifications of the many deaths tha!
t occur in the desert and the sea for
those who are left behind.


Making and Faking Kinship: Marriage and Labor Migration Between China and South Korea
By Caren Freeman

Cornell Univ. Pr., 280 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0801449588, $28.63

Kindle, 1366 KB, ASIN: B006C6DPVM, $19.25

Book Description: In the years leading up to and directly following rapprochement with China in 1992, the South Korean government looked to ethnic Korean (ChosÃ’njok) brides and laborers from northeastern China to restore productivity to its industries and countryside. South Korean officials and the media celebrated these overtures not only as a pragmatic solution to population problems but also as a patriotic project of reuniting ethnic Koreans after nearly fifty years of Cold War separation.

As Caren Freeman's fieldwork in China and South Korea shows, the attempt to bridge the geopolitical divide in the name of Korean kinship proved more difficult than any of the parties involved could have imagined. Discriminatory treatment, artificially suppressed wages, clashing gender logics, and the criminalization of so-called runaway brides and undocumented workers tarnished the myth of ethnic homogeneity and exposed the contradictions at the heart of South Korea's transnational kin-making project.


The Cato Journal
Vol. 32 No. 1, Winter 2012

Is Immigration Good for America?


Introduction: Is Immigration Good for America?
By Daniel T. Griswold

Why Should We Restrict Immigration?
By Bryan Caplan

Immigration and Economic Growth
By Gordon H. Hanson

Immigration, Labor Markets, and Productivity
By Giovanni Peri

America's Demographic Future
By Joel Kotkin and Erika Ozuna

America's Incoherent Immigration System
By Stuart Anderson

The Economic Consequences of Amnesty for Unauthorized Immigrants
By Pia M. Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny

Immigration and Border Control
By Edward Alden

Internal Enforcement, E-Verify, and the Road to a National ID
By Jim Harper

Is Birthright Citizenship Good for America?
By Margaret D. Stock

Immigration and the Welfare State
By Daniel T. Griswold

The Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Immigration Reform
By Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda

U.S. Immigration Policy in the 21st Century: A Market-Based Approach
By Joshua C. Hall, Benjamin J. VanMetre, and Richard K. Vedder


Ethnic and Racial Studies
Vol. 35, No. 2, January 2012

Selected articles:

Resisting blackness, embracing rightness: How Muslim Arab Sudanese women negotiate their identity in the diaspora
By Anita Fabos

Experiences of racism and discrimination among migrant care workers in England: Findings from a mixed-methods research project
By Martin Stevens, Shereen Hussein, and Jill Manthorpe

Path-dependent or dynamic? Cantonal integration policies between regional citizenship traditions and right populist party politics
By Anita Manatschal

Integration and religiosity among the Turkish second generation in Europe: a comparative analysis across four capital cities
By Fenella Fleischmann and Karen Phalet


International Migration Review
Vol. 45, No. 4, Winter 2011


The Politics of Home: Dual Citizenship and the African Diaspora
By Beth Elise Whitaker

Intercountry Adoption Flows from Africa to the U.S.: A Fifth Wave of Intercountry Adoptions?
By Mary Ann Davis

The Impact of Migrant Remittances on School Attendance and Education Attainment: Evidence from Jordan
By Wael Mansour, Jad Chaaban and Julie Litchfield

Generation and Earnings Patterns Among Chinese, Filipino, and Korean Americans in New York
By Sookhee Oh and Pyong G. Min

The Immigrant Wage Gap in Germany: Are East Europeans Worse Off?
By Florian Lehmer and Johannes Ludsteck

The Settlement Country and Ethnic Identification of Children of Turkish Immigrants in Germany, France, and the Netherlands: What Role Do National Integration Policies Play?
By Evelyn Ersanilli and Sawitri Saharso

Success on European Labor Markets: A Cross-national Comparison of Attainment between Immigrant and Majority Populations
By Florian Pichler


Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Vol. 38, No. 2, February 2012

Selected articles:

Transnational Parenting and Immigration Law: Central Americans in the United States
By Cecilia Menjívar

Transnational Family Separation: A Framework for Analysis
By Kristine M. Zentgraf and Norma Stoltz Chinchilla

Consumption Dilemmas: Tracking Masculinity, Money and Transnational Fatherhood Between the Ecuadorian Andes and New York City
By Jason Pribilsky


Migration and Human Rights: The United Nations Convention on Migrant Workers' Rights
By Daniela DeBono


Latino Studies
Vol. 9, No. 4, Winter 2011

Selected articles:

The power of the law: Central Americans' legality and everyday life in Phoenix, Arizona
By Cecilia Menjivar

Practicing citizenship: Latino parents broadening notions of citizenship through participatory research
By Emma H. Fuentes

Identity, memory and diaspora, voices of Cuban-American artists, writers and philosophers
By Andrea O'Reilly Herrera

The Diaspora strikes back: Caribeño tales of learning and turning
By Raul Rubio

No boundaries: Transnational Latino gangs and American law enforcement
By Robert J. Duran

Divided by borders: Mexican migrants and their children
By Erynn Masi de Casanova,

Transformations of La Familia on the US-Mexico Border
By M. Cristina Alcalde


Migration News
Volume 19 No. 1, January 2012


Congress, States, Republicans
Congress. The House Judiciary Committee in September 2011 approved the Legal Workforce Act (HR 2885) to require all US employers to use E-Verify to check new hires within four years. The bill did not come to the floor, however, reportedly because the Republican House leadership wanted to avoid the spectacle of Republicans attacking each other during the debate preceding a vote in the full House.

DHS: Border, Interior, USCIS
Border. Apprehensions of foreigners just inside the 1,969-mile Mexico-US border fell to 327,600 in FY11, down from 1.6 million in FY00 and the lowest number since the early 1970s. In FY11, the federal government removed more unauthorized foreigners than were apprehended just inside US borders.

CBP director Alan Bersin left the 57,000 employee, $11 billion agency at the end of 2011, when the US had 649 miles of fencing and vehicle barriers on the Mexico-US border.

Smugglers say that some would-be crossers pay $500 to others to create diversions so that they can sneak past Border Patrol agents, while others pay $3,000 for smugglers who guide them through unfenced deserts. The usual price for renting a legitimate US visa from a look-alike is $5,000.

Mexico: Less Emigration
Net Mexico-US migration peaked at over 750,000 in 2000 and practically stopped in 2010, when an estimated 150,000 Mexicans moved to the US and about the same number returned to Mexico. Over half of Mexican-born US residents are unauthorized, and half have been in the US 15 years or more.

Many observers say that the era of mass Mexico-US migration may be coming to an end as a lack of US jobs for low-skilled Mexicans, improving conditions in rural Mexico, and the greater danger and expense of crossing the border illegally keep more Mexicans at home. There is disagreement over which of these factors is most important in explaining decreased Mexico-US migration, and whether a resumption of US job growth will be accompanied by more migration.


EU: Blue Cards, Economy
The EU Blue Card program allows EU member states to admit non-EU foreign professionals with a university degree or at least five years of work experience who will earn at least 1.5 times the EU member country's average gross salary (1.2 times in labor-short occupations). Member states decide whether the employer or the foreigner submits the application for the EU Blue Card, which can be valid from one to four years. (The card's color is a reference to the EU flag, which is blue with 12 golden stars in a circle.)

UK: Population, Tiers
Opinion polls in Fall 2012 suggest that 70 percent of Britons want immigration reduced, in part to reduce population growth. The Office of National Statistics in November 2011 projected that the UK population would rise from 63 million in 2011 to 70 million in 2027, with half of the increase due to net migration of 200,000 a year and 20 percent due to children born to migrants in the UK.


China: Migrants
China is planning to update labor migration regulations to make it easier for foreign professionals to enter and to impose new penalties on unauthorized foreign migrants and their Chinese employers. There are complaints about Vietnamese workers seeking higher wages in southern China and North Koreans working as domestics in northeastern China.


Australia: Asylum, Immigration
Australia continues to struggle with foreigners arriving by boat from Indonesia and seeking asylum. Ex-Prime Minister John Howard won re-election in 2001 in part because of a tough policy on asylum seekers arriving by boat. Under Howard's so-called Pacific Solution, asylum seekers arriving by boat were sent to Pacific Island nations such as Nauru for processing.

The Labor government ended the Pacific Solution in 2007. However, the number of asylum seekers arriving by boat rose, reaching 6,535 in 2010. Labor in 2010 proposed sending 800 asylum boat arrivals to Malaysia for processing and in turn resettling 4,000 UNHCR-recognized refugees in Malaysia, but Australia's highest court in September 2011 struck down the Australia-Malaysia MOU because Malaysia has not signed the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.

In response, the Labor government in November 2011 announced that foreigners who arrived in Australia by boat would receive 'bridging visas' that allow them to live and work in Australia while their applications for asylum are processed. Iranians surpassed Afghans and Iraqis as the top nationality arriving by boat from Indonesia in 2011. Since Iran does not accept the involuntary return of its citizens who have sought asylum elsewhere, the number of Iranians seeking asylum in Australia is expected to increase.

Immigration. Australia planned to admit 168,700 immigrants in 2010-11, about the same as in previous years (another 15,000 foreigners a year arrive as refugees and asylum seekers). Two-thirds of immigrants to Australia arrive via the skill stream, meaning that someone in the household obtained enough points for knowledge of English, education and work experience in shortage occupations. Would-be immigrants can also obtain points if they promise to settle in regional (rural) Australia.

Global Population: 7 Billion, Refugees
The world's population reached seven billion on October 31, 2011; the world's population was six billion in 1999. The US Census Bureau estimates there are 367,000 births and 153,000 deaths a day, generating a global population increase of 78 million a year.

The UN had been projecting that the global population would stabilize at about nine billion in 2050. However, new UN projections expect 9.3 billion people in 2050 and over 10 billion in 2100. These projections are sensitive to fertility assumptions. If women have, on average, a half child more than the UN assumed (2.5 children per woman), the world's population would be almost 16 billion in 2100. If women have a half child less than the UN assumption, the world's population would be 6.2 billion in 2100.

The fastest population growth is projected for Africa, which had a billion people in 2011. The UN projects 2.2 billion Africans in 2050 and 3.6 billion in 2100. Half of the world's projected population growth over the next nine decades is projected to be in Africa.

The US fertility rate, which peaked at 3.6 births per woman in 1960, was 2.0 in 2011. Some of the lowest fertility rates, an average 1.3 children per woman, are in southern European nations such as Italy and Spain as well as in Korea and Japan.

Global: Diasporas, Remittances
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The Economist credited Diasporas with speeding the flow of reliable information over borders, as when a Chinese migrant in Africa spots a business opportunity and persuades friends and relatives in China to provide supplies to satisfy the demand with a phone call. The Economist argues that trust within Diaspora communities, and between members of the Diaspora and their partners in their countries of origin, allows business to be done with handshakes and phone calls rather than formal contracts.

Circular migration emphasizes training workers for foreign jobs before departure and helping them to find jobs or become entrepreneurs on return. Proponents say circular migration offers triple wins: migrants earn higher wages, receiving countries get temporary workers but not settlers, and sending countries reduce unemployment, obtain remittances and add human capital in the form of migrants trained abroad.

Critics say circular migration is simply another name for guest worker programs that failed to prevent worker abuse and settlement in the past. The emphasis on circulation, they argue, helps sending and receiving governments to justify cooperation to ensure that migrants return at the end of contracts.


Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
Ano XIX – No. 36, July-December 2011
Trafico de pessoas

Selected articles:

Women Helping Women. The Prophetic Role of Women Religious in Counter-trafficking in Persons
By Sr. Eugenia Bonetti, MC


Rural Migration News
Volume 18 No. 1, January 2012


Labor Shortages, H-2A Reform
Growers complained of farm labor shortages in many states in summer and fall 2011, especially in Alabama and Georgia, states that enacted laws making it a crime for an unauthorized foreigner to be in the state.

H-2A, H-2B
Farmers requesting certification to hire H-2A guest workers must offer and pay the higher of three wage rates, the federal or state minimum, the prevailing wage, or the Adverse Effect Wage Rates. AEWRs for 2012 range from a low of $9.30 in Louisiana and other southern states to a high of $12.26 in Hawaii; the AEWR for California is $10.24.

Canada: SAWP; Australia: Migrants
United Food and Commercial Workers Canada Local 1518 in October 2011 alleged that the Mexican government and two Canadian farmers blocked the return of union activists to Canada under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program. The UFCW said that the Mexican government maintains a blacklist that prevented the return of up to 100 migrants brought to Sidhu and Sons and Floralia Farms under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program.