WTHR Continues Report on Illegal Alien Tax Loophole

By Bryan Griffith on July 6, 2012

The WTHR 13 News in Indiana has continued its investigation revolving around IRS income tax returns from illegal immigrants. I wrote on their investigation previously in a blog that contained the first four reports. Since that time, WTHR investigative reporter Bob Segall has released two more reports on the massive fraud committed by illegal aliens via ITIN tax filings (embedded/linked to below).

In summation, the new reports contain two main storylines. How the IRS plans to combat the fraud and the alleged retaliation felt by the whistle-blower who helped expose how the IRS has long turned a blind eye to the fraud. Such retaliation is not surprising to anyone who has listened to investigative reporter Mike Volpe's speech at this year's Katz Award ceremony.


Part five: IRS tackles ITIN fraud


View Part six: Auditing the IRS, which is not available to be embedded.