finds that two-thirds of Americans view globalization negatively. That is, intertwining the U.S. economy tightly with the prospects of other nations' economies strikes only a third of Americans as benefiting our nation. The level of support has flipped since 2001. This development may have implications for immigration.
The survey found that "a majority now sees being the world's No. 1 economic power as an important national goal." Much like Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe whose economic and fiscal policies have been far more responsible than those of its neighbors and which is losing interest in bailing out with its hard-earned wealth the fiscally irresponsible European Union countries, Americans perceive that their national treasure stands to be squandered on chases down utopian rabbit trails. This might be the ultimate paycheck issue.
Americans rightly are skeptical toward the false promises of the globalists' false gospel. Indeed, the poll shows this to be the case particularly concerning our number one economic rival, China:
Those global economic fears are evident in views of relations with China, increasingly seen as an economic threat. In a Washington Post-ABC News poll this month, 61 percent saw China as a threat to jobs and economic security. Half as many saw China as an opportunity for new markets and investments.
Why should a Chinese, Indian, Mexican, or other foreign sneeze – be it political or economic – cause American families to catch economic fever? Yet, in addition to questionable integration by the United States with Third World countries, those very same nations are also the top immigrant-sending countries. Mexico (15 percent of new green cards in 2009), China (6 percent), the Philippines and India (5 percent each) account for almost one-third of all immigrant visas the United States grants each year. (See Table 3 here.)
Furthermore, most temporary visas for short-term residents (students and business travelers, particularly) went to Mexicans (12 percent), Indians (11 percent), Japanese (7 percent), Canadians (6 percent), and Chinese (6 percent). That's more than 40 percent of total nonimmigrant visas issued. (See Tables 3 and 4 here.) Japan and Canada don't pose a threat to our nation, because both have developed economies; their people aren't itching to live here permanently because their nations enjoy economic and political achievement.
As the father of our country, George Washington, warned in his Farewell Address: "Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence . . . the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government." Further, "The Great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign Nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible."
Many of us view trade in goods as positive for America. But shuttering plants in America and opening them in China, India, and other cheap-labor countries hurts American workers – so long as immigration policies continue harming the domestic labor market, just as on the flip side globalist economic policies disadvantage the U.S. We can't and shouldn't try to compete on the price of labor. So we should ensure that our policies don't force us into that position, which globalism and mass immigration do.
Mass immigration, both permanent and temporary, at today's levels sets up a political competitive advantage for "the insidious wiles of foreign influence." We're importing a foreign lobby that constantly grows and advocates foreign interests against American interests – right here from within our borders. As Mark Krikorian has pointed out, the globalization-multiculturalism-postpatriotism combination is hazardous to our national health. It keeps the melting pot broken.
The U.S. economy can remain the world's leading economy, if we get straight that we can't outsource jobs, import a disadvantageous workforce, and put globalist pipedreams in the place of clear-eyed, patriotic national interest.