As Title 42 Ends, El Paso Residents Feel Abandoned by Biden

By Andrew R. Arthur on May 12, 2023

El PASO, Texas — This city is the latest ground zero for President Joe Biden’s failed border policies.

And El Pasoans — in both the city proper and its rugged agricultural environs — feel increasingly abandoned by an administration more concerned about the well-being and comfort of “newcomers” than the safety of residents who have called the area home for generations.

With more than 860,000 residents, El Paso is the largest city on the southwest border, and it sits directly across the Rio Grande from Juarez, Mexico, home to 1.5 million.

As its name suggests, “the pass” has long been a conduit for travel and trade between the two nations.

State law-enforcement officials I spoke to believe the infrastructure that has facilitated that transit and trade is now driving the migrant surge across the river.

Freight trains are a readily accessible form of transit north from Mexico’s interior, and highways provide easy transit for smugglers.

In the first six months of fiscal year 2023, agents in the Border Patrol’s El Paso sector have made more than 265,000 migrant apprehensions, a figure that does not count untold thousands of “gota-ways” who have evaded agents and successfully entered illegally.

Once in El Paso, however, many migrants have no quick way out. . . .

[Read the rest at the New York Post]