Immigration Reading List, 9/23/10

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DHS yearbook of 2009 immigration statistics
2. Latest ICE Cornerstone Report
3. Latest issue of CBP magazine, Frontline
4. CRS reports on birthright citizenship
5. GAO reports on CBP's border security expenditure plan and DHS's foreign language needs
6. E.U.: Population statistics
7. U.K.: Asylum and immigration statistics
8. U.K.: Report on migration to the U.K.
9. Israel: Report on the absorption of Ethiopian immigrants



Two new reports from FAIR
11. State and Local Legislation Bulletin
12. Four new reports from TRAC
13. CBS poll on birthright citizenship
14. Quinnipiac University poll on birthright citizenship
15. New report from Pew Hispanic Center
16. Migrant Remittances Newsletter
17. "National Day Laborers Organizing Network: How It Supports Illegal Immigration"
18. Five new reports from the Migration Policy Institute
19. Four new reports from the Institute for the Study of Labor
20. Two new working papers from National Bureau of Economic Research
21. Fourteen new papers from the Social Science Research Network
22. Cato Institute's Immigration Reform Bulletin
23. New working paper from the World Bank
24. New report from the International Organization for Migration
25. Canada: Three new working papers from CERIS
26. U.K.: Labour Market Outlook: Summer 2010
27. "Climate Change and Immigration: Warnings for America’s Southern Border"
28. "Young Children of Immigrants: The Leading Edge of America's Future"
29. Center for American Progress report on assimilation of new immigrants
30. NCLR report on the impact of section 287(g) on the latino community
31. "Immigration and Cultural Pluralism in Italy: Multiculturalism as a Missing Model
32. "Promises and Challenges of Transnational Italy in an Era of Global Migration
33. "Willing to Work: Agency and Vulnerability in an Undocumented Immigrant Network



Illegals: The Unacceptable Cost of America's Failure to Control Its Borders
35. Beside the Golden Door: U.S. Immigration Reform in a New Era of Globalization
36. Safe Haven?: A History of Refugees in America
37. Neighbor: Christian Encounters With "Illegal" Immigration
38. Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America
39. City of Strangers: Gulf Migration and the Indian Community in Bahrain
40. Breaks in the Chain: What Immigrant Workers Can Teach America about Democracy
41. Rationalizing Migration Decisions
42. The Control of People Smuggling and Trafficking in the EU
43. Immigration and Conflict in Europe
44. Elsewhere, Within Here: Immigration, Refugeeism and the Boundary Event
45. Asylum, Migration and Community
46. The Wind Doesn't Need a Passport: Stories from the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands



Ethnic and Racial Studies
48. International Migration
49. International Migration Review
50. Refugee Survey Quarterly

The 2009 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics
Dept. of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics
August 2010…


The Cornerstone Report
Safeguarding America through Financial Investigations
Vol. 7, No. 1, Winter 2010


U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Summer 2010…


Birthright Citizenship Under the 14th Amendment of Persons Born in the United States to Alien Parents
By Margaret Mikyung Lee
CRS Report for Congress, August 12, 2010


New from the General Accountability Office

U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Security Fencing, Infrastructure and Technology Fiscal Year 2010 Expenditure Plan
Government Accountability Office, GAO-10-877R, July 30, 2010
Report -
Highlights -

Department of Homeland Security: DHS Needs to Comprehensively Assess Its Foreign Language Needs and Capabilities and Identify Shortfalls
Government Accountability Office, GAO-10-714, June 22, 2010
Highlights -


Foreigners living in the EU are diverse and largely younger than the nationals of the EU Member States
By Katya Vasileva
Eurostat, Statistics in focus, September 2010…


Monthly Asylum Statistics - June 2010
U.K. Home Office, July 29, 2010

Control of Immigration: Quarterly Statistical Summary, United Kingdom
April–June 2010

Migration Statistics
Quarterly Report No 6, August 26, 2010


The Migrant Journey
By Lorrah Achato, Mike Eaton and Chris Jones
U.K. Home Office
Research Report 43, September 2010


Activities of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption on Behalf of the Ethiopian-Israeli Population:
Information on Ministry Programs and the Extent of their Effectiveness
By Jack Habib and Hani Halaban-Eilat
Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, September 2010…


Immigration and National Security - Update
By Jack Martin
Federation for American Immigration Reform, September 2010

English Language Learners and Immigration: A Case Study
Clark and Washoe Counties, Nevada
By Eric A. Ruark
Federation for American Immigration Reform, August 2010


State and Local Legislation Bulletin
Immigration Reform Law Institute
Issue 37, August 2010


Arizona SB 1070 Litigation Produces District Court Orders Finding Preemption But Not Racial Profiling

Summerville, South Carolina Enacts Local Immigration Ordinance

States Introducing Similar Legislation to Arizona's SB 1070

Michigan Driver's License Distinctions for Legal Resident Aliens

Proposed Portland, Maine Non-Citizen Voting Measure is Unlawful

IRLI Footnote on the Law


New from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University

Asylum Denial Rate Reaches All Time Low: FY 2010 Results, a Twenty-Five Year Perspective

Immigration Judge Reports — Asylum

Arizona Federal Prosecutions Driven to Record Highs

TRAC Monthly Bulletins by Topic, May 2010


Poll: Americans Split over Birthright Citizenship
CBS News, August 26, 2010…

The American public is almost evenly divided as to whether current law should be changed so that children of illegal immigrants born in the United States do not automatically become citizens, a new CBS News poll finds. Forty-nine percent say the law should be kept as is, while 47 percent say it should be changed.

Among Democrats, 59 percent say the law should stay as is. Fifty-four percent of Republicans think it should be changed so that children born to illegal immigrants do not automatically become U.S. citizens. Independents are divided: 47 percent say the law should stay as is, while 49 percent say it should be changed.

Most Americans continue to see illegal immigration as a very serious problem in the U.S. - a view that has held steady over the past four years. Sixty-one percent say it is a "very serious" problem, while an additional 27 percent say it is somewhat serious.

Moreover, 77 percent of Americans think the U.S. could be doing more to stop illegal immigrants from entering the country. Fewer than one in five thinks the U.S. is doing all it can.


Many U.S. Voters Say No Citizenship For Immigrant Kids, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds
Quinnipiac University, September 2010


U.S. Unauthorized Immigration Flows Are Down Sharply Since Mid-Decade
By Jeffrey Passel and D'Vera Cohn
Pew Hispanic Center, September 1, 2010


Migrant Remittances Newsletter
Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2010


National Day Laborers Organizing Network: How It Supports Illegal Immigration
By David Hogberg
Capital Research Center Foundation Watch, September 2010


New from the Migration Policy Institute

Still an Hourglass? Immigrant Workers in Middle-Skilled Jobs
By Randy Capps, Michael Fix, and Serena Yi Ying-Lin
September 2010

The Demographic Impacts of Repealing Birthright Citizenship
By Jennifer Van Hook and Michael Fix
MPI Insight, September 2010

Diaspora Philanthropy: Private Giving and Public Policy
By Kathleen Newland, Aaron Terazas, and Roberto Munster
September 2010

Obama Administration's Steps Point to Significant Shift in Immigration Enforcement Policy
By Muzaffar Chishti and Claire Bergeron
Migration Information Source, September 15

Plyler v. Doe: Still Guaranteeing Unauthorized Immigrant Children's Right to Attend US Public Schools
By Michael A. Olivas
September 2010


New from the Institute for the Study of Labor

Foreign Labour Migration and the Economic Crisis in the EU: Ongoing and Remaining Issues of the Migrant Workforce in Germany
By Anna Myunghee Kim
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5134, August 2010

The Economic Consequences of "Brain Drain" of the Best and Brightest: Microeconomic Evidence from Five Countries
By John Gibson and David McKenzie
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5124, August 2010

Migration and Culture
By Gil S. Epstein and Ira N. Gang
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5123, August 2010

Why Does Intermarriage Increase Immigrant Employment? The Role of Networks
By Delia Furtado and Nikolaos Theodoropoulos
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5080, August 2010


New from the National Bureau of Economic Research

Assessing Inherent Model Bias: An Application to Native Displacement in Response to Immigration
By Giovanni Peri and Chad Sparber
NBER Working Paper No. 16332, September 2010

Immigration: America's nineteenth century "law and order problem"?
By Howard Bodenhorn, Carolyn M. Moehling, and Anne Morrison Piehl
NBER Working Paper No. 16266, August 2010


New from the Social Science Research Network

Biopolitics and the Regulation of Vulnerability: The Case of the Female Trafficked Migrant
By Sharron A. FitzGerald, Aberystwyth University
Int'l J. of Law in Context, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2010

Asian Americans and Immigration Reform
By Bill Ong Hing
University of San Francisco School of Law, September 14, 2010

'By Virtue of Being Born Here': Birthright Citizenship and the Civil Rights Act of 1866
By Mark Shawhan
September 12, 2010

The EU's Coming Mid-Life Crisis: Demographic Change and the Immigration Imperative
By Mason L. Richey
Journal of EU Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2010

National Debates, Local Responses: The Origins of Local Concern About Immigration in the U.K. and the U.S.
By Daniel Hopkins
Georgetown University, August 2010

The Practice of Medical Repatriation: The Privatization of Immigration Enforcement and Denial of Human Rights
By Lori A. Nessel
Seton Hall University School of Law, August 2010

Sorry, Ma'am, Your Baby is an Alien: Outdated Immigration Rules and Assisted Reproductive Technology
By Scott Titshaw
Florida Coastal Law Review (Symposium Edition), Vol. 12, Fall 2010, August 16, 2010

Beyond Decisional Independence: Uncovering Contributors to the Immigration Adjudication Crisis
By Jill E. Family
Widener University School of Law, September 1, 2010

At the Cross-Roads of a Reform Era: The Impact of Health Care and Immigration Reform on Latino Support for President Obama and Congress
By Gabriel Sanchez, Jillian Medeiros, and Shannon Sanchez-Youngman
University of New Mexico Department of Political Science, August 14, 2010

What’s the Border Got to Do with it? How Immigration Regimes Affect Familial Care Provision - A Comparative Analysis
By Hila Shamir
Tel Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law, August 2010

A Multilayered Jurisdictional Patchwork: Immigration Federalism in the United States
By Monica Varsanyi, City University of New York
Paul G. Lewis, Arizona State University (ASU)
Doris Marie Provine, and
Scott Decker, Arizona State University (ASU)
August 2010

Causing Mischief for Taylor's Categorical Approach: Applying 'Legal Imagination' to Duenas-Alvarez
By Doug Keller, Georgetown University Law Center
George Mason Law Review, Forthcoming

With a Little Help from Our Feds: Understanding State/Federal Cooperation on Immigration Enforcement
By Heather M. Creek and Stephen Yoder, University of Maryland, College Park
APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper

Federalism, States' Rights and Immigration Policy
By Mary McThomas
APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper


Immigration Reform Bulletin
The Cato Institute, September 2010


Experimental Approaches in Migration Studies
By David McKenzie and Dean Yang
Policy Research working Paper No. 5395, August 2010…


New from the International Organization for Migration

A Framework and Recommendations for Action on Children Affected by Migration in the Caribbean
September 2010…


New from Canada’s Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS)

AlieNation: Racism, Injustice and Other Obstacles to Full Citizenship
By Patricia Burke Wood and Scot Wortley
CERIS Working Paper Series No. 78, August 2010

Recent Immigrants’ Awareness of, Access to, Use of, and Satisfaction with Settlement Services in York Region
By Lucia Lo, Shuguang Wang, Paul Anisef, Valerie Preston, and Ranu Basu
CERIS Working Paper Series No. 79, September 2010

An Exploration of Socio-cultural Adaptation and Changes in Quality of Life at Settlement among Older Chinese Immigrants in Canada
By Wei-Wei Da and Alicia C. Garcia
CERIS Working Paper Series No. 80, October 2010


Labour Market Outlook: Summer 2010
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
Quarterly Survey Report, August 2010…


Climate Change and Immigration: Warnings for America’s Southern Border
By Lindsey R. Ross
American Security Project, September 2010…


Young Children of Immigrants: The Leading Edge of America's Future
By Karina Fortuny, Donald J. Hernandez, and Ajay Chaudry
The Urban Institute, August 2010


Assimilation Today
New Evidence Shows the Latest Immigrants to America Are Following in Our History’s Footsteps
By Dowell Myers and John Pitkin
Center for American Progress, September 2010…


The impact of section 287(g) of the immigration and nationality act on the latino community
By A. Elena Lacayo
NCLR Issue Brief No. 21, August 2010


Immigration and Cultural Pluralism in Italy: Multiculturalism as a Missing Model
By Stefano Allievi
Italian Culture, Vol. 28, No. 2, September 2010…


Reading the Discourse of Multicultural Italy: Promises and Challenges of Transnational Italy in an Era of Global Migration
By Norma Bouchard
Italian Culture, Vol. 28, No. 2, September 2010…


Willing to Work: Agency and Vulnerability in an Undocumented Immigrant Network
By Ruth Gomberg-Munoz
American Anthropologist, Vol. 112, No. 2, June 2010…


Illegals: The Unacceptable Cost of America's Failure to Control Its Borders
By Darrell Ankarlo

Thomas Nelson, 368 pp.

Paperback, ISBN: 1595553495, $10.11

Book Description: Phoenix has become the number 2 kidnap capital of the world, ranchers and police officers in border states are being killed by drug runners from Mexico, and the federal government refuses to enforce its own immigration law. Why are 20 million people disregarding America's sovereign borders and laws to come to this country? Darrell Ankarlo follows the lives of several Mexican citizens as they contemplate their existence south of the border, their temptation to sneak into America, and what waits for them here. To understand the issue first-hand, Ankarlo stared down gun barrels, was caught in the middle of a drug-lord showdown, and then wandered the Arizona desert after illegally sneaking back into America. Illegals explores issues raised by these personal stories and offers perspectives-often contradictory-from U.S. citizens.


Beside the Golden Door: U.S. Immigration Reform in a New Era of Globalization
By Pia Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny

American Enterprise Institute, 172 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0844743321, $23.72

Book Description: I lift my lamp beside the golden door! - the last line of Emma Lazarus's famous poem invites immigrants to enter a land of economic opportunity. Many have accepted that invitation; today, foreign-born workers make up nearly 16 percent of the U.S. workforce and account for almost half of workforce growth over the last decade. Rather than capitalizing on these gains, however, recent immigration reforms have resulted in an inefficient, patchwork system that shortchanges high-skilled immigrants and poorly serves the American public. Beside the Golden Door: U.S. Immigration Reform in a New Era of Globalization proposes a radical overhaul of current immigration policy designed to strengthen economic competitiveness and long-run growth. Pia M. Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny outline a plan that favors employment-based immigration over family reunification, making work-based visas the rule, not the exception. They argue that immigration policy should favor high-skilled workers while retaining avenues for low-skilled immigration; family reunification should be limited to spouses and minor children; provisional visas should be the norm; and quotas that lead to queuing must be eliminated. A selective immigration policy focused on high-skilled, high-demand workers will allow the United States to compete in an increasingly global economy while protecting the interests of American citizens and benefiting taxpayers. Orrenius and Zavodny conclude that _while not all potential immigrants who knock at the golden door should be admitted, the door should swing wide open to welcome those who desire nothing more than the opportunity to work for the American dream.


Safe Haven?: A History of Refugees in America
By David W. Haines

Kumarian Press, 256 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 156549332X, $75.00

Paperback, ISBN: 0762757434, $12.44

Book Description: The notion of America as land of refuge is vital to American civic consciousness yet over the past seventy years the country has had a complicated and sometimes erratic relationship with its refugee populations. Attitudes and actions toward refugees from the government, voluntary organizations, and the general public have ranged from acceptance to rejection; from well-wrought program efforts to botched policy decisions.

Drawing on a wide range of contemporary and historical material, and based on the author’s three-decade experience in refugee research and policy, Safe Haven? provides an integrated portrait of this crucial component of American immigration—and of American engagement with the world. Covering seven decades of immigration history, Haines shows how refugees and their American hosts continue to struggle with national and ethnic identities and the effect this struggle has had on American institutions and attitudes.


Neighbor: Christian Encounters With "Illegal" Immigration
By Ben Daniel

Westminster John Knox Press, 192 pp.

Paperback, ISBN: 0664236510, $13.57

Book Description: Using a blend of travel narrative, interviews, theological insight, and biblical scholarship, Daniel tackles the controversial issues that surround undocumented migration in the United States by taking the reader to the spiritual, legal, and geographical front lines of the immigration debate. Here, the political becomes personal and "talking points" have a human face. The result of this journey is a compelling argument that encourages Christians to meet undocumented migrants as neighbors and as friends. Study questions are included.


Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America
By Erika Lee and Judy Yung

Oxford University Press, 432 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0199734089, $18.45

Book Description: From 1910 to 1940, the Angel Island immigration station in San Francisco served as the processing and detention center for over one million people from around the world. The majority of newcomers came from China and Japan, but there were also immigrants from India, the Philippines, Korea, Russia, Mexico, and over seventy other countries. The full history of these immigrants and their experiences on Angel Island is told for the first time in this landmark book, published to commemorate the immigration station's 100th anniversary.

Based on extensive new research and oral histories, Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America examines the great diversity of immigration through Angel Island: Chinese "paper sons," Japanese picture brides, Korean refugee students, South Asian political activists, Russian and Jewish refugees, Mexican families, Filipino workers, and many others. Together, their stories offer a more complete and complicated history of immigration to America than we have ever known.

Like its counterpart on Ellis Island, the immigration station on Angel Island was one of the country's main ports of entry for immigrants in the early twentieth century. But while Ellis Island was mainly a processing center for European immigrants, Angel Island was designed to detain and exclude immigrants from Asia. The immigrant experience on Angel Island-more than any other site-reveals how U.S. immigration policies and their hierarchical treatment of immigrants according to race, ethnicity, class, nationality, and gender played out in daily practices and decisions at the nation's borders with real consequences on immigrant lives and on the country itself.


City of Strangers: Gulf Migration and the Indian Community in Bahrain
By Andrew M. Gardner

Ilr Pr, 216 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0801448824, $59.95

Paperback, ISBN: 080147602X, $14.36

Book Description: In City of Strangers, Andrew M. Gardner explores the everyday experiences of workers from India who have migrated to the Kingdom of Bahrain. Like all the petroleum-rich states of the Persian Gulf, Bahrain hosts an extraordinarily large population of transmigrant laborers. Guest workers, who make up nearly half of the countrys population, have long labored under a sponsorship system, the kafala, that organizes the flow of migrants from South Asia to the Gulf states and contractually links each laborer to a specific citizen or institution. In order to remain in Bahrain, the worker is almost entirely dependent on his sponsors goodwill. The nature of this relationship, Gardner contends, often leads to exploitation and sometimes violence. Through extensive observation and interviews Gardner focuses on three groups in Bahrain: the unskilled Indian laborers who make up the most substantial portion of the foreign workforce on the island; the countrys entrepreneurial and professional Indian middle class; and Bahraini state and citizenry. He contends that the social segregation and structural violence produced by Bahrains kafala system result from a strategic arrangement by which the state insulates citizens from the global and neoliberal flows that, paradoxically, are central to the nations intended path to the future. City of Strangers contributes significantly to our understanding of politics and society among the states of the Arabian Peninsula and of the migrant labor phenomenon that is an increasingly important aspect of globalization.


Breaks in the Chain: What Immigrant Workers Can Teach America about Democracy
By Paul Apostolidis

Univ. Of Minnesota Press, 360 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0816669813, $73.50

Paperback, ISBN: 0816669821, $17.64

Book Description: In Breaks in the Chain, Paul Apostolidis investigates the personal life stories of a group of Mexican immigrant meatpackers who are at once typical and extraordinary. After crossing the border clandestinely and navigating the treacherous world of the undocumented, they waged a campaign to democratize their union and their workplace in the most hazardous industry in the United States.
Breaks in the Chain shows how immigrant workers-individually and sometimes collectively-both reinforce and contest a tacit but lethal form of biopolitics that differentiates the life chances of racial groups. Examining their personal narratives, Apostolidis recasts our understanding of the ways immigrants construct and transform social power.

Apostolidis uses empirical inquiry to spark new reflections in critical theory as he analyzes how immigrant workers' local practices confront structural power within and beyond America's borders. Linking stories of immigration to stories about working on the meat production line-the chain-he reveals the surprising power of activism by immigrant workers and their allies and demonstrates how it can-and should-promote social and political democracy in America.


Rationalizing Migration Decisions
By Ahsan Ullah

Ashgate, 260 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1409405133, $114.95

Book Description: While decisions for working overseas are often based on expectations and promises of better jobs, opportunities, economic gains and, eventually, a better future, such assumptions may not always be realized. Focusing on the question of why migrants, despite not realizing their earlier aspirations, continue to remain as migrants rather than return home, this book provides a unified understanding of the rationalization of the migration decision making. It does so by empirically situating the study in the experiences of Bangladeshi migrant workers in Hong Kong and Malaysia.


The Control of People Smuggling and Trafficking in the EU
By Matilde Ventrella

Ashgate, 288 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0754674665, $114.99

Book Description: This book examines the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings in the EU with a comparative analysis of how British and Italian law has approached the issues. The work also analyzes the role of cooperation between the police and judiciary in combating criminal organizations involved in these crimes. The author draws on evidence from the Italian city of Rimini to show how an innovative approach can help provide solutions to the problems arising from this sort of criminal activity. The result is a valuable resource for academics and students working in the areas of migration, refugee, criminal justice and EU law. Policy-makers and practitioners working with refugee and immigration issues will also find much of interest in this book.


Immigration and Conflict in Europe
By Rafaela M. Dancygier

Cambridge University Press, 352 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0521199077, $72.00

Paperback, ISBN: 052115023X, $28.09

Book Description: Contemporary debates give the impression that the presence of immigrants necessarily spells strife. Yet as Immigration and Conflict in Europe shows, the incidence of conflict involving immigrants and their descendants has varied widely across groups, cities, and countries. The book presents a theory to account for this uneven pattern, explaining why we observe clashes between immigrants and natives in some locations but not in others and why some cities experience confrontations between immigrants and state actors while others are spared from such conflicts. The book addresses how economic conditions interact with electoral incentives to account for immigrant-native and immigrant-state conflict across groups and cities within Great Britain as well as across Germany and France. The author highlights the importance of national immigration regimes and local political economies in shaping immigrants' economic position and political behavior, demonstrating how economic and electoral forces, rather than cultural differences, determine patterns of conflict and calm.


Elsewhere, Within Here: Immigration, Refugeeism and the Boundary Event
By Trinh T. Minh-ha

Routledge, 152 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0415880211, $113.21

Paperback, ISBN: 041588022X, $26.95

Book Description: Elsewhere, Within Here is an engaging look at travel across national borders--as a foreigner, a tourist, an immigrant, a refugee—in a pre- and post-9/11 world. Who is welcome where? What does it mean to feel out of place in the country you call home? When does the stranger appear in these times of dark metamorphoses? These are some of the issues addressed by the author as she examines the cultural meaning and complexities of travel, immigration, home and exile. The boundary, seen both as a material and immaterial event, is where endings pass into beginnings. Building upon themes present in her earlier work on hybridity and displacement in the median passage, and illuminating the ways in which "every voyage can be said to involve a re-siting of boundaries," Trinh T. Minh-ha leads her readers through an investigation of what it means to be an insider and an outsider in this "epoch of global fear."


Asylum, Migration and Community
By Maggie O'Neill

Policy Press, 312 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1847422233, $76.70

Paperback, ISBN: 1847422225, $39.95

Book Description: Issues of asylum, migration, humanitarian protection and integration/belonging are of growing interest beyond the disciplinary areas of refugee studies, migration, and social policy. Rooted in more than two decades of scholarship, this book uses critical social theory and participatory, biographical and arts based methods with asylum seekers, refugees and emerging communities to explore the dynamics of the asylum-migration-community nexus. It argues that inter-disciplinary analysis is required to deal with the complexity of the issues involved and offers understanding as praxis (purposeful knowledge), drawing upon innovative participatory, arts based, performative and policy relevant research.


The Wind Doesn't Need a Passport: Stories from the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
By Tyche Hendricks

University of California Press, 264 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0520252500, $18.15

Book Description: Award-winning journalist Tyche Hendricks has explored the U.S.-Mexico borderlands by car and by foot, on horseback, and in the back of a pickup truck. She has shared meals with border residents, listened to their stories, and visited their homes, churches, hospitals, farms, and jails. In this dazzling portrait of one of the least understood and most debated regions in the country, Hendricks introduces us to the ordinary Americans and Mexicans who live there--cowboys and Indians, factory workers and physicians, naturalists and nuns. A new picture of the borderlands emerges, and we find that this region is not the dividing line so often imagined by Americans, but is a common ground alive with the energy of cultural exchange and international commerce, burdened with too-rapid growth and binational conflict, and underlain with a deep sense of history.


Ethnic and Racial Studies
Vol. 33, No. 9, September 2010

Selected articles

Making the connection: Latino immigrants and their cross-border ties
By Thomas Soehl and Roger Waldinger…

Visible minorities and ‘White’–‘non-White’ conjugal unions in Canadian large cities
By Dana Hamplová and Céline Le Bourdais…

The conditional relationship between English language proficiency and earnings among US immigrants
By Sean-Shong Hwang, Juan Xi, and Yue Cao…

Immigration, remittances, and transnational social capital formation: a Cuban case study
By Susan Eckstein…


International Migration
Vol. 48, No. 5, September


Limitations in Research on Human Trafficking
By Guri Tyldum…

Open Borders: Absurd Chimera or Inevitable Future Policy?
By John P. Casey…

Workers’ Remittances to India: An Examination of Transfer Cost and Efficiency
By Bhupal Singh…

Worker Remittances and Capital Flows to Developing Countries
By Claudia M. Buch and Anja Kuckulenz…

Immigrant Remittances, Stability of Employment and Relative Deprivation
By Theodore P. Lianos and Jennifer Cavounidis…

Come Back or Stay? Spend Here or There? Return and Remittances: The Case of Moldova
By Pia Pinger…

Economic Contribution of Migrant Workers to Thailand
By Piriya Pholphirul and Pungpond Rukumnuaykit…

Migrant Remittances and Household Wellbeing in Urban Zimbabwe
By Sarah Bracking and Lloyd Sachikonye…


International Migration Review
Vol. 44, No. 3, Fall 2010


Citizenship and Labor Market Position: Turkish Immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands
Rob Euwals, Jaco Dagevos, Mérove Gijsberts, and Hans Roodenburg…

Exits from Self-Employment: Is There a Native-Immigrant Difference in Sweden?
By Pernilla Andersson Joona…

Immigrant Wage Disadvantage in Sweden and the United Kingdom: Wage Structure and Barriers to Opportunity
By Christel Kesler…

Wages Differences Between Temporary and Permanent Immigrants
By Peter B. Brownell…

Union Formation and Partner Choice in a Transnational Context: The Case of Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in France
By Nadja Milewski and Christelle Hamel…

The Causes of Pro-Immigration Voting in the United States Supreme Court
By Melissa G. Ocepek and Joel S. Fetzer…

When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do: The Acculturation of Generalized Trust among Immigrants in Western Europe
By Peter Thisted Dinesen and Marc Hooghe…

A Tale of Two Counties: Natives' Opinions Toward Immigration in North Carolina
By O'Neil, Kevin; Tienda, Marta…

And You Welcomed Me: Migration and Catholic Social Teaching
By Mark R. von Sternberg…


Refugee Survey Quarterly
Vol. 29, No. 1, 2010


The Refugee Regime Complex
By Alexander Betts

The Perils of Humanitarianism: Refugee and IDP Protection in Situations of Regime-induced Displacement
By Phil Orchard

Governance and Prima Facie Refugee Status Determination: Clarifying the Boundaries of Temporary Protection, Group Determination, and Mass Influx
By Matthew Albert

Refugees, Europe, Camps/State of Exception: “Into The Zone”, the European Union and Extraterritorial Processing of Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum-seekers (Theories and Practice)
By Carl Levy

Global Governance and International Migration: A Case Study of Trafficking of Human Beings
By Tom Obokata

The Refugee–Trafficking Nexus: Making Good (The) Connections
By Susan Kneebone

The Symbolic Economy of Trans-border Governance: A Case Study of Subjective Exclusion and Migrant Women from Mexico
By Luann Good Gingrich

Transnational Criminal Law as a Governance Strategy in the Global Labour Market: Criminalizing Globalization from Below
By Douglas Guilfoyle


Vol. 28, No. 4, 2010


Migration, Governance and Human Rights: Contemporary Dilemmas in the Era of Globalization
By Ryszard Cholewinski and Patrick Taran

Human Rights and Protection of Non-Citizens: Whither Universality and Indivisibility of Rights?
By David Weissbrodt and Stephen Meili

Refugee Rights in Times of Mixed Migration: Evolving Status and Protection Issues
By Johannes van der Klaauw

Irregular Migration: Challenges, Limits and Remedies
By Michele LeVoy and Eve Geddie

The EU Directive on Return: Principles and Protests
By Anneliese Baldaccini

The Role of United Nations Special Procedures in Protecting the Human Rights of Migrants
By Taryn Lesser

Development, Mobility, and Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality
By Piyasiri Wickramasekara

Exploring Migration and Development Linkages and Reclaiming What is Human and Right in the Discourse
By William Gois