Immigration Reading List, 6/24/10

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Senate testimony on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
2. House testimony on the Executive Office for Immigration Review
3. ICE report on Secure Communities Program
4. CRS reports on permanent admissions, unauthorized aliens, and AZ SB 1070
5. GAO reports on border security tech, combatting gangs, and immigration law regulations
6. Text of AZ SB 1070
7. Canada: Population statistics
8. E.U.: Asylum statistics
9. U.K.: Citizenship and immigration statistics
10. Malta: Immigration statistics
11. N.Z.: Immigration statistics



Five new reports from FAIR
13. State and Local Legislation Bulletin
14. Four new reports from TRAC
15. Seven new reports and features from the Migration Policy Institute
16. Twelve new reports from the Institute for the Study of Labor
17. New report the National Bureau of Economic Research
18. Sixteen new papers from the Social Science Research Network
19. Pew Research Center report on Arizona immigration law
20. Rasmussen poll on PA support for Arizona immigration law
21. Rasmussen poll on MA support for curbing benefits for illegal aliens
22. Report on the effects of state level legislation against hiring illegal aliens
23. Two new articles from the Immigration Professors' Blog
24. Migration News Sheet Summary June 2010
25. Two new publications from the International Organization for Migration
26. Org. for Economic Cooperation and Development report on immigrants and employment
27. World Bank report on global economic prospects
28. Canada: Report on Canadian temporary foreign worker program
29. Canada: Report on immigrants and preventive health care
30. Canada: Symposium on temporary foreign workers and attitudes toward immigration
31. U.K.: "Wrong kind of victim?"
32. U.K.: "Not Gone, But Forgotten"
33. U.K.: "Growing Pains: Population and Sustainability in the UK"
34. "A Cross-Generational Analysis of Jewish Immigration from Russia to the U.S."
35. "Writing With Power, Sharing Their Immigrant Stories:"



Inclusion and Exclusion of Young Adult Migrants in Europe
37. The Wind Doesn't Need a Passport: Stories from the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
38. Terrorists in Our Midst: Combating Foreign-Affinity Terrorism in America
39. Migration and the Globalisation of Health Care: The Health Worker Exodus?
40. David Taylor: Working the Line
41. Education, Asylum and the 'Non-Citizen' Child:
42. 'Illegal' Traveller: An Auto-Ethnography of Borders
43. How Obama is Transforming America Through Immigration
44. The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050
45. Running the Border Gauntlet: The Mexican Migrant Controversy
46. Migra!: A History of the U.S. Border Patrol
47. The El Paso Operation that Remade Immigration Enforcement
48. Learning a New Land: Immigrant Students in American Society
49. Sounds of Ethnicity: Listening to German North America, 1850-1914
50. Patriotic Pluralism: Americanization Education and European Immigrants
51. Border Crimes: Australia's War on Illicit Migrants
52. Asylum, Welfare and the Cosmopolitan Ideal: A Sociology of Rights
53. Irregular Migration in Europe
54. Ethical Borders: NAFTA, Globalization, and Mexican Migration



Asian Migration News
56. Ethnic and Racial Studies
57. International Journal of Refugee Law
58. International Migration Review
59. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
60. Journal of Refugee Studies
61. People and Place

-- Mark Krikorian]

Oversight of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Senate Committee on the Judiciary
May 11, 2010

Member statements

Senator Patrick Leahy, Vermont

Witness testimony

Alejandro Mayorkas, Director


Hearing on the Executive Office for Immigration Review

House Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Witness Testimony

Panel I

Juan P. Osuna
Associate Deputy Attorney General
Office of Immigration Litigation
U.S. Department of Justice

Panel II

Karen T. Grisez, Chair
Commission on Immigration
American Bar Association

Russell R. Wheeler, President
The Governance Institute
Visiting Fellow, The Brookings Institution

Dana Leigh Marks, President
National Association of Immigration Judges

Mark H. Metcalf, Former Immigration Judge


Secure Communities Program
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, June 2010…



State Efforts to Deter Unauthorized Aliens: Legal Analysis of Arizona’s S.B. 1070
By Michael John Garcia, Larry M. Eig, and Yule Kim
CRS Report for Congress, May 3, 2010

Unauthorized Aliens in the United States
By Andorra Bruno
CRS Report for Congress, April 27, 2010

U.S. Immigration Policy on Permanent Admissions
By Ruth Ellen Wasem
CRS Report for Congress, April 1, 2010


New from the General Accountability Office

Secure Border Initiative: DHS Needs to Follow Through on Plans to Reassess and Better Manage Key Technology Program
Statement of Randolph C. Hite
Government Accountability Office, GAO-10-840T, June 17, 2010
Report -
Summary -

DHS Needs to Conclude Negotiations and Finalize Regulations to Implement Federal Immigration Law
Statement of David Gootnick
Government Accountability Office, GAO-10-671T, May 18, 2010
Report -

Secure Border Initiative: DHS Needs to Reconsider Its Proposed Investment in Key Technology Program
Government Accountability Office, GAO-10-340, May 5, 2010
Report -
Summary -

Secure Border Initiative: DHS Has Faced Challenges Deploying Technology and Fencing Along the Southwest Border
Statement for the Record of Richard M. Stana
Government Accountability Office, GAO-10-651T, May 4, 2010
Report -
Highlights -

Combating Gangs: Federal Agencies Have Implemented a Central American Gang Strategy, but Could Strengthen Oversight and Measurement of Efforts
Government Accountability Office, GAO-10-395, April 23, 2010
Report -
Highlights -


Arizona Senate Bill 1070
State of Arizona Senate
Forty-ninth Legislature, Second Regular Session, 2010


Population projections: Canada, the provinces and territories
Statistics Canada, May 26, 2010


Asylum applicants and first instance decisions on asylum applications in Q4 2009
The number of asylum applicants remains stable in 2009
By Anthony Albertinelli and Piotr Juchno
Eurostat, May 4, 2010…


British Citizenship Statistics United Kingdom, 2009
Research, Development and Statistics Directorate
U.K. Home Office, May 27, 2010

Control of Immigration: Quarterly Statistical Summary, U.K.
January-March 2010


World Refugee Day 2010
National Statistics Office, Malta, June 18, 2010


International Travel and Migration: May 2010
Statistics New Zealand, June 21, 2010…


Immigration in Arizona
FAIR Fact Sheet
Federation for American Immigration Reform, April 2010

Summary of the Reid-Schumer-Menendez Amnesty Proposal
Federation for American Immigration Reform, April 30, 2010…

Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act
Summary of Arizona SB 1070 as Enacted
Federation for American Immigration Reform, May 2010…

The Environmentalist's Guide to a Sensible Immigration Policy
Federation for American Immigration Reform, April 2010…

Amnesty and the American Worker
A look at how illegal immigration has harmed working class Americans and how amnesty would make matters worse
By Eric Ruark
Federation for American Immigration Reform, April 2010


State and Local Legislation Bulletin

State and Local Legislation Bulletin
Immigration Reform Law Institute
Issue 35, May 2010


Arizona SB 1070 Inspires other State Legislatures

Minnesota Introduces 287(g) Grant Legislation

D.C. Secure Communities

English Only Legislation Dies in Georgia, Missouri & Tennessee but Thrives in Small Towns in New York

IRLI Footnote on the Law


Issue 34, April 2010


Arizona Enacts Major Immigration Legislation

Seismic Monitoring Bill to Curb Illegal Immigration Enacted in Arizona

Numerous States Working to Combat Human Trafficking

New Jersey Bill Seeks to Prohibit Release of Illegal Immigrants From Correctional Facilities

Florida Legislature Considers E-Verify Bill

California Attempts to Bar Sanctuary Cities

Hawaii Enacts Law Requiring Proof Legal Presence for State Driver's License

Georgia Passes English Bill for Driver's License Exam

Oklahoma Appeals Court Denies Reconsideration of HB 1804

IRLI Footnote on the Law: Reasonable Suspicion that a Person is Unlawfully Present in the United States


New from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University

Immigration Case Backlog Still Growing

Immigration Court Caseload Tool
Pending Cases and Length of Wait in Immigration Courts

Immigration and Customs in Homeland Security:

Immigration Prosecutions for March 2010

Immigration Convictions for March 2010


New from the Migration Policy Institute

The Impact of Immigrants in Recession and Economic Expansion
By Giovanni Peri
University of California, Davis, June 2010

Migration's Middlemen: Regulating Recruitment Agencies in the Philippines-United Arab Emirates Corridor
By Dovelyn Rannveig Agunias
June 2010

On the Other Side of the Fence: Changing Dynamics of Migration in the Americas
By Jacqueline Mazza and Eleanor Sohnen
Inter-American Development Bank
Migration Information Source, May 2010

"It's Not Just About the Economy, Stupid" - Social Remittances Revisited
By Peggy Levitt, Wellesley College and Harvard University and
Deepak Lamba-Nieves, MIT and Center for the New Economy
Migration Information Source, May 2010

Arrested on Entry: Operation Streamline and the Prosecution of Immigration Crimes
By Donald Kerwin and Kristen McCabe
Migration Information Source, April 2010

Show Me the Money (and Opportunity): Why Skilled People Leave Home - and Why They Sometimes Return
By Laura Chappell and Alex Glennie
Migration Information Source, April 2010

Supreme Court Rules that Attorneys Must Inform Criminal Defendants of the Immigration Consequences of Pleading Guilty
By Muzaffar Chishti and Claire Bergeron
MPI Policy Beat, April 15, 2010


New from the Institute for the Study of Labor

Immigration Background and the Intergenerational Correlation in Education
By Deborah A. Cobb-Clark and Trong-Ha Nguyen
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4985, June 2010

Crossing the Border: Self-Selection, Earnings and Individual Migration Decisions
By Simone Bertoli, Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga, Francesc Ortega
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4957, May 2010

Small State Regional Cooperation, South-South and South-North Migration, and International Trade
By Maurice Schiff
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4938, May 2010

Bidding for Brains: Intellectual Property Rights and the International Migration of Knowledge Workers
Carol McAusland and Peter J. Kuhn
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4936, May 2010

The Cliometrics of International Migration: A Survey
By Timothy J. Hatton
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4900, April 2010

Source Country Characteristics and Immigrants' Migration Duration and Saving Decisions
By Murat G. Kirdar
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4899, April 2010

Border Enforcement and Selection of Mexican Immigrants in the United States
By Fernando A. Lozano and Mary J. Lopez
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4898, April 2010

Estimating the Impact of Immigrants on the Host Country Social Security System When Return Migration is an Endogenous Choice
By Murat G. Kirdar
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4894, April 2010

Immigrants at New Destinations: How They Fare and Why
By Anabela Carneiro, Natércia Fortuna, and José Varejão
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4892, April 2010

Children's Schooling and Parental Migration: Empirical Evidence on the "Left Behind" Generation in Albania
By Gianna Claudia Giannelli, and Lucia Mangiavacchi
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4888, April 2010

The Effect of Family Separation and Reunification on the Educational Success of Immigrant Children in the United States
By T. H. Gindling and Sara Z. Poggio
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4887, April 2010

Selection Policy and Immigrants' Remittance Behaviour
By Stéphane Mahuteau, Matloob Piracha, and Massimiliano Tani
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4874, April 2010


New from the National Bureau of Economic Research

Does Reducing College Costs Improve Educational Outcomes for Undocumented Immigrants? Evidence from State Laws Permitting Undocumented Immigrants to Pay In-state Tuition at State Colleges and Universities
By Aimee Chin and Chinhui Juhn
NBER Working Paper No. 15932, April 2010


New from the Social Science Research Network

Reclaiming the Immigration Constitution of the Early Republic
By James E. Pfander and Theresa Wardon
Virginia Law Review, Vol. 96, No. 1, 2010
Northwestern Public Law Research Paper No. 10-13

Constraint Through Delegation: The Case of Executive Control Over Immigration Policy
By Cristina Rodriguez
Duke Law Journal, Vol. 59, 2010
NYU School of Law, Public Law Research Paper, Forthcoming
Migration & Immigration: Trends & Critical Policy Issues Paper

Human Trafficking Violates Anti-Slavery Provision: Introductory Note to Rantsev v. Cyprus and Russia - European Court of Human Rights
By Stephanie Farrior
International Legal Materials, Vol. 49, 2010
Vermont Law School Research Paper No. 10-36

Rediscovering Oyama v. California: At the Intersection of Property, Race and Citizenship
By Rose Cuison Villazor
Washington University Law Review, Vol. 87, 2010
Hofstra University Legal Studies Research Paper

When Others Get Too Close: Immigrants, Class, and the Health Care Debate
By Janet L. Dolgin and Katherine Rouse Dieterich
Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 19, No. 2
Hofstra Univ. Legal Studies Research Paper No. 10-22

The Alien Invasion?
By Ediberto Roman
Houston Law Review, Vol. 45, 2008
Florida International University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 10-22

Fitting the Formula for Judicial Review: The Law-Fact Distinction in Immigration Law
By Rebecca A. Sharpless
University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2010-12, April 30, 2010

287(g) and the Politics of Immigration Control in the United States: Explaining Local Cooperation with Federal Immigration Authorities
By Tom K. Wong
University of California, Riverside, May 27, 2010

Après Nous Le Deluge: Fertility and the Intensity of Struggle against Immigration
By Leonid V. Azarnert
CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3064, May 2010

Understanding the Impact of Immigration on Crime
By Jorg L. Spenkuch
University of Chicago Department of Economics, May 2010

Immigration of Nurses
By David E. Kalist, Stephen J. Spurr, and Tatsuma Wada
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, Vol. 49, Issue 3, July 2010

The Impact of Immigration on the Geographic Mobility of New Zealanders
By David C. Mare and Steven Stillman
Economic Record, Vol. 86, Issue 273, June 2010

The Polls-Trends: American Public Opinion on Immigrants and Immigration Policy
By Francine Segovia and Renatta Defever
Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 74, Issue 2, 2010

Arizona Senate Bill 1070: A Preliminary Report
By Gabriel J. Chin, Carissa Byrne Hessick, Toni M. Massaro, and Marc L. Miller
June 8, 2010

Territoriality and the First Amendment: Free Speech At - And Beyond - Our Borders
By Timothy Zick
Notre Dame Law Review, Vol. 85, 2010
William & Mary Law School Research Paper No. 09-49

Immigration and the Economic Status of African-American Men
By George J. Borjas, Jeffrey Grogger, and Gordon H. Hanson
Economica, Vol. 77, Issue 306, April 2010


Public Supports Arizona Immigration Law
Democrats Divided, But Support Provisions
Pew Research Center, May 12, 2010…


58% in Pennsylvania Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona's
Rasmussen Reports, May 16, 2010…

1. Some people believe that the goal of immigration policy should be to keep out national security threats, criminals, and those who would come here to live off our welfare system. Beyond that, all immigrants would be welcome. Do you agree or disagree with that goal for immigration policy?

68% Agree
20% Disagree
12% Not sure

2. Do you favor or oppose legislation that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant?

58% Favor
32% Oppose
10% Not sure

3. How concerned are you that efforts to identify and deport illegal immigrants will also end up violating the civil rights of some U.S. citizens?

25% Very concerned
29% Somewhat concerned
28% Not very concerned
15% Not at all concerned
2% Not sure


70% in Massachusetts Favor Ban on Public Benefits For Illegal Immigrants
Rasmussen Reports, May 12, 2010…


What Are the Effects of State Level Legislation Against the Hiring of Undocumented Immigrants?
By Sarah Bohn, Magnus Lofstrom and Steven Raphael
Population Association of America Annual Meeting, April 2010


New from the Immigration Prof Blog

Arizona to Challenge Birthright Citizenship and the Fourteenth Amendment?…

Will School Police in Arizona Violate Plyler?
By Mary Ann Zehr
Education Week, June 2010…


Migration News Sheet Summary June 2010
Migration Policy Group, June 3, 2010


New from the International Organization for Migration

Angola: A Study of the Impact of Remittances from Portugal and South Africa
By Sandra Paola Alvarez Tinajero
International Organization for Migration, March 2010

Migrant Resource Centres: An Initial Assessment
By Paul Tacon and Elizabeth Warn
International Organization for Migration, April 2010


OECD Employment
Vol. 2010, No. 7, May 2010…

Selected articles:

Equal Opportunities?: The Labour Market Integration of the Children of Immigrants…

Overview: Children of Immigrants in the Labour Markets of OECD and EU Countries…

The Integration of the Children of Immigrants in European Cities: The Importance of Parental Background…

Seeking Success in Canada and the United States: Labour Market Outcomes among the Children of Immigrants…

Labour Market Characteristics and their Impact on the Integration of Immigrants' Offspring…

Policy Options for Improving the Educational Outcomes of the Children of Immigrants…

Annex A. Programme of the joint technical seminar on the labour market integration of the children of immigrants, co-organised by the European Commission and the OECD…


Global Economic Prospects 2010
Crisis, Finance, and Growth
The World Bank, Summer 2010…


The Canadian Temporary Foreign Worker Program: Do Short-Term Economic Needs Prevail over Human Rights Concerns?
By Delphine Nakache and Paula J. Kinoshita
Institute for Research on Public Policy, May 2010


Summary of clinical preventive care recommendations for newly arriving immigrants and refugees to Canada
By Kevin Pottie, Peter Tugwell, J. Feightner, Vivian Welch, Christine Greenaway, H. Swinkels, Meb Rashid, Lavanya Narasiah, Laurence Kirmayer, Erin Ueffing, and N. MacDonald
Canadian Medical Association Journal, June 7, 2010…


Permanently Temporary: Temporary Foreign Workers and Canada’s Changing Attitude to Citizenship and Immigration
CERIS Community Research Symposium, February 4, 2010

Panel 1 — Global Picture Local Snapshots

Panel 2

Panel 3

Panel 4


Wrong kind of victim?
One year on: an analysis of UK measures to protect trafficked persons
The Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group, June 2010…


Not Gone, But Forgotten
The urgent need for a more humane asylum system
The British Red Cross, June 2010


Growing Pains: Population and Sustainability in the UK
Forum for the Future, June 2010


East Meets West: A Cross-Generational Analysis of Jewish Immigration from Russia to the United States
By Polina Katz and Naum Katz
The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2010…


Writing With Power, Sharing Their Immigrant Stories: Adult ESOL Students Find Their Voices Through Writing
By Mary Amanda Stewart
TESOL Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2010…


Inclusion and Exclusion of Young Adult Migrants in Europe
By Katrine Fangen, Kirsten Fossan, and Ferdinand Andreas Mohn

Ashgate, 296 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 140940420X, $99.95

Book Description: "Inclusion and Exclusion of Young Adult Migrants in Europe" presents analyses of research carried out during the course of the EUMARGINS research project, exploring the inclusion and exclusion of young adult immigrants across a range national contexts, including the Nordic welfare states, old colonial countries, Southern European nations and the Eastern European region. Scrutinising legal, policy and historical sources, as well as participation in labour market and education systems, this volume engages with multiple social arenas and spheres, to integrate research and provide a cohesive investigation of the dynamics of each national setting. In addition to the chapters focused on individual national contexts (Estonia, France, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK), the book also provides a comprehensive transnational analysis, developing a comparative perspective and explaining the overarching research framework. A carefully organized and comprehensive exploration of the exclusion and inclusion of young adult migrants in Europe, "Inclusion and Exclusion of Young Adult Migrants in Europe" will appeal to social scientists with interests in migration, population change, integration and exclusion.


The Wind Doesn't Need a Passport: Stories from the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
By Tyche Hendricks

University of California Press, 264 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0520252500, $18.15

Book Description: Award-winning journalist Tyche Hendricks has explored the U.S.-Mexico borderlands by car and by foot, on horseback, and in the back of a pickup truck. She has shared meals with border residents, listened to their stories, and visited their homes, churches, hospitals, farms, and jails. In this dazzling portrait of one of the least understood and most debated regions in the country, Hendricks introduces us to the ordinary Americans and Mexicans who live there--cowboys and Indians, factory workers and physicians, naturalists and nuns. A new picture of the borderlands emerges, and we find that this region is not the dividing line so often imagined by Americans, but is a common ground alive with the energy of cultural exchange and international commerce, burdened with too-rapid growth and binational conflict, and underlain with a deep sense of history.


Terrorists in Our Midst: Combating Foreign-Affinity Terrorism in America
By Yonah Alexander

Praeger, 315 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0313375704, $34.95

Book Description: Foreign-affinity terrorism, also known as "Diaspora Terrorism" is the most critical contributing factor that supports violence in democratic countries. Hundreds of "hard-core" American "sleeper agents," as well as tens of thousands of foreign-affinity U.S. sympathizers reside in our midst and constitute a clear and present danger to homeland and global security interests.


Migration and the Globalisation of Health Care: The Health Worker Exodus?
By John Connell

Edward Elgar Pub., 260 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1847207375, $125.00

Book Description: The international migration of health workers has been described by Nelson Mandela as the `poaching' of desperately needed skills from under-privileged regions. This book examines the controversial recent history of skilled migration, and explores the economic and cultural rationale behind this rise of a complex global market in qualified migrants and its multifaceted outcomes.

John Connell pays particular attention to the increase in demand for migrants in more developed countries due to the complex ramifications of aging, and new opportunities and expectations. He illustrates how globalization has linked sub-Saharan Africa to Europe and North America, and created new demand in Japan for international migrants from China and isolated island states. The long-established skill-drain, with its impact on household relations and negative consequences for health care, is carefully balanced against new flows of remittances, the return of skills and complex regional changes. Wide-ranging policy interventions, and greater social justice, have been challenged by the rise of the `competition state' and limitations to economic growth in the global south.

This comprehensive and definitive analysis of the global migration of health workers will prove an essential resource for academics and research students in health and social policy, and in the various disciplines that relate to migration, including sociology, economics and geography.


David Taylor: Working the Line
By Monica Ramirez-Montagut, Luis Alberto Urrea, and David Taylor (photographer)

Radius Books, 120 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1934435244, $25.20

Book Description: David Taylor's photographic examination of the contentious territory that is the U.S./Mexico border is organized around a series of approximately 260 obelisks that demarcate this boundary, and which were installed in the late 1880s. In the course of pursuing this project, Taylor earned a remarkable degree of access to U.S. Border Patrol, the agents of which often refer to their job in the field as "line work"-a term that is also an apt description of the time Taylor has spent documenting these obelisks. He has acquired a privileged insight into the intertwined issues of border security, human and drug smuggling, the construction of the border fence and its impact on the land, and has portrayed immigration issues in a way that humanizes a difficult and sensitive social and political issue. Taylor's compelling images capture the deep complexity of the politics and people of this terrain.


Education, Asylum and the 'Non-Citizen' Child: The Politics of Compassion and Belonging
By Halleli Pinson, Madeleine Arnot, and Mano Candappa

Palgrave Macmillan, 224 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0230524680, $80.00

Book Description: Refugees are physically and symbolically 'out of place', their position forcing receiving states to address issues of rights and moral obligations. This book is concerned with asylum-seeking and refugee children in the UK whose presence represents a litmus test of state commitment to human rights, equality and justice for all children.


'Illegal' Traveller: An Auto-Ethnography of Borders
By Shahram Khosravi

Palgrave Macmillan, 176 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0230230792, $62.40

Book Description: Based on fieldwork among undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers, Illegal Traveller offers a narrative of the polysemic nature of borders, border politics, and rituals and performances of border-crossing. Interjecting personal experiences into ethnographic writing it is "a form of self-narrative that places the self within a social context."


How Obama is Transforming America Through Immigration
By Mark Krikorian

Encounter Books, 48 pp.

Paperback, ISBN: 8862080883, $5.99

Book Description: President Obama and his allies have made no secret about their immigration goals: easy amnesty, loose enforcement, and ever-higher levels of legal immigration. One prominent labor leader has boasted that continued mass immigration "will solidify and expand the progressive coalition for the future."

In this penetrating Broadside, Mark Krikorian lays out the details of Obama's open-borders approach to immigration and its political consequences. Krikorian, one of the leading critics of current immigration policy, examines the Administration's record of weakening enforcement and describes how legislation crafted by the president's supporters in Congress would ensure new waves of illegal immigration. Krikorian also explains how continued high levels of immigration, regardless of legal status, would progressively move the United States in the direction of more government and less liberty.


The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050
By Joel Kotkin

Penguin Press HC, 320 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1594202443, $14.27

Book Description: In stark contrast to the rest of the world's advanced nations, the United States is growing at a record rate and, according to census projections, will be home to four hundred million Americans by 2050. This projected rise in population is the strongest indicator of our long-term economic strength, Joel Kotkin believes, and will make us more diverse and more competitive than any nation on earth.

Drawing on prodigious research, firsthand reportage, and historical analysis, The Next Hundred Million reveals how this unprecedented growth will take physical shape and change the face of America. The majority of the additional hundred million Americans will find their homes in suburbia, though the suburbs of tomorrow will not resemble the Levittowns of the 1950s or the sprawling exurbs of the late twentieth century. The suburbs of the twenty-first century will be less reliant on major cities for jobs and other amenities and, as a result, more energy efficient. Suburbs will also be the melting pots of the future as more and more immigrants opt for dispersed living over crowded inner cities and the majority in the United States becomes nonwhite by 2050.

In coming decades, urbanites will flock in far greater numbers to affordable, vast, and autoreliant metropolitan areas-such as Houston, Phoenix, and Las Vegas-than to glamorous but expensive industrial cities, such as New York and Chicago. Kotkin also foresees that the twenty-first century will be marked by a resurgence of the American heartland, far less isolated in the digital era and a crucial source of renewable fuels and real estate for a growing population. But in both big cities and small towns across the country, we will see what Kotkin calls "the new localism"-a greater emphasis on family ties and local community, enabled by online networks and the increasing numbers of Americans working from home.

The Next Hundred Million provides a vivid snapshot of America in 2050 by focusing not on power brokers, policy disputes, or abstract trends, but rather on the evolution of the more intimate units of American society-families, towns, neighborhoods, industries. It is upon the success or failure of these communities, Kotkin argues, that the American future rests.


Running the Border Gauntlet: The Mexican Migrant Controversy
By Laurence French

Praeger, 176 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0313382123, $44.95

Book Description: Although immigration and the U.S./Mexico border are perennial election issues, few Americans are aware of the long history of racial, political, religious, and class conflict that have resulted in America's contentious immigration policies. Running the Border Gauntlet traces this complex history, examining events that eventually led to the forceful annexation of the majority of Mexico under the pretense of Manifest Destiny and that contribute to tensions between the two nations today.

The story begins with religious discord between Protestants and Catholics and continues through the development of an economy based on slave labor, the annexation of Texas, the Mexican Revolution, the Bracero Program, NAFTA, and the "war on drugs." Among other revelations, the book challenges the long-held myths of the Texas revolution and the heroic role of the Texas Rangers and documents a continuing disregard for the welfare of indigenous populations. Drawing on all that went before, it explains not only the how and why of current U.S. immigration policy, but also its often-devastating effects on migrant workers.


Migra!: A History of the U.S. Border Patrol
By Kelly Lytle Hernandez

University of California Press, 336 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0520257693, $55.00,

Paperback, ISBN: 0520266412, $16.29

Book Description: This is the untold history of the United States Border Patrol from its beginnings in 1924 as a small peripheral outfit to its emergence as a large professional police force. To tell this story, Kelly Lytle Hernández dug through a gold mine of lost and unseen records stored in garages, closets, an abandoned factory, and in U.S. and Mexican archives. Focusing on the daily challenges of policing the borderlands and bringing to light unexpected partners and forgotten dynamics, Migra! reveals how the U.S. Border Patrol translated the mandate for comprehensive migration control into a project of policing Mexicans in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.


Blockading the Border and Human Rights: The El Paso Operation that Remade Immigration Enforcement
By Timothy J. Dunn

University of Texas Press, 313 pp., (312 Paperback)

Hardcover, ISBN: 0292719019, $50.00,

Paperback, ISBN: 0292723490, $30.00,

Book Description: To understand border enforcement and the shape it has taken, it is imperative to examine a groundbreaking Border Patrol operation begun in 1993 in El Paso, Texas, "Operation Blockade." The El Paso Border Patrol designed and implemented this radical new strategy, posting 400 agents directly on the banks of the Rio Grande in highly visible positions to deter unauthorized border crossings into the urban areas of El Paso from neighboring Ciudad Juárez--a marked departure from the traditional strategy of apprehending unauthorized crossers after entry. This approach, of "prevention through deterrence," became the foundation of the 1994 and 2004 National Border Patrol Strategies for the Southern Border. Politically popular overall, it has rendered unauthorized border crossing far less visible in many key urban areas. However, the real effectiveness of the strategy is debatable, at best. Its implementation has also led to a sharp rise in the number of deaths of unauthorized border crossers.

Here, Dunn examines the paradigm-changing Operation Blockade and related border enforcement efforts in the El Paso region in great detail, as well as the local social and political situation that spawned the approach and has shaped it since. Dunn particularly spotlights the human rights abuses and enforcement excesses inflicted on local Mexican Americans and Mexican immigrants as well as the challenges to those abuses. Throughout the book, Dunn filters his research and fieldwork through two competing lenses, human rights versus the rights of national sovereignty and citizenship.


Learning a New Land: Immigrant Students in American Society
By Carola Suárez-Orozco, Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco, and Irina Todorova

Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 440 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0674026756, $20.42

Paperback, ISBN: 0674045807, $12.89

Book Description: One child in five in America is the child of immigrants, and their numbers increase each year. Very few will return to the country they barely remember. Who are they, and what America do they know?

Based on an extraordinary interdisciplinary study that followed 400 newly arrived children from the Caribbean, China, Central America, and Mexico for five years, this book provides a compelling account of the lives, dreams, and frustrations of these youngest immigrants. Richly told portraits of high and low achievers are packed with unexpected ironies. When they arrive, most children are full of optimism and a respect for education. But poor neighborhoods and dull--often dangerous--schools can corrode hopes. The vast majority learn English--but it is the English of video games and the neighborhood, not that of standardized tests.

For some of these children, those heading off to college, America promises to be a land of dreams. These lucky ones have often benefited from caring mentors, supportive teachers, or savvy parents. For others, the first five years are marked by disappointments, frustrations, and disenchantment. How can we explain their varied academic journeys?

The children of immigrants, here to stay, are the future--and how they adapt will determine the nature of America in the twenty-first century.


Sounds of Ethnicity: Listening to German North America, 1850-1914
By Barbara Lorenzkowski

University of Manitoba Press, 295

Hardcover, ISBN: 0887551882, $55.00

Paperback, ISBN: 0887557163, $34.95, 568 pp.

Book Description: Sounds of Ethnicity takes us into the linguistic, cultural, and geographical borderlands of German North America in the Great Lakes region between 1850 and 1914. Drawing connections between immigrant groups in Buffalo, New York, and Berlin (now Kitchener), Ontario, Barbara Lorenzkowski examines the interactions of language and music--specifically German-language education, choral groups, and music festivals--and their roles in creating both an ethnic sense of self and opportunities for cultural exchanges at the local, ethnic, and transnational levels. She exposes the tensions between the self-declared ethnic leadership that extolled the virtues of the German mother tongue as preserver of ethnic identity and gateway to scholarship and high culture, and the hybrid realities of German North America where the lives of migrants were shaped by two languages, English and German. Theirs was a song not of cultural purity, but of cultural fusion that gave meaning to the way German migrants made a home for themselves in North America.

Written in lively and elegant prose, Sounds of Ethnicity is a new and exciting approach to the history of immigration and identity in North America.


Patriotic Pluralism: Americanization Education and European Immigrants
By Jeffrey Mirel

Harvard University Press, 378 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0674046382, $45.00

Book Description: In this book, a leading historian of education retells the story we think we know, in which public schools forced a draconian Americanization on the great waves of immigration of a century ago. Ranging from the 1890s through the World War II years, Jeffrey Mirel argues that Americanization was a far more nuanced and negotiated process from the start, much shaped by immigrants themselves.

Drawing from detailed descriptions of Americanization programs for both schoolchildren and adults in three cities (Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit) and from extensive analysis of foreign-language newspapers, Mirel shows how immigrants confronted different kinds of Americanization. When native-born citizens contemptuously tried to force them to forsake their home religions, languages, or histories, immigrants pushed back strongly. While they passionately embraced key aspects of Americanization—the English language, American history, democratic political ideas, and citizenship—they also found in American democracy a defense of their cultural differences. In seeing no conflict between their sense of themselves as Italians, or Germans, or Poles, and Americans, they helped to create a new and inclusive vision of this country.

Mirel vividly retells the epic story of one of the great achievements of American education, which has profound implications for the Americanization of immigrants today.


Border Crimes: Australia's War on Illicit Migrants
By Michael Grewcock

Federation Press, 351 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0975196790, $64.00

Book Description: In this powerful and compelling book, Mike Grewcock eloquently exposes the organised criminal abuses and violence perpetrated by states against one of the world' most vulnerable populations. Through the lens of a state crime framework and with conceptual rigour, he traces the political and historical antecedents of Australia's shameful asylum policy and practice. This title is suitable for students and academics studying/teaching criminology, crime and crime prevention; and for practitioners involved in policing immigration.


Asylum, Welfare and the Cosmopolitan Ideal: A Sociology of Rights
By Lydia Morris

Routledge-Cavendish, 184 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0415497736, $125.00

Book Description: Asylum, Welfare and the Cosmopolitan Ideal: A Sociology of Rights puts forward the argument that rights must be understood as part of a social process: a terrain for strategies of inclusion and exclusion but also of contestation and negotiation. Engaging debate about how ‘cosmopolitan’ principles and practices may be transforming national sovereignty, Lydia Morris explores this premise through a case study of legal activism, civil society mobilisation, and judicial decision making. The book documents government attempts to use destitution as a deterrent to control asylum numbers, and examines a series of legal challenges to this policy, spanning a period both before and after the Human Rights Act. Lydia Morris shows how human rights can be used as a tool for radical change, and in so doing proposes a multi-layered 'model' for understanding rights. This incorporates political strategy, public policy, civil society mobilisation, judicial decision making, and their public impact, and advances a dynamic understanding of rights as part of the recurrent encounter between principles and politics. Rights are therefore seen as both a social product and a social force.


Irregular Migration in Europe
By Anna Triandafyllidou

Ashgate, 328 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0754678865, $114.95

Book Description: "Irregular Migration in Europe" contributes to our knowledge of the scale and nature of the much discussed but under-researched phenomenon of irregular migration in Europe, whilst improving our understanding of the dynamics of irregular migration and its relation to European societies and economies. Presenting a comparative analysis of the experiences and policies of different EU member states, this book draws on an extensive range sources, many of which have so far been absent from English-language analyses, to offer an overall picture of irregular migration in twelve EU member states. This volume will be of interest to policy makers and researchers within the fields of migration, sociology and social anthropology, political science, European integration and European studies, political science and public administration.


Ethical Borders: NAFTA, Globalization, and Mexican Migration
Bill Ong Hing

Temple University Press, 216 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1592139248, $69.50

Paperback, ISBN: 1592139256, $24.25, 568 pp.

Book Description: Bill Ong Hing asks, why do undocumented immigrants from Mexico continue to enter the United States and, what would discourage this surreptitious traffic? An expert on immigration law and policy, Hing examines the relationship between NAFTA, globalization, and undocumented migration, and he considers the policy options for controlling immigration. He develops an ethical rationale for opening up the U.S./Mexican border, as well as improving conditions in Mexico so that its citizens would have little incentive to migrate. In "Ethical Borders", Hing insists that reforming NAFTA is vital to ameliorating much of the poverty that drives undocumented immigration and he points to the European Union's immigration and economic development policies as a model for North America. Hing considers the world-wide economic crisis and the social problems that attend labor migration into homogenous countries, arguing for a spectrum of changes, including stricter border enforcement and more effective barriers; a path to citizenship for undocumented migrants; or a guest worker program. Hing also situates NAFTA and its effects in the larger, and rapidly shifting, context of globalization - particularly the recent rise of China as the world's economic giant. Showing how NAFTA's unforeseen consequences have been detrimental to Mexico, Hing passionately argues that the United States is ethically bound to address the problems in a way that puts prosperity within the grasp of all North Americans.


Asian Migration News
Edited by Fabio Baggio and Maruja M.B. Asis
Scalabrini Migration Center, Manila, March 2010



Number of asylum seekers remains stable: UNHCR

7 irregular migrants nabbed in UK raids


Calls for ‘hukou’ system reforms mounting

New pattern emerging in movement of migrant workers


Indian and Nepali workers deported

India (see also Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bhutan)
India still world’s largest recipient of remittances


Asylum claims in Australia up 29% in 2009: UN Report

Growing boat arrivals, a challenge to Australia’s immigration policy

UNHCR slams Australia over Oceanic Viking deal

Christmas Island detainees moved to mainland facilities


Brunei mulls minimum wage policy


Indonesia-Malaysia talks on migrant protection agreement


Irregular migrants encounter snag in Bahrain’s easy exit offer

Sri Lankan workers urged to register with consulate

New job database for foreign caregivers launched

Crackdown on unauthorized foreign workers launched

Plan to deport migrant workers’ children opposed

Jordan launches national anti-trafficking strategy


Ethnic and Racial Studies
Vol. 33, No. 7, Summer 2010

New insights into assimilation and integration theory: Introduction to the special issue
By Jens Schneider and Maurice Crul

The complexities and confusions of segmented assimilation
By Alex Stepick and Carol Dutton Stepick

Segmented assimilation revisited: types of acculturation and socioeconomic mobility in young adulthood
By Mary C. Waters, Van C. Tran, Philip Kasinitz, and John H. Mollenkopf

What happens after segmented assimilation? An exploration of intermarriage and ‘mixed race’ young people in Britain
By Miri Song

Segmented assimilation and cross-national comparative research on the integration of immigrants and their children
By Hans Vermeulen

Integrating via networks: foreigners and others
By Michael Eve

Comparative integration context theory: participation and belonging in new diverse European cities
By Maurice Crul and Jens Schneider


Vol. 33, No. 6, Spring 2010

Selected articles:

Claiming national identity
By David McCrone and Frank Bechhofer

Parenting children from ‘mixed’ racial, ethnic and faith backgrounds: typifications of difference and belonging
By Rosalind Edwards, Chamion Caballero, and Shuby Puthussery

Doing justice on two fronts: the liberal dilemma in immigration
By David Abraham

‘Nibbling on the margins of patriarchy’: Latina immigrants in northern Utah
By Rebecca A. Smith and Susan E. Mannon

Finding one's place: shifting ethnic identities of recent immigrant children from China, Haiti and Mexico in the United States
By Steve Song

The bonding and bridging roles of religious institutions for refugees in a non-gateway context
By Ryan Allen

Hospitable to others: Indian American motel owners create boundaries and belonging in the heartland
By Pawan Dhingra

Ethnic diversity and statistics in East Asia: ‘foreign brides’ surveys in Taiwan and South Korea
By Danièle Bélanger; Hye-Kyung Lee; Hong-Zen Wang


International Journal of Refugee Law
Vol. 22, No. 2, July 2010;


Strengthening Accountability in UNHCR
By Volker Turk and Elizabeth Eyster

‘UNHCR Guidance Note on Refugee Claims Relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity’: a Critical Commentary
By Nicole laViolette

Towards a ‘Soft Law’ Framework for the Protection of Vulnerable Irregular Migrants
By Alexander Betts

The Changing Character of Armed Conflict and the Implications for Refugee Protection Jurisprudence
By Helene Lambert and Theo Farrell


International Migration Review
Vol. 44, No. 2, Summer 2010


The Impact of Remittances on Nutritional Status of Children in Ecuador
By José-Ignacio Antón…

The Impact of Parents' Overseas Employment on Educational Outcomes of Filipino Children
By Marie Joy B. Arguillas and Lindy Williams…

Reversal of Fortunes or Continued Success? Cohort Differences in Education and Earnings of Childhood Immigrants
By Aneta Bonikowska and Feng Hou…

Male Migration, Women Left Behind, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Armenia
By Arusyak Sevoyan and Victor Agadjanian…

The Employment Experience of Refugees in the Netherlands
By Thomas de Vroome and Frank van Tubergen…

Pick-Your-Own Labor: Migrant Workers and Flexibility in Canadian Agriculture
By Kerry Preibisch…

Immigrants and Housing Markets in Mid-Size Metropolitan Areas
By Gary Painter and Zhou Yu…

How Many Highly Skilled Foreign-Born are Waiting in Line for U.S. Legal Permanent Residence?
By Guillermina Jasso, Vivek Wadhwa, Gary Gereffi, Ben Rissing, and Richard Freeman…

Stolen Honor: Stigmatizing Muslim Men in Berlin
By Sabine Henning…

Foreign Workers in Israel: Global Perspectives
By Gallya Lahav…

Paper Citizens, How Illegal Immigrants Acquire Citizenship in Developing Countries
By Howard, MarcMorjé…


Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Vol. 36, Issue 5, June 2010


Citizenship Attribution in Western Europe: International Framework and Domestic Trends
By Maarten P. Vink and Gerard-Rene de Groot…

The Impact of the Far Right on Citizenship Policy in Europe: Explaining Continuity and Change
By Marc Morje Howard…

Integration Requirements for Integration's Sake? Identifying, Categorising and Comparing Civic Integration Policies
By Sara Wallace Goodman…

Rewarding Integration? Citizenship Regulations and the Socio-Cultural Integration of Immigrants in the Netherlands, France and Germany
By Evelyn Ersanilli and Ruud Koopmans…

Switzerland: Contentious Citizenship Attribution in a Federal State
By Marc Helbling…

Citizenship Attribution in a New Country of Immigration: Ireland
By Iseult Honohan…

Matters of Control: Integration Tests, Naturalisation Reform and Probationary Citizenship in the United Kingdom
By Dora Kostakopoulou…

Studying Citizenship Constellations
By Rainer Baubock…


Journal of Refugee Studies
Vol. 23, No. 2, June 2010


Matrimonial Strategies and Identity Relations between Palestinian Refugees and Lebanese after the Lebanese Civil War
By Daniel Meier

Governance, Governmentalities, and the State of Exception in the Palestinian Refugee Camps of Lebanon
By Sari Hanafi and Taylor Long

Mental and Physical Health Consequences of Repatriation for Vietnamese Returnees: A Natural Experiment Approach
By Hongyun Fu and Mark J. Vanlandingham

Beyond the Discourse of Trauma: Shifting the Focus on Sudanese Refugees
By Jay M. Marlowe

Let Them Land: Christmas Islander Responses to Tampa
By Michelle Dimasi and Linda Briskman

Refugees as People: The Portrayal of Refugees in American Human Interest Stories
By Sarah J. Steimel

Cyprus: Peace, Return and Property
By Deniz Senol Sert


People and Place
Vol. 18, No. 1, 2010

The February 2010 reforms and the international student industry
By Bob Birrell and Ernest Healy

Uneven development: the disjointed growth of university staffing since Dawkins
By Ian R Dobson

Population growth in Australia: how environmental groups are responding
By Matthew Walker

Indian student migration in Australia: issues of community sustainability
By Supriya Singh and Anuja Cabraal