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House testimony on economic recovery and jobs
2. House testimony on immigration and minorities
3. USCIS reports not posted on agency website
4. Latest issues of DOJ EOIR Immigration Law Advisor
5. CRS report on migrant remittances
6. Canada: Report on children of immigrants and economic outcomes
7. U.K.: Asylum, migration, and immigration control statistics
Judicial Watch report on Border Patrol apprehension statistics
9. Four new reports from the Migration Policy Institute
10. Five new reports from the Institute for the Study of Labor
11. New report from the National Bureau of Economic Research
12. Eighteen new papers from the Social Science Research Network
13. Two new reports from the International Organization for Migration
14. U.K.: Ipsos survey on public attitudes toward a cap on immigration
15. Migrant Integration Policy Index
16. Australia: Poll on public attitudes toward Muslim immigration
17. "Arab American entrepreneurs in San Antonio, Texas: motivation for entry into self-employment"
18. "Citizenship and Immigration"
Mass Migration Under Sail: European Immigration to the Antebellum United States
20. Against the Flow: Wading Through Eastern Europe
21. The Migration of Indian Human Capital: The Ebb and Flow of Indian Professionals in Southeast Asia
22. Migration in the 21st Century: Rights, Outcomes, and Policy
23. The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity
24. Why Americans Don't Join the Party: Race, Immigration, and the Failure (of Political Parties) to Engage the Electorate
25. The Third Asiatic Invasion: Empire and Migration in Filipino America, 1898-1946
26. Integration and Inclusion of Newcomers and Minorities Across Canada
27. Identity, Belonging and Migration
28. Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe
29. Migration and the New Technological Borders of Europe
30. Prioritizing Integration: The Transatlantic Council on Migration
European Journal of Migration and Law
32. International Migration Review
33. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
34. Journal of Refugee Studies
35. People and Place
36. Refugee Survey Quarterly
House Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement
Tuesday, March 10, 2011
“New Jobs in Recession and Recovery: Who Are Getting Them and Who Are Not”
Statement of Chairman Lamar Smith
Witness Testimony:
Steven Camarota, Director of Research
Center for Immigration Studies
Rakesh Kochhar, Associate Director for Research
Pew Hispanic Center
Greg Serbon, State Director
Indiana Federation for Immigration Reform and Enforcement
Heidi Shierholz, Economist
Economic Policy Institute
House Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
“Making Immigration Work for American Minorities”
Statement of Chairman Lamar Smith
Witness Testimony:
Carol M. Swain, Professor of Political Science and Law
Vanderbilt University
Frank L. Morris
Progressives for Immigration Reform
George Rodriguez, President
San Antonio Tea Party
Wade Henderson, President and CEO
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reports to Congress not posted on the USCIS public web site, 2008-2010
USCIS National Records Center, FOIA/PA Office, released December 27, 2010; posted February 21, 2011
Measuring the Risk of Physical Force in Evaluating Crimes of Violence Under 18 U.S.C. §16(b)
By Benjamin Crouse
Immigration Law Advisor, Vol. 5 No. 2, February
Migrants' Remittances and Related Economic Flows
Congressional Budget Office, February 2011…
Seeking Success in Canada and the United States: The Determinants of Labour Market Outcomes Among the Children of Immigrants
By Garnett Picot and Feng Hou
Statistics Canada, March 2011
Migration Statistics Quarterly Report
Office for National Statistics, February 24, 2011
Monthly Asylum Statistics - December 2010
U.K. Home Office, February 24, 2011…
Control of Immigration: Quarterly Statistical Summary, United Kingdom - Fourth Quarter 2010
U.K. Home Office, February 11, 2011
Border Patrol Apprehension Statistics for Illegal Alien Smugglers and “Special Interest Aliens”
Judicial Watch, February 2011…
New from the Migration Policy Institute
Integration in a Time of Austerity
By Elizabeth Collett
March 2011
Middle Eastern and North African Immigrants in the United States
By Aaron Terrazas
Migration Information Source, March 8, 2011
Re-envisioning Security and the Movement of People
By Susan Ginsburg and Kristen McCabe
Migration Information Source, March 1, 2011
Filling Labor Shortages through Immigration: An Overview of Shortage Lists and their Implications
By Madeleine Sumption
Migration Information Source, February 23, 2011
New from the Institute for the Study of Labor
Age at Migration, Language and Fertility Patterns Among Migrants to Canada
By Alicia Adsera and Ana Ferrer
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5552, March 2011
Free vs. Restricted Immigration: Bilateral Country Study
By Assaf Razin and Jackline Wahba
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5546, March 2011
Immigrants and Welfare Receipt in Ireland
By Alan Barrett, Corona Joyce, and Bertrand Maitre
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5516, February 2011
Immigrant Welfare Receipt across Europe
By Alan Barrett and Bertrand Maitre
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5515, February 2011
Asymmetric Information in the Labor Market, Immigrants and Contract Menu
By Saibal Kar and Bibhas Chandra Saha
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5508, February 2011
New from the National Bureau of Economic Research
Free vs. Controlled Migration: Bilateral Country Study
By Assaf Razin and Jackline Wahba
NBER Working Paper No. 16831, February 2011
New from the Social Science Research Network
International Migration: A Case Against Building Ever-Higher Fences
By Piotr Zientara, University of Gdansk
Economic Affairs, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 2011
Tilting at Windmills: A History of American Immigration Law & Policy
By Troy C. Fuhriman, Kyungpook National University Law School
Pusan National University Law Review, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2010
The Immigrant/Native Wealth Gap in Germany, Italy and Luxembourg
By Alessandro Porpiglia and Eva Sierminska
ECB Working Paper No. 1302, February 14, 2011
The Myth of the Chinese Exclusion Case: The Fuller Court and the Origins of the Plenary Power Doctrine
By Earl M. Maltz, Rutgers School of Law-Camden
March 2, 2011
A Lesser-Known Immigration Crisis: Federal Immigration Law in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
By Robert Misulich, University of Washington School of Law
Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal Association, Vol. 20, 2011
The Impact of Immigration on the Size of Government: Empirical Evidence from Danish Municipalities
By Christer Gerdes
Stockholm University Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI)
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 113, No. 1, 2011
Asylum Rights and Wrongs: What the Proposed Refugee Protection Act Will Do and What More Will Need to Be Done
By Michele R. Pistone, Villanova University School of Law
Fordham Urban Law Journal, Vol. 38, No. 247, 2010
Villanova Law/Public Policy Research Paper No. 2011-02
Making the Case for Changing U.S. Policy Regarding Highly Skilled Immigrants
By Peter H. Schuck, Yale University Law School and
John E. Tyler III, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Fordham Urban Law Journal, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2010
How Do You Portray Me? Media Coverage of Immigration
Chris Stephen Haynes
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
Policy Climates, Enforcement, and the Differences in the Migratory Behavior of Legal and Illegal Immigrants in the US
Rene R. Rocha and Daniel P. Hawes
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
Race and Nation: Super-Ordinate Identities, Sub-Group Attachments, and Hostility to Immigrants
By Efren O. Perez, Vanderbilt University Department of Political Science and
Niambi M Carter
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
Rewriting Detainees: Counter Narratives, Political Opportunities and Opposition to Immigration, Criminal Justice and War on Terror Detention
By Robin Jacobson
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
The Impact of Immigrant Mobilization on Immigration Policy Making
By Tom K. Wong, University of California, Riverside and
Andrea Silva
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
The Racial Standing of Latinos in the Eyes of Black and White North Carolinians
By Tehama Lopez
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
The Tea Party and the Anti-Immigration Debate in 2010
By Matt A. Barreto and Christopher Parker
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
Mixed-Status Families and Public Assistance
By Edward Vargas
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
The National Guard in Crisis?: A Policy Analysis of the Guard's Homeland Security Mission
By Paul Lenze
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 22, 2011
Balancing Borders: A New Court Considers Immigration
By Kim Seckler and Geoffrey Pershing
Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper, February 1, 2011
New from the International Organization for Migration
The Causes and Consequences of Re-trafficking: Evidence from the IOM Human Trafficking Database
By Alison Jobe
Migration in Sudan: A Country Profile 2011
Strong support for a cap on immigration amidst economic concern
Three quarters (75 per cent) of Britons believe that immigration is currently a problem, ...
Ipsos, February 21, 2011……
MIPEX III Key findings
Migrant Integration Policy Index, February 2011
Muslim Migrants
Essential Report, February 28, 2011
Q. In your view, should the Australian government exclude Muslims from our migrant intake?
(Question commissioned by Network Ten)
Total Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Men Women Aged 18-34 Aged 35-44 Aged 55+
----- ---------- ------------ ----------- --- ----- ---------- ---------- --------
Yes 25% 21% 33% 8% 26% 25% 19% 26% 31%
No 55% 62% 49% 83% 55% 54% 56% 57% 49%
DNR* 20% 17% 18% 8% 19% 21% 25% 17% 20%
*Don't know/Refused
25% of respondents believed that the Australian government should exclude Muslims from our migrant intake and 55% disagreed. Those most likely to think Muslims should be excluded from our migration intake were Liberal/National voters (33%) and people aged 55+ (31%).
Arab American entrepreneurs in San Antonio, Texas: motivation for entry into self-employment
By Husam Omar
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011…
Citizenship and Immigration - By Christian Joppke
By Lucy Mayblin
The Sociological Review, Vol. 59, No. 1, February 2011…
Mass Migration Under Sail: European Immigration to the Antebellum United States
By Raymond L. Cohn
Cambridge University Press, 270 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0521513227, $81.77
Paperback, ISBN: 0521182484, $29.99, 272 pp.
Book Description: Dr. Cohn provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the economic history of European immigration to the antebellum United States, using and evaluating the available data as well as presenting new data. This analysis centers on immigration from the three most important source countries - Ireland, Germany, and Great Britain - and examines the volume of immigration, how many individuals came from each country during the antebellum period, and why those numbers increased. The book also analyzes where they came from within each country; who chose to immigrate; the immigrants' trip to the United States, including estimates of mortality on the Atlantic crossing; the jobs obtained in the United States by the immigrants, along with their geographic location; and the economic effects of immigration on both the immigrants and the antebellum United States. No other book examines so many different economic aspects of antebellum immigration.
Against the Flow: Wading Through Eastern Europe
By Tom Fort
Random House UK, 308 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1846055687, $21.24
Paperback, ISBN: 0099533421, $14.78, 316 pp.
Kindle, ASIN: B003SE75UI, File Size: 1716 KB, $9.63, 308 pp.
Book Description: Twenty years ago, Tom Fort drove his little red car onto the ferry at Felixstowe, bound for all points east. Eastern Europe was still a faraway place, just emerging from its half-century of waking nightmare, blinking, injured, full of fears but importantly full of hope, as well. Things were different then. Czechoslovakia was still Czechoslovakia, Russia was the USSR, and the Warsaw Pact had not formally dissolved. But what did exist then, as they do now, were the rivers: the nations' lifeblood. It was along and by these rivers that Fort traveled around Eastern Europe meeting its people and immersing himself in its culture. Since that trip, much has changed. In more recent years around one million Poles have settled in Britain. Fort's local paper has a Polish edition, his supermarket has a full range of Polish bread, sausage, and beer, and an influx of Polish businesses opened in his town center. And it's not just the Poles, his gym has a Lithuanian trainer and the woman who cuts his
hair is from Hungary. As a tide of people began to leave Eastern Europe and settle in the UK, Tom Fort started to wonder about what they were leaving behind and whether the friends he had made all those years ago remained. And so, he decided to make the journey again, traveling against the flow of the steady human stream to explore once familiar places. As he did so, many began to return as the recession took hold of Western Europe. Tom was keen to find out what had changed and how the places, people, and way of life had moved on—and of course fit in a spot of fishing along the way.
The Migration of Indian Human Capital: The Ebb and Flow of Indian Professionals in Southeast Asia
By Faizal bin Yahya and Arunajeet Kaur
Routledge, 256 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0415481082, $140.00
Kindle, ASIN: B004OBZT6G, File Size: 1832 KB, $112.00, 256 pp.
Book Description: In an increasingly globalised world manifested in greater economic integration, human capital is an important factor. One of the key sources of human capital to the global economy is India, and the main destinations for Indian professionals has been Western developed economies, the Middle East and Gulf regions and East and Southeast Asia.
Southeast Asia as a region has close historical, social and cultural linkages with India, and India has undertaken a number of initiatives under its "Look East" policy (LEP) to enhance ties with the Southeast Asian region. This book examines the trends and motivations of human capital flows from India into this region. Focusing in particular on Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand, the book provides an analysis of Indian labour in a variety of sectors, including information technology (IT) sector, academia, banking, oil and gas. Based on empirical data, the book provides an analysis of current trends in the flow of human capital from India to Southeast Asia. It will be of interest to policy makers, businessmen, students, analysts and academics in the field of Asian studies, foreign relations, human capital and labour migration.
Migration in the 21st Century: Rights, Outcomes, and Policy
By Thomas N. Maloney and Kim Korinek
Routledge, 304 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0415779146, $109.94
Kindle, ASIN: B004OBZY8Y, File Size: 1094 KB, $98.95, 304 pp.
Book Description: In this volume, we examine the challenges and opportunities created by global migration at the start of the 21st century. Our focus extends beyond economic impact to questions of international law, human rights, and social and political incorporation. We examine immigrant outcomes and policy questions at the global, national, and local levels. Our primary purpose is to connect ethical, legal, and social science scholarship from a variety of disciplines in order to raise questions and generate new insights regarding patterns of migration and the design of useful policy.
While the book incorporates studies of the evolution of immigration law globally and over the very long term, as well as considerations of the magnitude and determinants of immigrant flows at the global level, it places particular emphasis on the growth of immigration to the United States in the 1990s and early 2000s and provides new insights on the complex relationships between federal and state politics and regulation, popular misconceptions about the economic and social impacts of immigration, and the status of 'undocumented' immigrants.
The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity
Edited by Vicki Squire
Routledge, 256 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0415584612, $114.94
Kindle, ASIN: B004OBZWBI, File Size: 604 KB, $100.00, 256 pp.
Book Description: Irregular migration has emerged as an issue of intensive political debate and governmental practice over recent years.
Critically intervening in debates around the governing of irregular migration, The Contested Politics of Mobility explores the politics of mobility through what is defined as an ‘analytic of irregularity’. It brings together authors who address issues of mobility and irregularity from a range of distinct perspectives, to focus on the politics of control as well as the politics of migration. The volume develops an account of irregularity as a produced, ambivalent and contested socio-political condition, showing how this is activated through wide-ranging ‘borderzones’ that pull between migration and control. Covering cases from across contemporary North America and Europe and examining a range of control mechanisms, such as biometrics, deportation and workplace raiding, the volume refuses the term ‘illegal’ to describe movements of people across borders. In so doing, it highlights the complexity of relations between different regions and between a politics of migration and a politics control, and makes a timely intervention in the intersecting fields of critical citizenship, migration and security studies.
This book will be of interest to students and scholars of politics, international relations, sociology, migration and law.
Why Americans Don't Join the Party: Race, Immigration, and the Failure (of Political Parties) to Engage the Electorate
By Zoltan L. Hajnal and Taeku Lee
Princeton University Press, 344 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0691148783, $70.49
Paperback, ISBN: 0691148791, $23.59
Book Description: Two trends are dramatically altering the American political landscape: growing immigration and the rising prominence of independent and nonpartisan voters. Examining partisan attachments across the four primary racial groups in the United States, this book offers the first sustained and systematic account of how race and immigration today influence the relationship that Americans have--or fail to have--with the Democratic and Republican parties. Zoltan Hajnal and Taeku Lee contend that partisanship is shaped by three factors--identity, ideology, and information--and they show that African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, and whites respond to these factors in distinct ways.
The book explores why so many Americans--in particular, Latinos and Asians--fail to develop ties to either major party, why African Americans feel locked into a particular party, and why some white Americans are shut out by ideologically polarized party competition. Through extensive analysis, the authors demonstrate that when the Democratic and Republican parties fail to raise political awareness, to engage deeply held political convictions, or to affirm primary group attachments, nonpartisanship becomes a rationally adaptive response. By developing a model of partisanship that explicitly considers America's new racial diversity and evolving nonpartisanship, this book provides the Democratic and Republican parties and other political stakeholders with the means and motivation to more fully engage the diverse range of Americans who remain outside the partisan fray.
The Third Asiatic Invasion: Empire and Migration in Filipino America, 1898-1946
By Rick Baldoz
NYU Press, 336 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0814791085, $70.49
Paperback, ISBN: 0814791093, $20.10
Kindle, ASIN: B004NIH684, File Size: 624 KB, $9.99, 336 pp.
Book Description: The first half of the twentieth century witnessed a wave of Filipino immigration to the United States, following in the footsteps of earlier Chinese and Japanese immigrants, the first and second “Asiatic invasions.” Perceived as alien because of their Asian ethnicity yet legally defined as American nationals granted more rights than other immigrants, Filipino American national identity was built upon the shifting sands of contradiction, ambiguity, and hostility.
Rick Baldoz explores the complex relationship between Filipinos and the U.S. by looking at the politics of immigration, race, and citizenship on both sides of the Philippine-American divide: internationally through an examination of American imperial ascendancy and domestically through an exploration of the social formation of Filipino communities in the United States. He reveals how American practices of racial exclusion repeatedly collided with the imperatives of U.S. overseas expansion. A unique portrait of the Filipino American experience, The Third Asiatic Invasion links the Filipino experience to that of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Chinese and Native Americans, among others, revealing how the politics of exclusion played out over time against different population groups.
Weaving together an impressive range of materials--including newspapers, government reports, legal documents and archival sources—into a seamless narrative, Baldoz illustrates how the quixotic status of Filipinos played a significant role in transforming the politics of race, immigration and nationality in the United States.
Integration and Inclusion of Newcomers and Minorities Across Canada
By John Biles, Meyer Burstein and Jim Frideres
McGill-Queen's University Press, 250 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1553392914, $85.00
Paperback, ISBN: 1553392906, $39.95
Product Description: Building welcoming communities is as much a local project as a national one. This volume explores the activities of provincial and municipal governments, as well as a range of other important local societal players. Case studies of each of the provinces, as well as the territories, are included, as are chapters on the history of federal-provincial cooperation in immigration, and the development of provincial multiculturalism policies and programs. Each chapter provides an overview of immigration, settlement and diversity in the province or territory, an examination of the key players in the integration and inclusion of newcomers and minorities, and a discussion of specific challenges. This allows comparisons and an exploratory mapping of the range of participants and the investments - both human and financial - that have been made in the integration and inclusion of newcomers and minorities at the provincial level.
Identity, Belonging and Migration
By Gerard Delanty
Liverpool University Press, 256 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1846311187, $56.04
Paperback, ISBN: 1846316898, $21.60
Product Description: This volume addresses the question of migration in Europe. It is concerned with the extent to which racism and anti-immigration discourse has been to some extent normalised and 'democratised' in European and national political discourses. Mainstream political parties are espousing increasingly coercive policies and frequently attempting to legitimate such approaches via nationalist-populist slogans and coded forms of racism. "Identity, Belonging and Migration" shows that that liberalism is not enough to oppose the disparate and diffuse xenophobia and racism faced by many migrants today and calls for new conceptions of anti-racism within and beyond the state. The book is divided into three parts and organised around a theoretical framework for understanding migration, belonging, and exclusion, which is subsequently developed through discussions of state and structural discrimination as well as a series of thematic case studies. In drawing on a range of rich and original data, this timely volume makes an important contribution to discussions on migration in Europe.
Security, Insecurity and Migration in Europe
By Gabriella Lazaridis
Ashgate, 314 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1409409201, $124.95
Product Description: Having often been framed in terms of security concerns, migration issues have simultaneously given rise to issues of insecurity: on the one hand, security of borders, political, societal and economic security/insecurity in the host country; one the other, social, legal and economic concerns about human security, with regard to both EU citizens and migrants entering Europe. In terms of state security, migration is a core target of increasingly globally networked surveillance capabilities, whilst with respect to human security, it exposes the gap between the protections that migrants formally enjoy under international law and the realities they experience as they travel and work across different countries. Drawing on the latest research from across the EU, "Security, Insecurity and Migration" explores the concerns of states with regard to migration and the need to protect the fundamental rights of migrants. An interdisciplinary examination of the issues of security and insecurity raised by migration for states, their citizens and migrants themselves, this book will be of interest to scholars of politics, sociology and geography researching migration, race and ethnicity, human and state security and EU politics and policy.
Migration and the New Technological Borders of Europe
Edited by Huub Dijstelbloem and Albert Meijer
Palgrave Macmillan, 208 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0230278469, $69.73
Product Description: European borders that aim to control migration and mobility increasingly rely on technology to distinguish between citizens and aliens. This book explores new tensions in Europe between states and citizens, and between politics, technology and human rights.
Prioritizing Integration: The Transatlantic Council on Migration
By Bertelsmann Stiftung
Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, 220 pp.
Paperback, ISBN: 3867930716, $25.00
Product Description: The global recession is having a major impact on immigrant integration. With cuts in public budgets and a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment on both sides of the Atlantic, many governments have made short-term decisions responding to the economic crisis that will have longterm implications for immigrants and the broader society. Prioritizing Integration assesses where immigrants have lost ground-using evidence such as levels of funding for educational programs, employment rates, trends toward protectionism, public opinion, and levels of discrimination. It also considers how immigrants may have benefited from the crisis. This systematic look at where and how immigrants have been affected by the recession concludes with a set of priorities for the integration-related investments national and local governments should be making in the coming decade. These investments are designed to boost economic competitiveness and improve social cohesion.
European Journal of Migration and Law
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2011
Pre-departure Integration Strategies in the European Union: Integration or Immigration Policy?
By Kees Groenendijk…
Staying the Return of Aliens from Europe through Interim Measures: The Case-law of the European Commission and the European Court of Human Rights
By Clara Burbano Herrera and Yves Yves…
Legal Migration in the Relationship between the European Union and ACP Countries: The Absence of a True Global Approach Continues
By Purdey Devisscher…
Playing Hard(er) to Get: The State, International Couples, and the Income Requirement
By Arjen Leerkes and Isik Kulu-Glasgow…
Free Movement of Students and the Protection of National Educational Interests: Reflections on Bressol and Chaverot
By A.P. van der Mei…
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Vol. 37, Issue 4, 2011
Who Arrived First? The Timing of Arrival among Young Immigrant Wives and Husbands
By Hiromi Ishizawa and Gillian Stevens
Socio-Demographic Determinants of Language Transition among the Children of French- and Spanish-Caribbean Immigrants in the US
By Kevin J. A. Thomas
Support of Multiculturalism, But For Whom? Effects of Ethno-National Identity on the Endorsement of Multiculturalism in Japan
By Kikuko Nagayoshi
Varieties of Capitalism, Variation in Labour Immigration
By Camilla Devitt
Ethnic, Religious and Economic Diversity in Dutch Neighbourhoods: Explaining Quality of Contact with Neighbours, Trust in the Neighbourhood and Inter-Ethnic Trust
By Bram Lancee and Jaap Dronkers
The Social Integration of Ethnic Minorities: An Explanation of the Trend in Ethnic Minorities' Social Contacts with Natives in the Netherlands, 1998–2006
By Miranda Vervoort and Jaco Dagevos
New Migrants in the UK: Employment Patterns and Occupational Attainment
By Neli Demireva
Stateless By Any Other Name: Refused Asylum-Seekers in the United Kingdom
By Brad K. Blitz and Miguel Otero-Iglesias
Journal of Refugee Studies
Vol. 24, No. 1, March 2011
Laws, Policies, or Social Position? Capabilities and the Determinants of Effective Protection in Four African Cities
By Loren B. Landau andMarguerite Duponchel
Refugee Camp Security: Decreasing Vulnerability Through Demographic Controls
By Richard A. I. Johnson
‘Let Me Go to the City’: African Asylum Seekers, Racialization and the Politics of Space in Israel
By Haim Yacobi
Why Certification Matters: A Review of State and Non-State Actions in Côte d’Ivoire for Promoting Schooling for the Displaced
By Magali Chelpi-Den Hamer
Indivisibility of Accountability and Empowerment in Tackling Gender-Based Violence: Lessons from a Refugee Camp in Rwanda
By Anita Ho andCarol Pavlish
The Gotte Koya IDP Mystery: Tribal Identity and the IDP–Migrant Continuum in the Chhattisgarh–Andhra Pradesh Borderland (India)
By Bert Suykens
The Past if Past: The Use of Memories and Self-Healing Narratives in Refugees from the Former Yugoslavia
By Marco Gemignani
From Refugee to Good Citizen: A Discourse Analysis of Volunteering
By Su Yin Yap, Angela Byrne, and Sarah Davidson
The Validity of Screening for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Other Mental Health Problems among Asylum Seekers from Different Countries
By Marianne Jakobsen, Siri Thoresen, and Lars Erik Eide Johansen
International Migration Review
Vol. 45, No. 1, Spring 2011
What Explains the Increasing Trend in African Emigration to the U.S.?
By Kevin J.A. Thomas…
Assimilation Choices Among Immigrant Families: Does School Context Matter?
By Emily Greenman…
Creating Egalitarian Families among the Adult Children of Turkish- and Polish-Origin Immigrants in Sweden
By Fran Goldscheider, Calvin Goldscheider, and Eva M. Bernhardt…
The Power and Morals of Policy Makers: Reassessing the Control Gap Debate
By Saskia Bonjour…
Exposure to International Migration and Its Effect on Childbearing in Turkey
By Kari White and Cynthia J. Buckley…
Transnational Home Engagement among Latino and Asian Americans: Resources and Motivation
By Emi Tamaki…
Labor Shortages and U.S. Immigration Reform: Promises and Perils of an Independent Commission
By Philip Martin and Martin Ruhs…
Statements of U.S. Presidents Coolidge, Truman, Johnson, and Reagan on Immigration Acts…
Race and Arab Americans Before and After 9/11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects
By Juris Pupcenoks…
People and Place
Vol. 18, No. 3, 2010
Selected article:
The 40 per cent target qualified target: how feasible?
By Bob Birrell, Virginia Rapson, and T. Fred Smith
Refugee Survey Quarterly
Vol. 30, No. 1, March 2011
US-Mexico Mixed Migration in an Age of Deportation: An Inquiry into the Transnational Circulation of Violence
By Deborah A. Boehm
The Employment Integration of Resettled Refugees, Asylum Claimants, and Family Reunion Migrants in Sweden
By Pieter Bevelander
Family Separation: The Policies, Procedures, and Consequences for Refugee Background Families
By Brooke Wilmsen
Brazil and the International Refugee Organization (1946–1952)
By José H. Fischel de Andrade