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House testimony on the Impact of presidential amnesty on border security
3. CRS reports on legality of executive amnesty, immigration in the current Congress, and immigration inspection at ports of entry
4. GAO reports on CBP enforcement of exclusion orders and oversight of contractors' use of foreign workers
5. E.U.: Statistics on grants of citizenship for 2012
6. U.K.: Quarterly mmigration statistics
7. Norway: Report on current public attitudes towards immigrants and immigration
8. Sweden: Report on the foreign-born population and higher education achievement
New report from FAIR: "Executive Amnesty Will Give Illegal Aliens Taxpayer Funded Benefits"
10. Pew Center report on fluctuations in the illegal alien population, by state
11. YouGov poll on executive amnesty for illegal aliens
12. Rasmussen report on public attitudes toward illegal aliens and citizenship
13. Heritage Foundation report: "Can Congress Use Spending Bills to Address President Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration?"
14. "The EB-5 Visa Program for Immigrant Investors"
15. Thirteen new discussion papers from the Institute for the Study of Labor
16. Six new reports and features from the Migration Policy Institute
17. Twenty new papers from the Social Science Research Network
18. Three new reports from the International Organization for Migration
19. New OECD report: "International Migration Outlook 2014"
20. "Admission policies and immigrant skill"
21. U.K.: New briefing paper from MigrationWatch UK
Open Immigration: Yea & Nay
23. Migration and Diversity
24. A Sociolinguistics of Diaspora: Latino Practices, Identities, and Ideologies
25. Migration States and Welfare States: Why is America Different from Europe?
26. Latino Homicide: Immigration, Violence, and Community
27. Return to Sender: The Moral Economy of Peru's Migrant Remittances
28. Scotland No More?: Emigration from Scotland in the Twentieth Century
29. Second Generations on the Move in Italy: Children of Immigrants Coming of Age
30. Social Cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North America: Mechanisms, Conditions, and Causality
31. Muslim Moroccan Migrants in Europe: Transnational Migration in Its Multiplicit
32. Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf
Citizenship Studies
34. CSEM Newsletter
35. Ethnic and Racial Studies
36. International Migration
37. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
38. Journal of Intercultural Studies
39. Mobilities
40. Refugee Survey Quarterly
41. Resenha
House Committee on the Judiciary
Tuesday, December 2, 2014…
President Obama's Executive Overreach on Immigration
Statement of Chairman Bob Goodlatte:…
The Constitution is clear: it is Congress’ duty to write our nation’s laws and, once they are enacted, it is the President’s responsibility to enforce them. Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution requires the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”
President Obama wants a special pathway to citizenship for 11 million unlawful immigrants, and without any assurance that our nation’s immigration laws will be enforced in the future. And he is upset that Congress won’t change America’s immigration laws to his liking. Thus, he has decided to act unconstitutionally under the guise of “prosecutorial discretion.”
While law enforcement agencies do have the inherent power to exercise prosecutorial discretion – the authority as to whether to enforce, or not enforce, the law against particular individuals – this power must be judiciously used. Clinton Administration INS Commissioner Doris Meissner told her agency that prosecutorial discretion “is a powerful tool that must be used responsibly” and that “exercising prosecutorial discretion does not lessen the INS’s commitment to enforce the immigration laws to the best of our ability. It is not an invitation to violate or ignore the law.”
Even President Obama’s DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson has admitted to the Committee that there are limits to the power of prosecutorial discretion and that “there comes a point when something amounts to a wholesale abandonment to enforce a duly enacted constitutional law that is beyond simple prosecutorial discretion.” The Obama Administration has crossed the line from any justifiable use of its authority to a clear violation of his constitutional responsibility to faithfully execute the laws.
Witness testimony:
Ronald Rotunda
Doy and Hee Henley Chair and Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence
Chapman University, Dale E. Fowler School of Law…
Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel
American Center for Law and Justice…
Thomas H. Dupree Jr., Partner
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP…
Marielena Hincapié, Executive Director
National Immigration Law Center…
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House Committee on Homeland Security
Tuesday, December 2, 2014…
Open Borders: The Impact of Presidential Amnesty on Border Security
Statement of Chairman Michael McCaul:…
The lax interior enforcement policies adopted by this administration coupled with even the perception of amnesty become a powerful magnet that encourages more illegal immigration. We essentially tell citizens of other countries if you come here, you can stay – don’t worry, we won’t deport you. The reality on the ground is that unless you commit multiple crimes, the chances of your being removed from this country are close to zero.
This year the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 479,000 individuals along the Southern Border but less than half were deported. Those who remained were given notices to appear before an immigration judge, with a court date years away, and released into the country. We know that the majority will never check back in with authorities.
If we don’t think that message is making its way back to Mexico and Central America, we are simply fooling ourselves. We will see a wave of illegal immigration because of the president’s actions. At its core, the president’s unilateral amnesty plan is deeply unfair to the millions who are waiting in line to become a part of our great nation, and it demonstrates reckless disregard for America's security. We have a formal immigration process for a reason: to promote fairness in allowing people to enter the United States and to keep those who will seek to do us harm outside of our borders.
Sadly, the Department of Homeland Security is unprepared to handle the coming surge that the president’s policies will incite. The Border Patrol’s resources are already strained as immigrants pour across the border, making it difficult to identify smugglers, criminals, and potential terrorists. We need to reform our immigration laws, but we need to do it the right way. And that means starting the process in the lawmaking branch of our government. Congress will address immigration reform. But we need to do so in an intelligent way, and in keeping with the wishes of the American people. The majority of American’s do not agree with the president’s executive actions. They want Congress to find a solution -- one that begins with securing our borders.
Witness testimony:
Jeh Johnson, Secretary
U.S. Department of Homeland Security…
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New from the Congressional Research Service
Executive Discretion as to Immigration: Legal Overview
By Kate M. Manuel and Michael John Garcia
Congressional Research Service, November 10, 2014
Immigration Legislation and Issues in the 113th Congress
By Andorra Bruno, Jerome P. Bjelopera, Michael John Garcia, William A. Kandel, Margaret Mikyung Lee, Alison Siskin, and Ruth Ellen Wasem
Border Security: Immigration Inspections at Port of Entry
By Lisa Seghetti
Congressional Research Service, October 31, 2014
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New from the General Accountability Office
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Could Better Manage Its Process to Enforce Exclusion Orders
Government Accountability Office, GAO-15-78, November 19, 2014
Report -
Highlights -
Oversight of Contractors' Use of Foreign Workers in High-Risk Environments Needs to Be Strengthened
Government Accountability Office, GAO-15-102, November 18, 2014
Report -
Highlights -
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EU28 Member States granted citizenship to almost 820,000 persons in 2012
Moroccans continue to be main recipients
Eurostat, November 18, 2014…
Highest number of citizenships granted per 1000 inhabitants in Luxembourg
Three quarters of all persons that acquired an EU28 citizenship in 2012 became citizens of one of the following six Member States: the United Kingdom (193,900 persons, or 23.7% of all citizenships granted in the EU28 in 2012), Germany (114,600 or 14.0%), France (96,100 or 11.7%), Spain (94,100 or 11.5%), Italy (65,400 or 8.0%) and Sweden (50,200 or 6.1%).
When compared with the total population of each Member State, the highest rates of citizenship granted were recorded in Luxembourg (8.7 citizenships granted per 1,000 inhabitants), Ireland (5.5) and Sweden (5.3). On average, 1.6 citizenships were granted per 1,000 inhabitants in the EU28.
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Immigration statistics, July to September 2014
U.K. Home Office, November 27, 2014…
There were 6% more work-related visas granted (up 9,535 to 161,585), largely accounted for by higher numbers for skilled workers (Tier 2, +9,912 or +13%), and for Youth mobility and temporary workers (Tier 5, +2,207). The 13% increase in skilled worker (Tier 2) visas granted coincided with a 13% in crease in sponsored applications for skilled work visas. Most of the sponsored skilled work visa applications were for the Information and Communication, Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities, and Financial and Insurance Activities sectors.
There were 24,257 asylum applications, an increase of 2% compared with the previous 12 months (23,805), but low relative to the 2002 peak (84,132). The largest numbers of applications were from Eritrean (2,932), Pakistani (2,891), Iranian (1,999) and Syrian (1,802) nationals.
Removals and Voluntary Departures
There were 9% fewer enforced removals from the UK (12,461) compared with the previous 12 months (13,740).
The number of passengers refused entry at port and who subsequently departed has increased by 6% to 15,118; however the long-term trends show levels decreasing since 2004.
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Attitudes towards immigrants and immigration, 2014
Greater willingness to receive refugees
Statistics Norway, December 2, 2014
More people than before think it should be easier for refugees and asylum seekers to obtain a residence permit in Norway. While only 7 per cent expressed that opinion in 2012 and 2013, the share supporting this view in 2014 has increased to 18 per cent.
Population and population changes, Q3 2014
Statistics Norway, November 14, 2014
Large net migration by Polish, Lithuanian and Syrian citizens
Once again, Poles continued to make up the largest group of those with foreign citizenship who in-migrated to Norway. The Poles constituted as many as the next two largest groups, Swedish and Lithuanian citizens, combined. The fourth largest group in the third quarter was the Syrian citizens, and the biggest change from last year to now was the increase from 150 to 750 in net migration of Syrian citizens. On the other hand, the net migration of Lithuanian citizens in the third quarter was reduced from 1 300 last year to 800 now. The corresponding fall for Poles was from 2 300 to 1 900 and for Somali citizens from 600 to 300. The net migration of 7,300 European citizens constituted 60 per cent of the net migration of those with foreign citizenship.
The 1,200 Swedish citizens once again were the largest group of foreign citizens to leave Norway; twice as many as the 600 Poles. Swedish citizens therefore ended up with a net migration of only 100. The net migration of citizens from the South European countries experiencing high unemployment, such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece, remained at the same level, reaching 800, while last year it reached 850.
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Equal share of highly educated persons among foreign born and Swedish born persons
Statistics Sweden, November 13, 2014…
The percentage of highly educated persons with at least three years of post secondary education is equal among Swedish born and foreign born persons, 25 percent. However, a larger share of foreign born persons than Swedish born persons has only compulsory education, 20 and 11 percent respectively.
Foreign born persons have a somewhat lower level of education than those who were born in Sweden. However, the difference with regard to post secondary education is small; 41 percent of Swedish born persons aged 25-64 have post secondary education compared to 39 percent of foreign born persons.
The difference in the level of education among foreign born and Swedish born persons is greater for women than for men. The share with only compulsory education as the highest level of education is greater for foreign born women than for women born in Sweden, 20 and 8 percent respectively, and the share of highly educated persons is lower.
The level of education for persons who immigrated to Sweden varies considerably, depending on which countries these persons have emigrated from. The differences are largely explained by the age structure, the reasons for immigrating to Sweden and the educational structure in the countries from where they emigrated.
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Executive Amnesty Will Give Illegal Aliens Taxpayer Funded Benefits
Federation for American Immigration Reform, November 17, 2014…
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Unauthorized Immigrant Totals Rise in 7 States, Fall in 14
Decline in Those From Mexico Fuels Most State Decreases
By Jeffrey S. Passel and D’Vera Cohn
Pew Research Center, November 18, 2014…
Five East Coast states were among those where the number of unauthorized immigrants grew from 2009 to 2012—Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Numbers also rose in Idaho and Nebraska, according to the center’s estimates.
Six Western states are among those with declines in unauthorized immigrant populations from 2009 to 2012—Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Oregon. Other states with decreases over that period are in the South (Alabama, Georgia and Kentucky), the Midwest (Illinois, Indiana and Kansas) and the Northeast (Massachusetts and New York).
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Only Democrats support Obama's executive order on immigration
By Kathy Frankovic
YouGov Poll, December 2, 2014…
This may be a nation of immigrants (and 82% of the public agree that it is), but the President’s plan for executive action on immigration clearly does not sit well with many Americans. Democrats support the President’s decision to use an executive order to delay deportation proceedings for parents of U.S. citizens, but 51% of independents and 80% of Republicans oppose it.
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What America Thinks: Illegal Immigrants and Citizenship
Rasmussen Reports, December 3, 2014…
So, perhaps not surprisingly, only 40% of voters approve of the president’s plan to bypass Congress and allow nearly five million illegal immigrants to remain in this country legally and apply for jobs, putting them in the line for citizenship. Half of voters think Obama’s amnesty plan will be bad for the country and will increase the level of illegal immigration.
Voters have strongly insisted for years that getting control of the border to prevent future illegal immigration should come before putting those here illegally on the road to legal status. The president’s new action indicates that he disagrees. But then most voters also have long believed that the policies and practices of the federal government encourage illegal immigration.
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Can Congress Use Spending Bills to Address President Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration?
Heritage Foundation Fact Sheet, December 2, 2014…
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The EB-5 Visa Program for Immigrant Investors
By Audrey Singer
Brookings Institution, December 2, 2014…
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New from the Institute for the Study of Labor
1. Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia: Results from a Pilot Project in Vietnam
By Ngan Dinh, Conor Hughes, James W. Hughes, and Margaret Maurer-Fazio
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8686, November 2014…
2. Educational Attainment of Second-Generation Immigrants: A U.S.-Canada Comparison
By Xingfei Liu
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8685, November 2014…
3. The Impact of Skilled Foreign Workers on Firms: An Investigation of Publicly Traded U.S. Firms
By Anirban Ghosh, Anna Maria Mayda, and Francesc Ortega
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8684, November 2014…
4. Tradable Refugee-Admission Quotas and EU Asylum Policy
By Jesus Fernández-Huertas Moraga and Hillel Rapoport
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8683, November 2014…
5. New Directions in Immigration Policy: Canada's Evolving Approach to the Selection of Economic Immigrants
By Ana Ferrer, Garnett Picot, and W. Craig Riddell
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8682, November 2014…
6. Immigration and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries, 1986-2006
By Ekrame Boubtane, Jean-Christophe Dumont, and Christophe Rault
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8681, November 2014…
7. Labor Market Effects of Intrauterine Exposure to Nutritional Deficiency: Evidence from Administrative Data on Muslim Immigrants in Denmark
By Marie Louise Schultz-Nielsen, Erdal Tekin, and Jane Greve
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8673, November 2014…
8. Immigration and Crime: New Empirical Evidence from European Victimization Data
By Luca Nunziata
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8632, November 2014…
9. Public Housing Magnets: Public Housing Supply and Immigrants' Location Choices
By Gregory Verdugo
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8629, November 2014…
10. Immigrants' Wage Growth and Selective Out-Migration
By Govert Bijwaard and Jackline Wahba
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8627, November 2014…
11. Trends in the Returns to Social Assimilation: Earnings Premiums among U.S. Immigrants that Marry Natives
By Delia Furtado and Tao Song
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8626, November 2014…
12. Ethnosizing Immigrants: A Theoretical Framework
By Gil S. Epstein, Odelia Heizler (Cohen)
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8625, November 2014…
13. Can Immigrants Help Women "Have it All"? Immigrant Labor and Women's Joint Fertility and Labor Supply Decisions
By Delia Furtado
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8614, November 2014…
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New from the Migration Policy Institute
1. As Many as 3.7 Million Unauthorized Immigrants Could Get Relief from Deportation under Anticipated New Deferred Action Program
With Existing DACA Program Included, Anticipated Actions Could Benefit More than 5.2 Million in Total — Nearly Half of U.S. Unauthorized Population
November 20, 2014…
2. Aiming Higher: Policies to Get Immigrants into Middle-Skilled Work in Europe
By Meghan Benton, Madeleine Sumption, Kristine Alsvik, Susan Fratzke, Christiane Kuptsch, and Demetrios G. Papademetriou
November 2014…
3. Developing School Capacity for Diversity
By Sabine Severiens
MPI Policy Brief, November 2014…
4. Language Support for Youth with a Migrant Background: Policies that Effectively Promote Inclusion
By Hanna Siarova and Miquel Àngel Essomba
MPI Policy Brief, November 2014…
5. Korean Immigrants in the United States
By Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova
Migration Information Source Spotlight, December 3, 2014
6. Ecuador: From Mass Emigration to Return Migration?
By Brad D. Jokisch
MPI Country Profile, November 24, 2014…
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New from the Social Science Research Network
1. Which Factors Drive the Skill-Mix of Migrants in the Long-Run?
By Andreas Beerli, University of Zurich Department of Economics and Ronald Indergand, University of Bern
University of Zurich, Department of Economics, Working Paper No. 182 (2014)
2. Multiple Nationality and Refugees
By Jon Bauer, University of Connecticut School of Law
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2014
3. Racial Profiling in the 'War on Drugs' Meets the Immigration Removal Process: The Case of Moncrieffe v. Holder
By Kevin R. Johnson, University of California, Davis School of Law
University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, Forthcoming
UC Davis Legal Studies Research Paper No. 401
4. Tradable Refugee-Admission Quotas and EU Asylum Policy
By Jesus Fernández-Huertas Moraga, Foundation for Applied Economic Research (FEDEA) and Hillel Rapoport, Bar-Ilan University Department of Economics
CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5072 (2014)
5. Making Civil Immigration Detention 'Civil,' and Examining the Emerging U.S. Civil Detention Paradigm
By Mark L. Noferi, American Immigration Council
27 J. Civ. Rts. & Econ. Dev. 101 (2014)
6. Policing Wage Theft in the Day Labor Market
By Stephen Lee, University of California, Irvine School of Law
UC Irvine Law Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2014, Forthcoming
UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper No. 2014-70
7. Buying the American Dream: Using Immigration Law to Bolster the Housing Market
By Kit Johnson, University of Oklahoma College of Law
Tennessee Law Review, Vol. 81, No. 4, 2014
8. On the Effectiveness of SB1070 in Arizona
By Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, San Diego State University Department of Economics and Fernando A. Lozano, Pomona College
Economic Inquiry, Vol. 53, Issue 1, pp. 335-351, 2015
9. Human Rights, Immigration, and Border Walls
By Moria Paz, Stanford Law School
Added November 17, 2014
10. Over the Borderline: A Critical Inquiry into the Geography of Territorial Excision and the Securitisation of the Australian Border
By Anthea Vogl, University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of Law
University of New South Wales Law Journal, Forthcoming
11. The Morality of Law: The Case Against Deportation of Settled Immigrants
By Doris Marie Provine, School of Social Transformation
Chapter 6 in Closing the Rights Gap: From Human Rights to Social Transformation, Forthcoming
12. Rethinking the Attractiveness of EU Labour Immigration Policies: Comparative Perspectives on the EU, the US, Canada and Beyond
By Sergio Carrera, Centre for European Policy Studies; Elspeth Guild, Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Law; et al.
CEPS Paperbacks, 2014
13. The Little India Riot: Domestic and International Law Perspectives
By Chen Siyuan, Singapore Management University School of Law
Added November 13, 2014
14. The Protection of Irregular Immigrants’ Rights in the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Developments and Challenges
Ana Beduschi, University of Exeter
November 13, 2014
15. Immigration Policy: Special Immigrant Visas
By Mariam Creedon
Added July 10, 2014
16. Primary Resources, Secondary Labor: Resource Booms and Immigration Policy in the Era of Trade Liberalization
By Adrian J. Shin, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
November 14, 2014
Gender Violence in the European Union Member States: Evolving Protections for Migrant Victims
By Mimi Tsankov, University of Colorado Boulder
Federal Bar Association's "The Federal Lawyer Journal", September 2014
18. Domestic Violence and the Plight of the Unauthorized Migrant
By Mimi Tsankov, University of Colorado Boulder
Federal Bar Association's The Federal Lawyer Journal (Oct/Nov 2014)
19. Comment on 'The Economics of U.S. Immigration Reform'
By Susan Martin, Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS)
Capitalism and Society, Vol. 9, No. 2, Article 7, 2014
20. The Economics of U.S. Immigration Reform
By Pia M. Orrenius , Madeline Zavodny and Melissa LoPalo
Capitalism and Society, Vol. 9, No. 2, Article 3, 2014
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New from the International Organization for Migration
1. IOM Outlook on Migration, Environment and Climate Change
November 2014
2. Migration Initiatives 2015: Regional Strategies
November 2014
3. Migration Notebook No. 6 - Haitian Migration to Brazil: Characteristics, Opportunities and Challenges
July 2014…
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New from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
International Migration Outlook 2014
December 2014…
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Admission policies and immigrant skills
By Miles-Touya González
Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21, No. 17, November 2014…
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The impact of immigration on population growth
November 2014
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Open Immigration: Yea & Nay
By Alex Nowrasteh and Mark Krikorian
Encounter Books, 88 pp.
Paperback, ISBN: 159403821X, $7.99
Kindle, 485 KB, ASIN: B00PJ2JUAA, $3.99
Book Description: Open Immigration: Nay by Mark Krikorian
Immigration has always been an important part of America’s story. Over the past century, however, the United States has seen drastic changes – in government spending, the economy, technology, security, and assimilation – and the needs of the nation have changed. Mass immigration is no longer compatible with those needs.
In this Broadside, Mark Krikorian argues that the federal immigration program needs to adjust to the realities of modern America by scaling back the number of newcomers who are allowed to settle in the country. While this doesn’t mean zero immigration, it does mean that we must evaluate and permit only the most compelling cases. What worked in the past will not work today, and our immigration policies must change in response to new circumstances.
Open Immigration: Yea by Alex Nowrasteh
Extensive immigration restrictions are an attempt by the U.S. government to centrally manage the demographics, labor market, and culture of the United States instead of letting those facets of our society develop naturally – as they have throughout most of history. Many objections have been raised against a return to America’s traditional free-immigration policy, but they are without merit and ignore immigration’s tremendous benefits.
In this Broadside, Alex Nowrasteh explains how a policy of open immigration is consistent with America’s founding principles, the ideals of a free society, and the foundation of a free-market economy. Immigration restrictions should be based on protecting the life, liberty, and private property of Americans from those who are most likely to infringe upon them. A freer immigration system would not only be economically beneficial to the United States, but it would also be consistent with American values.
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Migration and Diversity
By Steven Vertovec
Edward Elgar Pub., 864 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1782547185, $418.00
Book Description: Processes of social change brought about by international migration usually entail multiple kinds of diversification affecting ethnicities and identities, languages, gender balances, social statuses, skills and more. Compiled and introduced by a leading figure in the field, Migration and Diversity draws together key social scientific studies addressing varieties of migration-driven diversification. Contributions also examine state responses to, and the wider effects of, the new social, economic and political configurations that arise from migration. Combining empirical and theoretical works, this volume will be useful for undergraduate and graduate students through to professional scholars engaging in some of the most topical issues of today.
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Migration States and Welfare States: Why is America Different from Europe?
By Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
Palgrave Pivot, 128 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN:1137445645, $54.00
Kindle, 851 KB, ASIN: B00OBQWOY4, $36.00
Book Description: Migration States and Welfare States focuses on a central tension faced by policy makers in countries that receive migrants from lower wage countries.
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Latino Homicide: Immigration, Violence, and Community
By Ramiro Martinez Jr.
Routledge, 224 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0415536510, $122.52
Paperback, ISBN: 0415536537, $42.87
Kindle, 2882KB, ASIN: B00OZLQ3Y2, $36.76
Book Description: Latino Homicide is the first empirically based, but readable book for courses to counter the conventional wisdom that immigrant populations only contribute crime to their communities. For this second edition, Martinez further emphasizes his argument with updated data and the addition of a new city, San Antonio. With fascinating case studies from police reports and actual cases from six varied cities, Latino homicide rates are revealed to be markedly lower than one would expect, given the economic deprivation of these urban areas. Far from dangerous or criminal, these communities often have exceptionally strong social networks precisely because of their shared immigrant experiences. Martinez skillfully refutes negative stereotypes in a coherent and critically rigorous analysis of the issues.
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Return to Sender: The Moral Economy of Peru's Migrant Remittances
By Karsten Paerregaard
University of California Press, 336 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0520284739, $58.50
Paperback, ISBN: 05202847477, $31.46
Book Description: Return to Sender: The Moral Economy of Peru’s Migrant Remittances is an anthropological account of how Peruvian emigrants raise and remit money and what that means for themselves and for their home communities. The book draws on first-hand ethnographic data from North and South America, Europe, and Japan. It tells how Peruvians remit to relatives at home, collectively raise money for development projects in their regions of origin, and invest in businesses and other activities.
The author, Karsten Paerregaard, challenges unqualified approval of remittances as beneficial resources of development for home communities and important income for home countries. He finds a more complex situation in which remittances can also create dependency and deprivation.
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Scotland No More?: Emigration from Scotland in the Twentieth Century
By Marjory Harper
Luath Press Ltd., 224 pp.
Paperback, ISBN: 1908373350, $22.99
Book Description: Scotland No More? taps into the need we all share -- to know who we are and where we come from. Scots have always been on the move, and from all quarters we are bombarded with evidence of interest in their historical comings and goings. Earlier eras have been well covered, but until now the story of Scotland's twentieth-century diaspora has remained largely untold. Scotland No More? considers the causes and consequences of the phenomenon, scrutinising the exodus and giving free rein to the voices of those at the heart of the story: the emigrants themselves.
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Second Generations on the Move in Italy: Children of Immigrants Coming of Age
By Roberta Ricucci
Lexington Books, 228 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0739187465, $70.47
Book Description: Second Generations on the Move in Italy: Children of Immigrants Coming of Age offersby means of an analytical perspective and in constant comparison with the findings of international researcha view of secondgeneration immigrants life paths in Italy. The focus at city level contributes to understanding both turning points and key features of the new Italians and what major trials they (and society) will face. The outcome is a picture of a new young generation that will soon challenge Italian society.
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A Sociolinguistics of Diaspora: Latino Practices, Identities, and Ideologies
By Rosina Marquez Reiter
Routledge, 218 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0415712998, $118.27
Kindle, 2977 KB, ASIN: B00PK5JSH6, $100.00
Book Description: his volume brings together scholars in sociolinguistics and the sociology of new media and mobile technologies who are working on different social and communicative aspects of the Latino diaspora. There is new interest in the ways in which migrants negotiate and renegotiate identities through their continued interactions with their own culture back home, in the host country, in similar diaspora elsewhere, and with the various "new" cultures of the receiving country. This collection focuses on two broad political and social contexts: the established Latino communities in urban settings in North America and newer Latin American communities in Europe and the Middle East. It explores the role of migration/diaspora in transforming linguistic practices, ideologies, and identities.
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Social Cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North America: Mechanisms, Conditions, and Causality
By Ruud Koopmans, Bram Lancee, and Merlin Schaeffer
Routledge, 254 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1138024090, $125.37
Book Description: Concerns about immigration and the rising visibility of minorities have triggered a lively scholarly debate on the consequences of ethnic diversity for trust, cooperation, and other aspects of social cohesion. In this accessibly written volume, leading scholars explore where, when, and why ethnic diversity affects social cohesion by way of analyses covering the major European immigration countries, as well as the United States and Canada. They explore the merits of competing theoretical accounts and give rare insights into the underlying mechanisms through which diversity affects social cohesion. The volume offers a nuanced picture of the topic by explicitly exploring the conditions under which ethnic diversity affects the glue that holds societies together. With its interdisciplinary perspective and contributions by sociologists, political scientists, social psychologists, as well as economists, the book offers the most comprehensive analysis of the link between ethnic diversity and social cohesion that is currently available.
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Muslim Moroccan Migrants in Europe: Transnational Migration in Its Multiplicity
By Moha Ennaji
Palgrave Macmillan, 236 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1137476486, $93.26
Book Description: Focusing especially on Muslim Moroccan migrants, this book explores how Muslim migrants in Europe contribute to a changing European landscape. Based on the author's fieldwork and readings of media, government reports, and historical and contemporary records, it elucidates how Muslim migrants in Europe suffer from marginalization and Islamophobia while, at the same time, contributing economically, politically, and culturally to their host countries, as well their countries of origin.
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Transit States: Labour, Migration and Citizenship in the Gulf
By Abdulhadi Khalaf, Omar AlShehabi, and Adam Hanieh
Pluto Press, 224 pp.
Paperback, ISBN: 0745335209, $31.33
Hardcover, ISBN: 0745335225, $97.72
Kindle, 972 KB, ASIN: B00P6JR8LE, $17.23
Book Description: The states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar) form the largest destination for labour migration in the global South. In all of these states, however, the majority of the working population is composed of temporary, migrant workers with no citizenship rights.
The cheap and transitory labour power these workers provide has created the prodigious and extraordinary development boom across the region, and neighbouring countries are almost fully dependent on the labour markets of the Gulf to employ their working populations. For these reasons, the Gulf takes a central place in contemporary debates around migration and labour in the global economy.
This book attempts to bring together and explore these issues. The relationship between 'citizen' and 'non-citizen' holds immense significance for understanding the construction of class, gender, city and state in the Gulf, however too often these questions are occluded in too scholarly or overly-popular accounts of the region. Bringing together experts on the Gulf, Transit States confronts the precarious working conditions of migrants in a accessible, yet in-depth manner.
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Citizenship Studies
Vol. 18, No. 8, 2014, December 2014
Selected article:
Introduction: theorizing different forms of belonging in a cosmopolitan Malaysia
By Gaik Cheng Khoo…
Arabs in the urban social landscapes of Malaysia: historical connections and belonging
By Sumit K. Mandal…
Ethnicity, citizenship and reproduction: Taiwanese wives making citizenship claims in Malaysia
By Heng Leng Chee, Melody C.W. Lu, and Brenda S.A. Yeoh…
Urban refugees in a graduated sovereignty: the experiences of the stateless Rohingya in the Klang Valley
By Avyanthi Azis…
African international students in Klang Valley: colonial legacies, postcolonial racialization, and sub-citizenship
By Timothy P. Daniels…
Place-making: Chin refugees, citizenship and the state in Malaysia
By Gerhard Hoffstaedter…
Intimate encounters: the ambiguities of belonging in the transnational migration of Indonesian domestic workers to Malaysia
By Olivia Killias…
Jom Bersih! Global Bersih and the enactment of Malaysian citizenship in Melbourne
By Julian C.H. Lee…
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CSEM Newsletter
December 2014
English language content:
IOM’s team providing assistance to migrants arriving in Europe by sea from North Africa and the Middle East recorded another 18 migrants reported missing, and presumed dead this week. The reports came from fellow passengers rescued by commercial and military vessels patrolling increasingly wintery and dangerous Mediterranean routes.
Over 5,100 migrants have arrived in Italy by sea in the last 10 days, rescued by the ships plying waters in the Channel of Sicily in the framework of the Triton and Mare Nostrum operations, which will continue until the end of the year, when the Italian Government said it will end its Mare Nostrum mission (which this month officially changed its name into “Surveillance and Sea Security Mechanism”).
The most recent landings took place in Sicily yesterday (27/11), when rescue ships brought 320 migrants to Augusta and another 182 to Porto Empedocle. Additionally, several hundred migrants arrived in Greece two days ago, when a 77-meter cargo ship reportedly carrying 700 people was towed to safety to Crete by a Greek navy frigate.
The new arrivals – rescued in 13 separate operations – are mostly sub-Saharan Africans from the Gambia, Mali, Senegal, Nigeria and Ghana.
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IOM’s latest Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Iraq, to be released later today, reports that over two million people (a total of 2,004,066) have been internally displaced due to conflict in 2014.
Ninewa has been the governorate with the largest displacement figures, 943,962, and the greatest population loss: 82 per cent of the displaced fled the governorate due to violence over the course of the year. Anbar governorate has suffered the second greatest displacement with 540,732 individuals, 67 per cent of whom are displaced within their own governorate.
The entire Kurdistan Region of Iraq (including the districts of Akre, Al Shikhan, in Ninewa governorate; and Kifri and Khanaqin, in Diyala governorate) hosts the majority of the displaced, 47 per cent of the total displaced populations, an estimated 946,266 individuals.
The central region of Iraq hosts 45 per cent of the total displaced population (an estimated 904,170 individuals). The Southern region hosts approximately 8 per cent of the total (an estimated 153,630 individuals).
Since 1 September, nearly 220,000 people have been displaced due to clashes between Iraqi forces and armed groups in the center and central north governorates (mainly Ninewa, Kirkuk, Anbar, Diyala, and Salah al Din). This figure accounts for 11 per cent of the total displaced.
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Migration to Germany has increased for the fourth consecutive year, according to the latest OECD figures. The country also receives the largest number of applications from new asylum-seekers.
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The OECD announced that migration to Germany had increased at a higher rate than to any other member country. The likely cause was the freedom of movement between EU nations, according to the report.
According to the study, 68 percent of migrants in Germany have active employment, a significant increase compared to any other of the 34 countries that make up the OECD.
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November 2014
The IOM Regional Office for South America, in close coordination with IOM Washington and the US Consulate General in Recife, has organized a victim assistance anti-trafficking training at the Pernambuco State Police Academy in Recife.
The two-day training was designed at the request of the local counter-trafficking taskforce and funded by the US Department of State´s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP), through a cooperative agreement with IOM Washington. It was the first of two targeted trainings in Pernambuco – the second which will be held in 2015.
The goal of the training was to enhance capacity to identify and assist trafficking victims by providing technical assistance to the State Centre for Combatting Trafficking in Persons, as well as other key counter-trafficking partners, including service providers, police and prosecutors. The 25 participants were local law enforcement and service providers, and other key counter trafficking actors.
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Nineteen-year-old Doaa al Zamel fled her home in Syria in the hope of finding safety and a better future; she ended up desperately fighting for her life in the Mediterranean Sea and losing her fiancé.
She still relives the trauma of September 10, when an unidentified vessel rammed into the smuggler's trawler that was carrying Doaa and more than 500 other people, including many women and children, who dreamed of reaching Europe. The vessel quickly sank off the east coast of Malta; there were just 11 survivors.
The young woman, who showed tremendous courage in saving one baby and trying to keep another alive during the three days she spent in the water before being rescued by a Greek vessel and taken to Crete, says she is even more determined to reach Sweden where she has relatives.
But her resilience and determination to survive and to try and save others has inspired many people in Greece, including the local authorities in the Crete port of Chania, were she was taken after being rescued by a Greek Navy helicopter. People there believe that Doaa should be given Greek nationality for her bravery.
"What she did – suppressing the instinct for self-preservation and trying to save two babies – is astounding," said Dimitris Nikolakakis, a senior public health and welfare official in Chania.
Doaa's story begins in the south-western Syria town of Dera'a, where she was born and grew up in a family of nine. But as the war escalated, her family decided to flee to nearby Jordan in 2012 before making their way to Egypt. Doaa was just 16 at the time.
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Ethiopian refugee Badesa Fokora has died in a Johannesburg hospital after suffering double kidney failure and being refused treatment for it, despite the fact that he had been lying in a hospital bed for a month. Although doctors at Helen Joseph Hospital in Johannesburg were aware of his life-threatening condition, they refused him treatment on the basis that he was not a South Africa citizen.
Fokora was told that as a non-South African, he did not qualify for a place on the hospital's chronic renal treatment programme, which involves dialysis and an organ transplant. The hospital refused to treat him even after Fokora's family said that they would contribute to the costs of the treatment.
The National Health Act states that only citizens and permanent residents of South Africa may receive assistance in a treatment programme like this. But Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR), which was approached for assistance after Fokora was refused treatment, state that under the Refugee Act, refugees are to be treated as citizens when it comes to medical issues.
LHR filed an urgent medical matter in the North Gauteng High Court to compel the Minister of Health to make an allowance for Fokora to be granted treatment, and also for refugees to not be excluded from medical treatment.
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Recent changes to Canadian immigration policy mean fewer social and health supports for immigrant women with a precarious immigration status -- putting them at an increased risk of violence, researchers say.
"Between 2008 and 2013, the Canadian government introduced an unprecedented number of legislative and regulatory changes that have affected immigrants' and refugees' access to legal representation, access to social and health services, and pathways to permanent residence," said Associate Professor Rupaleem Bhuyan of the University of Toronto's Factor Inwentash Faculty of Social Work.
Bhuyan is the lead author of "Unprotected, unrecognized: Canadian immigration policy and violence against women," 2008-2013. The study is part of the Migrant Mothers Project, a collaborative research project led by Bhuyan in partnership with a network of community groups working to address violence against immigrant women.
The report calls for a national plan to address violence against immigrant and refugee women and immigration policies that better support immigrants in precarious circumstances. It calls on the federal government to abolish the two-year conditional status for sponsored spouses, reinstate access to the Interim Federal Health program to all refugee claimants and uphold the privacy of all people who have access to social and health services.
More than one million people live in Canada on a temporary visa, as international students, temporary foreign workers or refugee claimants, Bhuyan said. They are regularly turned away by service providers in health care, women's shelters and other support services because they are not permanent residents or convention refugees and, therefore, not eligible for services.
At the same time, stringent new policies have been introduced, such as the two-year conditional permanent residence for newly-sponsored spouses/partners, bring "undue hardship for newcomers who are facing domestic violence," said Bhuyan.
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Ethnic and Racial Studies
Vol. 38, No. 2, February 2015
Selected articles:
Land, history or modernization? Explaining ethnic fractionalization
By Eric Kaufmann…
Temporary and transnational: gender and emotion in the lives of Mexican guest worker fathers
By Leah Schmalzbauer…
Global South cosmopolitans: the opening and closing of the USA–Mexico border for Mexican tourists
By Heidy Sarabia…
Small acts, Big Society: sewa and Hindu (nationalist) identity in Britain
By John Zavos…
Return migration as a win-win-win scenario? Visions of return among Senegalese migrants, the state of origin and receiving countries
By Giulia Sinatti…
Earning their support: feelings towards Canada among recent immigrants
By Stephen White, Antoine Bilodeau, and Neil Nevitte…
Impossible presence: race, nation and the cultural politics of ‘being Norwegian’
By Laurie McIntosh…
Growing old in a transnational social field: belonging, mobility and identity among Italian migrants
By Elisabetta Zontini…
Whitening a diverse Dutch classroom: white cultural discourses in an Amsterdam primary school
By Melissa F. Weiner…
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International Migration
Vol. 52, No. 6, December 2014
Return Migration and Transnationalism: How Are the Two Connected?
By Jorgen Carling and Marta Bivand Erdal
Return Migration Intentions in the Integration–Transnationalism Matrix
By Jorgen Carling and Silje Vatne Pettersen
The Emergence of Lifestyle Reasoning in Return Considerations among British Pakistanis
By Marta Bolognani
Post-Return Transnationalism and the Iraqi Displacement in Syria and Jordan
By Vanessa Iaria
Split Return: Transnational Household Strategies in Afghan Repatriation
By Kristian Berg Harpviken
Double Return Migration: Failed Returns to Poland Leading to Settlement Abroad and New Transnational Strategies
By Anne White
Second-Generation “Return” to Greece: New Dynamics of Transnationalism and Integration
Russell King and Anastasia Christou
The Rise and Fall of Diasporic Bonds in Japanese-Peruvian “Return” Migration
Ayumi Takenaka
Migration at a Time of Global Economic Crisis: The Situation in Spain
By Josefina Domínguez-Mujica, Raquel Guerra-Talavera, and Juan Manuel Parreno-Castellano
Over-Education in Multilingual Economies: Evidence from Catalonia
By Maite Blazquez and Silvio Rendon…
The Wage Gap between Foreign and Spanish Nationals in Spain: an Analysis Using Matched Employer–Employee Data
By J. Ignacio García-Pérez, Fernando Munoz-Bullón, and Manuela Prieto-Rodriguez
Fiscal Sustainability and Immigration in the Madrid Region
By Luis Miguel Doncel, Pedro Dura, Pilar Grau, and Jorge Sainz
Framing Immigration News in Spanish Regional Press
By Lifen Cheng, Juan Jose Igartua, Elena Palacios, Tania Acosta, and Socorro Palito…
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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Vol. 41, No. 1, January 2015
Selected articles:
Religious Fundamentalism and Hostility against Out-groups: A Comparison of Muslims and Christians in Western Europe
By Ruud Koopmans…
Migration and Economic Prospects
By Mathias Czaika…
A Longitudinal Study of Interethnic Contacts in Germany: Estimates from a Multilevel Growth Curve Model
By Borja Martinovic, Frank van Tubergen, and Ineke Maas…
Ethnic Boundaries in Core Discussion Networks: A Multilevel Social Network Study of Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands
By Frank van Tubergen…
Asian American Attitudes towards a US Citizenship Path for Illegal Immigrants: Immigration Reform as Racialised Politics
By Frank L. Samson…
The Impact of Corporations on the Settlement of Migrant Workers: Koreans in Alabama, USA
By Eunbi Kim…
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Journal of Intercultural Studies
Vol. 35, No. 6, December 2014
Selected article:
Can a Mestiça be a Haafu? Japanese-Brazilian Female Migrants and the Celebration of Racial Mixing in Contemporary Japan
By Tamaki Watarai…
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Vol. 10, No. 1, 2015
Selected article:
The Finnish and Swedish Migration Dynamics and Transnational Social Spaces
By Osten Wahlbeck…
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Refugee Survey Quarterly
Vol. 33, No. 4, December 2014
The Multiple Geographies of Internal Displacement: The Case of Georgia
By Peter Kabachnik, Beth Mitchneck, Olga V. Mayorova, and Joanna Regulska
Employment of Palestinian Refugee Women in Lebanon: Opportunities and Hurdles
By Sari Hanafi
Refugees’ Transnational Mobility: A Study of Asylum Seeking in Hong Kong and Urban Thailand
By Terence C.T. Shum
Protection Closer to Home? A Legal Case for Claiming Asylum at Embassies and Consulates
By Kate Ogg
Filling in the Gap: Refugee Returnees Deploy Higher Education Skills to Peacebuilding
By Amanda Coffie
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Ano 25, No. 97, December 2014…
English language content:
UK: Fix Bill to Protect Migrant Domestic Workers…
A forced bride: 'We survive for each day'
Kachin women who venture into China for work are vulnerable to falling prey to abductors looking for marriage.
By Nina Wegner…
Indian Trailing Spouses-In love and out of work
They are educated, qualified and experienced. But many trailing spouses from India find it difficult embarking on a new work life in Switzerland.
By Keerthana Nagarajan…
A Boon for the women of Ecuador
By Ruxandra Guidi…
For Central America’s migrant women, life can change in a second
By Fabiola Pomareda… -
Braving Dust storms, Women Plant Seeds of Hope…
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