Immigration Reading List, 1/20/11

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Latest issues of DOJ EOIR Immigration Law Advisor
2. Updated CBO report on immigration policy
3. GAO reports on the H-1B visa program, E-Verify, and land management agencies
4. Canada: Population statistics, immigration, and demographic estimates
5. U.K.: Asylum and migration statistics, migrant survey, and report on children in detention
6. N.Z.: Report on international travel and migration



Four new reports from FAIR
8. "Border Security and the Terrorist Threat"
9. Two new reports from the Urban Institute
10. "New NFAP Legal Analysis: Fee Increase on H-1B Visas Likely Violates U.S. Commitments Under GATS"
11. Migrant Remittances Newsletter
12. Two recent reports from the German Marshall Fund
13. Five new reports from the Migration Policy Institute
14. Seven new reports from the Institute for the Study of Labor
15. Two new working papers from National Bureau of Economic Research
16. Twenty new papers from the Social Science Research Network
17. New working paper from the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
18. Seven new postings from the Immigration Prof Blog
19. Two new reports from the World Bank
20. Seven new reports from the International Organization for Migration
21. New paper from the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women
22. "In between: Immigration, distributive justice, and political dialogue"
23. "Asylum seekers as Austria's other: the re-emergence of Austria's colonial past in a state-of-exception"
24. "Spelling out exclusion in Southern Italy"
25. "Immigration and Citizenship in Japan"
26. "Lagging behind in good times: immigrants and the increased dependence on social assistance in Sweden"
27. "Who went where? Jewish immigration from the Former Soviet Union to Israel, the USA and Germany, 1990-2000"
28. "Opportunity from Crisis? Organisational Responses to Human Trafficking in the UK"
29. "Protecting Europe and Protecting Migrants? Strategies for Managing Unauthorised Migration from Africa"



Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs
31. Immigrants and Illegal Aliens: Removal, Deterance and Detention Issues
32. Getting Ahead: Social Mobility, Public Housing, and Immigrant Networks
33. The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity
34. Displacement Beyond Conflict: Challenges for the 21st Century
35. Immigration and Acculturation: Mourning, Adaptation, and the Next Generation
36. Migration and Culture
37. Irresistible Forces: Latin American Migration to the United States and its Effects on the South
38. New Immigrants, New Land: A Study of Brazilians in Massachusetts
39. Across the Atlantic: African Immigrants in the United States Diaspora
40. Foreign and Guest Workers: Immigration and Admissions Issues
41. The Migration of Power and North-South Inequalities: The Case of Italy and Libya



Ethnic and Racial Studies
43. Georgetown Immigration Law Journal
44. International Migration
45. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
46. Journal of International Migration and Integration
47. Latino Studies
48. Migration News
49. Rural Migration News
50. The Romanian Journal of European Studies

The 2010 Top Twenty: Few Easy Choices
By Edward R. Grant
Immigration Law Advisor
Vol. 4 No. 10, November-December 2010


Immigration Policy in the United States: An Update
Congressional Budget Office, December 2010…


New from the General Accountability Office

H-1B Visa Program: Reforms Are Needed to Minimize the Risks and Costs of Current Program
Government Accountability Office, GAO-11-26, January 14, 2011
Report -
Highlights -

Employment Verification: Federal Agencies Have Taken Steps to Improve E-Verify, but Significant Challenges Remain
Government Accountability Office, GAO-11-146, December, 2010
Report -
Highlights -

Federal Lands: Adopting a Formal, Risk-Based Approach Could Help Land Management Agencies Better Manage Their
Law Enforcement Resources
Government Accountability Office, GAO-11-144, December 17, 2010
Report -
Highlights -


Canada's population estimates
Statistics Canada, December 2010

Quarterly Demographic Estimates
July to September 2010
Statistics Canada, December 2010

Visual census, Immigration and citizenship, Canada
Statistics Canada, December 2010…


A feasibility study for a survey of migrants
Report prepared by Ipsos MORI and the Institute of Education for the UK Border Agency
U.K. Home Office, January 2011

Migration Statistics Quarterly Report
Office for National Statistics, November 25, 2010

Children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers, by age and place of initial detention, (excluding Harwich), November 2010
December 30, 2010…

Monthly Asylum Statistics - October 2010
December 30, 2010…


International Travel and Migration: November 2010
Statistics New Zealand, December 2010
C:\Documents and Settings\tom\Local Settings\Temp\IntTravelAndMigrationNov10HOTP.pdf


New reports from FAIR

An Immigration Reform Agenda for the 112th Congress
Federation for American Immigration Reform, January 2011

Immigration, Population Growth and the Chesapeake Bay
By Eric A. Ruark
Federation for American Immigration Reform, December 2010

Refugee and Asylum Policy Reform
By Jack Martin
Federation for American Immigration Reform, November 2010

Immigration and National Security - Update 2010
By Jack Martin
Federation for American Immigration Reform, November 2010


Border Security and the Terrorist Threat
By Jon B. Perdue
inFocus Quarterly, Fall 2010


Immigration Trends in Metropolitan America, 1980-2007
By Ajay Chaudry, Karina Fortuny, and Paul A. Jargowsky
The Urban Instutute, December 14, 2010…

Children of Immigrants: Economic Well-Being
Ajay Chaudry and Karina Fortuny
The Urban Instutute, November 24, 2010…


New NFAP Legal Analysis: Fee Increase on H-1B Visas Likely Violates U.S. Commitments Under GATS
National Foundation for American Policy, January 2011


Migrant Remittances Newsletter
Vol. 7, No. 2, October 2010…


Selecting for Integration? What Role for a Point System?
By Tamar Jacoby
The German Marshall Fund, December 15, 2010…

The Fight Against the Smuggling of Migrants in the Mediterranean: The Italian Experience
By Vincenzo Delicato
The German Marshall Fund, September 30, 2010…


New from the Migration Policy Institute

Central American Immigrants in the United States
By Aaron Terrazas
U.S. in Focus, January 2011

Earned Legalization: Effects of Proposed Requirements on Unauthorized Men, Women, and Children
By Marc R. Rosenblum, Randy Capps, and Serena Yi-Ying Lin
January 2011

Immigration Policy and Less-Skilled Workers in the United States: Reflections on Future Directions for Reform
By Harry J. Holzer
January 2011

Immigrant Legalization in the United States and European Union: Policy Goals and Program Design
By Marc R. Rosenblum
Policy Brief, December 2010

Senate Blocks Passage of DREAM Act by Five Votes
By Muzaffar Chishti and Claire Bergeron
December 2010


New from the Institute for the Study of Labor

Negative and Positive Assimilation, Skill Transferability,and Linguistic Distance
By Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5420, January 2011

Is the Minimum Wage a Pull Factor for Immigrants?
By Corrado Giulietti
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5410, December 2010

High-Skilled Immigration Policy in Europe
By Martin Kahanec and Klaus F. Zimmermann
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5399, December 2010

Selective Immigration Policies, Migrants' Education and Welfare at Origin
By Simone Bertoli and Herbert Brucker
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5395, December 2010

Economic Preferences and Attitudes of the Unemployed: Are Natives and Second Generation Migrants Alike?
By Amelie F. Constant, Annabelle Krause, Ulf Rinne, and Klaus F. Zimmermann
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5380, December 2010

Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances on Output Growth: Evidence from Turkey
By BAysit Tansel and Pinar Yasar
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5376, December 2010

Immigrants' Employment Outcomes over the Business Cycle
By Pia M. Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5354, December 2010


New from the National Bureau of Economic Research

Tax Competition and Migration: The Race-to-the-Bottom Hypothesis Revisited
By Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
NBER Working Paper No. 16670, January 2011

The Wage Effects of Immigration and Emigration
By Frederic Docquier, Caglar Ozden, and Giovanni Peri
NBER Working Paper No. 16646, December 2010


New from the Social Science Research Network

Lessons Learned, Lessons Lost: Immigration Enforcement’s Failed Experiment with Penal Severity
Fordham Urban Law Journal, Forthcoming
By Teresa A. Miller, State University of New York at Buffalo Law School
January 2011

Gender Differences in Native Preferences Toward Undocumented and Legal Immigration: Evidence from San Diego
By Thitima Puttitanun, San Diego State University; and Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, San Diego State University
Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2011

Civic Integration, Migrant Women and the Veil: At the Limits of Rights?
By Siobhan Mullally, University College Cork
The Modern Law Review, Vol. 74, No. 1, 2011

The Earnings and Social Security Contributions of Documented and Undocumented Mexican Immigrants
By Gary Burtless and Audrey Singer, Brookings Institution, December 30, 2010
Boston College Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2011-2

An Analysis of the Underlying Causes of the Poor Performance of Recent Immigrants Using the 2006 Census PUMF and Some Observations on Their Implications for Immigration Policy
By Patrick Grady, Global Economics Ltd., January 4, 2011

Immigration and the Growing Canada-U.S. Productivity Gap
By Patrick Grady, Global Economics Ltd., November 28, 2010

Forecasting Migrant Remittances During the Global Financial Crisis
By Sanket Mohapatra and Dilip Ratha, World Bank
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5512, December 1, 2010

Has the Genie Been Let Out of the Bottle? Ethnic Profiling in the Netherlands
By Quirine Eijkman, Leiden University School of Social Sciences, Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism (CTC)
Public Space: The Journal of Law and Social Justice, Vol. 5, 2010

Toward a More Individualized Assessment of Changed Country Conditions for Kosovar Asylum-Seekers
By Christian Alfred Fundo, Cornell Law Review
Cornell International Law Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2010

Beyond Exclusion: A Review of Peter J. Spiro’s 'Beyond Citizenship'
By Jeff Redding, Saint Louis University School of Law
Minnesota Law Review Headnotes, Vol. 95, p. 29, 2010
Saint Louis U. Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2010-33

Seeking Protection from the Law? Exploring Changing Arguments for U.S. Domestic Violence Asylum Claims and Gendered Resistance by Courts
By Richael Faithful, American University Washington College of Law
The Modern American: A Scholarly Publication Dedicated to Diversity and the Law, 2009

Protecting the Human Rights of Immigration Detainees in Australia: An Evaluation of Current Accountability Mechanisms
By Savitri Taylor, La Trobe University - School of Law
Sydney Law Review, Vol. 22, No. 1

Immigration, Offshoring and American Jobs
By Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano
Department of Economics and Paolo Baffi Centre on Central Banking and Financial Regulation, Bocconi University;
Giovanni Peri, University of California, Davis; and Greg C. Wright, University of California, Davis
FEEM Working Paper No. 145.2010, December 15, 2010

Federalism, Subsidiarity, and the Role of Local Governments in an Age of Global Multilevel Governance
By Yishai Blank, Tel Aviv University - Buchmann Faculty of Law
Fordham Urban Law Journal, Vol. 37, No. 509, 2010

Proportionality: The Struggle for Balance in U.S. Immigration Policy
By Michael J. Wishnie, Yale Law School
University of Pittsburgh Law Review, Vol. 72, 2011

Reading the Morton Memo: Federal Priorities and Prosecutorial Discretion
By Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia, The Pennsylvania State University
Immigration Policy Center-American Immigration Council, December 2010
The Pennsylvania State University Legal Studies Research Paper No. 46-2010

Immigrant Over- and Under-Education: The Role of Home Country Labour Market Experience
By Matloob Piracha, University of Kent, Canterbury; Massimiliano Tani, University of New South Wales; and
Florin Vadean, University of Kent, Canterbury
CEIS Working Paper No. 175, December 9, 2010

European Integration and Labour Migration
By D'Artis Kancs, Catholic University of Leuven and Julda Kielyte, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)
European Integration online Papers, Vol. 14, No. 16, 2010

Government by Choice: Classical Liberalism and the Moral Status of Immigration Barriers
By Nicolás Maloberti , Liberty Fund, Inc.
The Independent Review, Forthcoming

Guest Worker Programs are No Fix for Our Broken Immigration System: Evidence from the Northern Mariana Islands
By Dorothy Hill, Albany Law School
New Mexico Law Review, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2011


New from the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies

From Sheriff’s Deputies to Immigration Officers: Screening Immigrant Status in a Tennessee Jail
By Amada Armenta
Working Paper No. 185, January 2011


New from the Immigration Prof Blog

Latino Immigrants and the U.S. Racial Order: How and Where Do They Fit In?
By Reanne Franka, Ilana Redstone Akreshb and Bo Lua
American Sociological Review

Birthright Citizenship and the 14th Amendment
Opponents of illegal immigration cannot claim to champion the rule of law and then propose policies that violate our Constitution
By James C. Ho
The Wall Street Journal, January 5, 2011…

UC San Diego Wayne Cornelius: Why the DREAM Act Failed
By Leslie Berestein Rojas
MultiAmerican, December 21, 2010…

Defeat of DREAM Act will hurt opponents
By Alvaro Huerta
The Progressive, December 23, 2010

The Intersection of Race and Class in U.S. Immigration Law and Enforcement
By Kevin R. Johnson…

Education, Immigrant Students, Refugee Students, and English Learners
Vol. 109, Issue 2
Edited by Christian Faltis and Guadalupe Valdes

Deportation Nation: A Timeline Of Immigrant Criminalization
Deportation Nation, December 2010…


New reports from the World Bank

Forecasting migrant remittances during the global financial crisis
Sanket Mohapatra and Dilip Ratha
Policy Research Working Paper, December 2010…

Toward an objective-driven system of smart labor migration management
By Robert Holzmann and Yann Pouget
Policy Brief, December 2010…


New from the International Organization for Migration

IOM and Migration and Development
January 2011…

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) in the EU
January 2011

IOM and Migration and Development
January 2011…

IOM and Migrant Integration
January 2011…

IOM and Remittances
January 2011

IOM Global Assistance Fund for the Protection and Reintegration of Trafficked Persons
January 2011…

Migration Facilitation: Support Services to Governments and Migrants
January 2011…


New paper from the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women

Beyond Borders: Exploring Links Between Trafficking, Globalisation, and Security
GAATW Working Papers Series 2010


In between: Immigration, distributive justice, and political dialogue
By Hans Lindahl
Contemporary Political Theory, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2011…


Asylum seekers as Austria's other: the re-emergence of Austria's colonial past in a state-of-exception
By Brigitte Hipfl and Daniela Gronold
Social Identities, Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2011…


Spelling out exclusion in Southern Italy
By Claudia Buonaiuto and Marie-Helene Laforest
Social Identities, Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2011…


Immigration and Citizenship in Japan
By Soo im Lee
Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1, Winter 2011…


Lagging behind in good times: immigrants and the increased dependence on social assistance in Sweden
By Carina Mood
International Journal of Social Welfare, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2011…


Who went where? Jewish immigration from the Former Soviet Union to Israel, the USA and Germany, 1990-2000
By Yinon Cohen, Yitchak Haberfeld, and Irena Kogan
Israel Affairs, Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2011…


Opportunity from Crisis? Organisational Responses to Human Trafficking in the UK
By Alex Balch and Andrew Geddes
British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2011…


Protecting Europe and Protecting Migrants? Strategies for Managing Unauthorised Migration from Africa
By Jorgen Carling and María Hernandez-Carretero
British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 13, No. 1, February 2011…


Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs
Edited by Rogers M. Smith

University of Pennsylvania Press, 472 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0812242831, $78.69

Paperback, ISBN: 0521145244, $26.99

Book Description: From anxiety about Muslim immigrants in Western Europe to concerns about undocumented workers and cross-border security threats in the United States, disputes over immigration have proliferated and intensified in recent years. These debates are among the most contentious facing constitutional democracies, and they show little sign of fading away.

Edited and with an introduction by political scientist Rogers M. Smith, Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs brings together essays by leading international scholars from a wide range of disciplines to explore the economic, cultural, political, and normative aspects of comparative immigration policies. In the first section, contributors go beyond familiar explanations of immigration's economic effects to explore whose needs are truly helped and harmed by current migration patterns. The concerns of receiving countries include but are not limited to their economic interests, and several essays weigh different models of managing cultural identity and conflict in democracies with large immigrant populations.

Other essays consider the implications of immigration for politics and citizenship. In many nations, large-scale immigration challenges existing political institutions, which must struggle to foster political inclusion and accommodate changing ways of belonging to the polity. The volume concludes with contrasting reflections on the normative standards that should guide immigration policies in modern constitutional democracies.

Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs develops connections between thoughtful scholarship and public policy, thereby advancing public debate on these complex and divisive issues. Though most attention in the collection is devoted to the dilemmas facing immigrant-receiving countries in the West, the volume also explores policies and outcomes in immigrant-sending countries, as well as the situation of developing nations—such as India—that are net receivers of migrants.


Immigrants and Illegal Aliens: Removal, Deterance and Detention Issues
Edited by Megan A. Yates

Nova Science Pub Inc.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1617611816, $89.00

Book Description: Aliens may be removed from the United States for a variety of reasons, such as having entered the country unlawfully, overstaying a visa, or committing a crime. Prior to removal, however, aliens usually have access to a removal hearing or some other form of adjudication that determines whether they are subject to removal. Although judicial review by a federal court of appeals of a removal order is generally available, Congress has determined that review by the federal courts will not be available with respect to certain types of removals, such as expedited removal orders, crime-related removals, discretionary determinations and matters involving prosecutorial discretion. This book analyzes the jurisdictional issues in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) by focusing on the procedural mechanisms used to initiate judicial review and the reach of an Article III court's jurisdiction to review a removal order.


Getting Ahead: Social Mobility, Public Housing, and Immigrant Networks
By Silvia Dominguez

NYU Press, 288 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0814720773, $44.55

Kindle, ASIN: B004DZPAMG, $9.99

Book Description: Getting Ahead tells the compelling stories of Latin-American immigrant women living in public housing in two Boston-area neighborhoods. Silvia Domínguez argues that these immigrant women parlay social ties that provide support and leverage to develop networks and achieve social positioning to get ahead. Through a rich ethnographic account and in-depth interviews, the strong voices of these women demonstratehow they successfully negotiate the world and achieve social mobility through their own individual agency, skillfullynavigating both constraints and opportunities.

Domínguez makes it clear that many immigrant women are able to develop the social support needed for a rich social life, and leverage ties that open options for them to develop their social and human capital. However, she also shows that factors such as neighborhood and domestic violence and the unavailability of social services leave many women without the ability to strategize towards social mobility. Ultimately, Domínguez makes important local and international policy recommendations on issue ranging from public housing to world labor visas, demonstrating how policy can help to improve the lives of these and other low-income people.


The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity
Edited by Vicki Squire

Routledge, 256 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0415584612, $117.69

Book Description: Irregular migration has emerged as an issue of intensive political debate and governmental practice over recent years.

Critically intervening in debates around the governing of irregular migration, The Contested Politics of Mobility explores the politics of mobility through what is defined as an ‘analytic of irregularity’. It brings together authors who address issues of mobility and irregularity from a range of distinct perspectives, to focus on the politics of control as well as the politics of migration. The volume develops an account of irregularity as a produced, ambivalent and contested socio-political condition, showing how this is activated through wide-ranging ‘borderzones’ that pull between migration and control. Covering cases from across contemporary North America and Europe and examining a range of control mechanisms, such as biometrics, deportation and workplace raiding, the volume refuses the term ‘illegal’ to describe movements of people across borders. In so doing, it highlights the complexity of relations between different regions and between a politics of migration and a politics control, and makes a timely intervention in the intersecting fields of critical citizenship, migration and security studies.

This book will be of interest to students and scholars of politics, international relations, sociology, migration and law.


Displacement Beyond Conflict: Challenges for the 21st Century
By Christopher McDowell and Gareth Morrell

Berghahn Books, 192 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1845457722, $64.99

Book Description: Climate change, accelerating environmental degradation, rapid industrialization and intensifying competition over the world's resources is creating population displacement on an unprecedented scale, resulting in serious societal conflict. One estimate claims there will be 1 billion forcibly displaced people by 2050. It is recognized that the causes of human displacement are interlinked - with common roots in bad government, lack of democracy, human rights violations, poverty and extreme pressure on and poor management of the environment. Examining the causes and consequences and options available for addressing the dramatic rise in the numbers of displaced people, this volume considers the effects on human rights, protection and material needs of displaced people and how well - or not - national governments, international agencies and civil society address these needs.


Immigration and Acculturation: Mourning, Adaptation, and the Next Generation
By Salman Akhtar

Jason Aronson, 310 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0765708248, $56.24

Kindle, ASIN: B004GHNHTO, $50.62

Book Description: Moving from one country to another causes a radical alteration of one's cultural and geophysical surround. Separation from friends and family, loss of valued possessions, and encountering new ways of living result in mental pain and disorienting anxieties. In Immigration and Acculturation, Salman Akhtar examines the traumatic impact of immigration and the acculturation process and the psychological defenses that are mobilized in the immigrant, including nostalgia and fantasies of return. Akhtar explores each aspect of an immigrant's life, shedding light on the complexities of work, friendship, sex, marriage, aging, religion, and politics, as well as showing how unresolved conflicts are passed on to the next generation. Akhtar provides first-hand accounts from immigrants from a variety of backgrounds and countries of origin, and he provides clinical strategies for working with immigrant and ethnically diverse patients and their offspring. Deftly synthesizing observations from psychoanalysis, anthropology, literature, history, and related disciplines in the humanities, Salman Akhtar elegantly elucidates postmigration identity change.


Migration and Culture
By Gil S. Epstein and Ira N. Gang

Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 250 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0857241532, $114.95

Book Description: Culture is not new to the study of migration. It has lurked beneath the surface for some time, occasionally protruding openly into the discussion, usually under some pseudonym. The authors of the papers in this volume bring culture into the open. They are concerned with how culture manifests itself in the migration process for three groups of actors: the migrants, those remaining in the sending areas, and people already living in the recipient locations. The topics vary widely. What unites the authors is an understanding that though actors behave differently, within a group there are economically important shared beliefs (customs, values, attitudes, etc.), which we commonly referred to as culture. Culture plays a central role in our understanding of migration as an economic phenomenon. While the papers in this volume occasionally touch on this diversity and the conflicts it engenders, this is not the focus of the volume. Here the emphasis is on the distinctions in culture between migrants, the families they left behind, and the local population in the migration destination. The new interactions directly affect all three groups. Assimilation is one result; separation is also a possibility. Location choice, workplace interaction, enclave size, the opportunity for the migrant obtaining credit in their new country, the local population's reaction to migrants, the political culture of the migrants and local population, links to the country-of-origin, and the economic state of the host country, all contribute to the classic conflict between assimilation and separation. This volume will consider different aspects of the process of assimilation considering the affect on the migrants themselves, on the local population, on the families left at the home country and others.


Irresistible Forces: Latin American Migration to the United States and its Effects on the South
By Gregory B. Weeks and John R. Weeks

University of New Mexico Press, 288 pp.

Paperback, ISBN: 0826349188, $29.95

Book Description: The politics, social issues, and cultural impacts of Latin American migration to the United States are often studied by historians and political scientists, but the regional focus is typically on the Southwest and California. This study examines the phenomenon of the impact of Latin American migration on the southeastern United States, a region that now has the nation's fastest growing immigrant population.

Incorporating a political demography approach, this study seeks to provide a clear understanding of the complex dynamics of migration with particular emphasis on the unique demographic fit between the United States and Latin America. This fit arises from one region needing young workers while the other has more than its economy can absorb. Although a relatively simple concept, it is one that has largely been ignored in the political discussions of migration policy. This study argues that the social and political ramifications of and policy responses to Latin American immigration can best be understood when viewed in light of these circumstances.


New Immigrants, New Land: A Study of Brazilians in Massachusetts
By Ana Cristina Braga Martes

University Press of Florida, 288 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0813035287, $69.95

Book Description: "An incisive, nuanced, and multidimensional case study. Martes challenges and revises accepted notions of ethnic solidarity, and emphasizes how much more diversity exists among the Brazilian newcomers than typically has been recognized."--Marilyn Halter, Boston University

"Provides a rich and detailed account of the varied motivations and experiences of Brazilian emigrants to the United States. Martes explores a number of topics, including economic strategies unique to the Brazilian community, the roles of Catholic and evangelical Protestant churches in the lives of Brazilian immigrants, and issues of ethnic and racial identity in the United States, where categories of ‘race’ are conceptualized quite differently than in Brazil."--Cassandra White, Georgia State University

Ana Cristina Martes presents a sociodemographic profile of Brazilian immigrants in Boston and addresses the major challenges they face in their efforts to navigate complicated economic relationships in the U.S.

Using an ethnographic approach, Martes unpacks the complex intragroup dynamics of this population with particular emphasis on work life, the role of the church, and the always churning issues of racial and ethnic identity formation.

Originally published in Portuguese as Brasileiros Nos Estados Unidos, and heavily revised by the author for the English edition, New Immigrants, New Land offers an incisive, nuanced, and multidimensional case study of Brazilians in Massachusetts and the second largest Brazilian immigrant population in the United States.


Across the Atlantic: African Immigrants in the United States Diaspora
Edited by Emmanuel Yewah and Dimeji Togunde

Common Ground Publishing, 188 pp.

Paperback, ISBN: 1863357882, $30.00

Book Description: This book offers a fresh multidisciplinary perspective towards an understanding of African immigration to the United States diaspora, by documenting for the first time, an empirical analysis of how media and literary portrayal of the United States create impressions of America and thus the desire to migrate. It expands on how pre-departure characteristics including socialization experiences, religious traditions, and practices such as African foods, cultural festivals and African languages impact African immigrants' adaptation and coping mechanisms amid challenges at the country of destination. It brings to the fore how African immigrants' ethnic group identities at the country of origin determine ethnic relations and cultural integration in the society of encounter. Additionally, it explicates how the social organization of the African family influences remittance flows. Finally, the book elucidates on how Africans in Diasporas impact the reconstruction of homelands' political identities as well as the effect of African Diaspora cyber-citizenship and cyber political activities on the conception of African national identity.


Foreign and Guest Workers: Immigration and Admissions Issues
Edited by Benjamin J. Ruiz

Nova Science Pub Inc.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1617611824, $115.00

Book Description: Some employers maintain that they continue to need the 'best and the brightest' workers, regardless of their country of birth, to remain competitive in a world-wide market and to keep their firms in the United States. While support for increasing employment-based immigration may be dampened by the high levels of unemployment, proponents argue that the ability to hire foreign workers is an essential ingredient for economic growth. This book explores the immigration and admission issues concerning foreign and guest worker programs in the United States.


The Migration of Power and North-South Inequalities: The Case of Italy and Libya
By Emanuela Paoletti

Palgrave Macmillan, 320 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0230249264, $69.66

Book Description: This book examines negotiations on migration in the Mediterranean. It argues that migration is a bargaining chip which countries in the South use to increase their leverage versus their counterparts in the North. This proposition opens up new understandings reframing relations of inequalities among states.


Ethnic and Racial Studies
Vol. 34, No. 2, February 2011

Selected articles:

Immigrants and the paper market: borrowing, renting and buying identities
By Ellie Vasta

Movement in spaces of liminality: Chinese dance and immigrant identities
By Hui Wilcox


Georgetown Immigration Law Journal
Volume 24, Issues 2, Winter 2010


Challenging the Doctrine of Consular Nonreviewability in Immigration Cases
By Donald S. Dobkin……

Immigration Enforcement and Harboring Doctrine
By Eisha Jain……

The Development of Gender as a Basis for Asylum in United States Immigration Law and Under the United Nations Refugee Convention: Case Studies of Female Asylum Seekers From Cameroon, Eritrea, Iraq and Somalia
By T.S. Twibell……

Prosecution or Persecution: Contradictions Between U.S. Foreign Policy & the Adjudication of Asylum Claims Involving the Harboring of North Korean Refugees
By Alyce S. Ahn……

A Solution: An Approach to Addressing Fear-Based Claims Within the Religious Conservative Community and its Application to a Current Refugee Concern
By Heidi Dunn……

North Korean Border-Crossers in Yanbian: The "Protection Gap" Between the Economic Migrant and Refugee Regimes
By Elisa Gahng……


International Migration
Vol. 49, No. 1, February 2011


Immigrant Suburban Settlement and the “Threat” to Middle Class Status and Identity: The Case of Farmers Branch, Texas
By Caroline B. Brettell and Faith G. Nibbs…

Labour Market Penalties of New Immigrants in New and Old Receiving West European Countries
By Emilio Reyneri and Giovanna Fullin…

Immigrants in Denmark: Access to Employment, Class Attainment and Earnings in a High-Skilled Economy
By Stefanie Brodmann and Javier G. Polavieja…

New Immigrants ? Old Disadvantage Patterns? Labour Market Integration of Recent Immigrants into Germany
By Irena Kogan…

Low Unemployment and Bad Jobs for New Immigrants in Italy
By Giovanna Fullin and Emilio Reyneri…

The Recent Fast Upsurge of Immigrants in Spain and Their Employment Patterns and Occupational Attainment
By Fabrizio Bernardi, Luis Garrido and Maria Miyar…


Vol. 48, No. 6, December 2010


Introduction to the Special Issue on Women and Migration in Globalizing Asia: Gendered Experiences, Agency, and Activism (pages 1–12)
By Arianne M. Gaetano and Brenda S.A. Yeoh…

Transborder Migration, Social Reproduction and Economic Development: A Case Study of Burmese Women Workers in Thailand (pages 13–43)
By Kyoko Kusakabe and Ruth Pearson…

Transnational Migration, Gender, and Rights: Advocacy and Activism in the Malaysian Context (pages 44–71)
By Juanita Elias…

“Economically Speaking, I am the Breadwinner”: Chinese Immigrant Narratives of Work and Family in Hong Kong (pages 72–101)
By Nicole Newendorp…

“Not a Real Worker”: Gendering Migrants in Thailand’s Shrimp Farms
By Bernadette P. Resurreccion and Edsel E. Sajor…

Performances across Time and Space: Drama in the Global Households of Filipina Transmigrant Workers
By Janet M. Arnado…


Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Vol. 37, Issue 2, 2011


‘Integration’: Migrants and Refugees between Scandinavian Welfare Societies and Family Relations
By Karen Fog Olwig

Money or Education? Improvement Strategies Among Pakistani Families in Denmark
By Mikkel Rytter

Multicultural Ideology and Transnational Family Ties among Descendants of Cape Verdeans in Sweden
By Lisa Åkesson

From Danish Yugoslavs to Danish Serbs: National Affiliation Caught Between Visibility and Invisibility
By Kristine Juul

Law and Identity: Transnational Arranged Marriages and the Boundaries of Danishness
By Garbi Schmidt

Egalitarian Ambitions, Constructions of Difference: The Paradoxes of Refugee Integration in Sweden
By Marita Eastmond

Ali's Disappearance: The Tension of Moving and Dwelling in the Norwegian Welfare Society
By Ada I. Engebrigtsen

Tamil Refugees in Pain: Challenging Solidarity in the Norwegian Welfare State
By Anne Sigfrid Grønseth

Becoming Part of Welfare Scandinavia: Integration through the Spatial Dispersal of Newly Arrived Refugees in Denmark
By Birgitte Romme Larsen


Vol. 36, Issue 10, 2010


Theories of Migration and Social Change
By Nicholas Van Hear

Migration and Social Change: Some Conceptual Reflections
By Alejandro Portes…

Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective
By Stephen Castles…

The Internal Dynamics of Migration Processes: A Theoretical Inquiry
By Hein de Haas…

‘Mind the Gap!’ Integrating Approaches to Internal and International Migration
By Russell King and Ronald Skeldon

Gender in the Migratory Process
By Helma Lutz

Towards Transnational Studies: World Theories, Transnationalisation and Changing Institutions
By Thomas Faist

Some Reflections on Structure and Agency in Migration Theory
By Oliver Bakewell


Journal of International Migration and Integration
Vol. 11, No. 4, November 2010


Civic Stratification, `Plastic' Citizenship and `Plastic Subjectivities' in Greek Immigration Policy
By Anna-Maria ?onsta and Gabriella Lazaridis…

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Education-Occupation Mismatch Status Among Immigrants in South Africa and the United States
By Kevin Thomas…

Empowerment or Intrusion? The Input and Output Legitimacy of Introductory Programs for Recent Immigrants
By Anne Djuve…

Brain Gain to Brain Waste: Individual Biases, Prejudice, and Discounting of Migrant Skills
By Doha Shinnaoui and Renu Narchal…

The Integration of Immigrant Teachers in Manitoba, Canada: Critical Issues and Perspectives
By Clea Schmidt, Jon Young, and David Mandzuk…

Nadia Kim, Imperial Citizens: Koreans and Race from Seoul to LA: Stanford University Press (2008) 328 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0804758871
By Miliann Kang…

S. Karthick Ramakrishnan and Irene Bloemraad, Civic Hopes and Political Realities: Immigrants, Community Organizations and Political Engagement: Russell Sage Foundation Publications, (2008), 398 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0871547019
By Caroline Andrew…

Jeffrey S. Juris, Networking Futures: The Movements Against Corporate Globalization: Duke University Press (2008) 400 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0822342694
By Jonathan Pattenden…

Michael Alexander, Cities and Labour Immigration: Comparing Policy Responses in Amsterdam, Paris, Rome and Tel Aviv: Ashgate Publishing, 2007, 242 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0754647225
By Tiziana Caponio…

Emma Haddad, The Refugee in International Society: Between Sovereigns: Cambridge University Press (2008) 256 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0521868884
By Howard Adelman…


Latino Studies
Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 2010-2011

Selected articles

In support of our students, in support of the DREAM Act
By Paul Ortiz…

Unidos Por La Justicia and Mujeres Fuertes: Grassroots groups shaping Mexican immigrant women's activism in San José, California
By Hortencia Jiménez…

Negotiating place, space and borders: The New Sanctuary Movement
Gregory Freeland…

“Americaniards” as Latinos: Spain in the United States today
By Nancy Kang and Silvio Torres-Saillant…

Generations of exclusion: Mexican Americans, assimilation and race
By Jody Agius Vallejo…

Música Norteña: Mexican migrants creating a nation between nations
By Helena Simonett…

There was a woman: La Llorona from folklore to popular culture and Day of the dead in the USA: The migration and transformation of a cultural phenomenon
By Debra J. Blake…


Migration News
Volume 18 No. 1, January 2011


Elections, DREAM, SB 1070, States
The midterm elections on November 2, 2010 resulted in Republicans winning a majority of House seats and a reduced Democratic majority in the Senate.

DHS: Border, Interior, USCIS
The US had an estimated 11.1 million unauthorized foreigners in 2009, including 60 percent Mexicans, 20 percent other Latin Americans, and 11 percent
from Asia and other areas.

Labor, H-1B, Temps
The US unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent in November 2010; 15.1 million workers were jobless. Private-sector employers added an average of
100,000 jobs a month in 2010, not enough to offset declining government employment and absorb the usual 125,000 new labor force entrants a month.

Census, ACS, Education
Census. The US population rose from 281 million in 2000 to 309 million in 2010, up almost 10 percent; during the 1990s, the US population rose by 13
The largest states were California, 37.3 million, and Texas, 25.1 million; Nevada's population rose 35 percent to 2.7 million in 2010. Michigan was
the only state to lose population in the first decade of the 21st century, with 9.9 million residents in 2010.

Canada, Mexico
Canada. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney in November 2010 announced that Canada would admit 240,000 to 265,000 immigrants in 2011. He said: "I
Canadians are generally supportive of immigration. I don't, however, think they want to see huge increases beyond where we already are." A poll
commissioned by the government found that 54 percent of Canadians think the number of immigrants entering Canada is about right and 57 percent
agree that accepting immigrants from many different cultures makes Canadian culture stronger.

Costa Rica, Ecuador, Venezuela
Costa Rica's per capita income of $11,000 a year is about four times higher than per capita income in neighboring Nicaragua, prompting many
Nicaraguans to migrate to Costa Rica. Almost eight percent of Costa Rica's 4.5 million residents are migrants, mostly Nicaraguans employed
as farm workers, domestic helpers, construction workers, and security guards. The Costa Rica government has begun to fence parts of its
border with Nicaragua and has stepped up police patrols. Apprehended migrants are often fined $100 and returned to Nicaragua, but those
without $100 are simply returned; many try to enter Costa Rica again.


China: Census, Migrants
China conducted its 2010 census in November 2010; projections suggest there are 1.4 billion people, half in rural areas. The 2000 census reported
almost 1.3 billion people, including 800 million people registered to live in rural areas.


EU: Blue Card, Migrants, Euro
EU leaders approved the Blue Card Directive of May 25, 2009 (2009/50/EC) to increase the inflow of highly skilled foreigners into EU countries
(Denmark, Ireland, and the UK opted out). The Blue Card was named for the EU flag, which is blue with a circle of 12 golden stars.

UK: Migrants; Ireland
Between 1997 and 2009, net migration to the UK was 2.2 million, an average 183,000 a year. Net migration was 198,000 in 2009, including 93 percent
non-EU foreigners. The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition elected in May 2010 pledged to reduce migration "from the hundreds of thousands to
the tens of thousands."


Australia, New Zealand
Australia, a country of 22 million, has been accepting about 130,000 employment and family immigrants and almost 400,000 temporary foreign workers
and foreign students a year recently. Since 2001, temporary foreign workers and students have been allowed to adjust their status "onshore" to become


Rural Migration News
Volume 17 No. 1, January 2011


Fresno Bee: Migrants
The Fresno Bee on November 14, 2010 began a series of articles that emphasized the contradictions of opposing illegal immigration while tolerating
unauthorized farm workers who use false documents to get hired. The Bee reported that two percent of San Joaquin Valley farmers were enrolled in
E-Verify in Fall 2010, and that fake-document vendors sell false Social Security and green cards for less than $100 at flea markets.

H-2A, Global; H-2B, Wages
DOL's Office of Foreign Labor Certification approved 7,665 farm employer requests to fill 86,000 farm jobs with H-2A workers in FY09. Over the past
three years, 98 percent of employer applications were approved and 95 percent of the farm jobs were certified to be filled with H-2A workers. OFLC
certified more than 5,000 jobs to be filled with H-2A workers in each of five southeastern states, North Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, and
Kentucky. There were 3,500 farm jobs certified in California in FY09, and 3,400 in Arizona.

Canada, Australia, Italy
Canadian farmers may hire legal guest workers under two guest worker programs: the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program, which admits Caribbean and
Mexican workers under the terms of inter-governmental MOUs, and the Temporary Foreign Workers Program, which allows employers to negotiate the terms
of the foreign workers they employ with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada.


The Romanian Journal of European Studies

Special issue: South-Eastern Europe and the European Migration System: East-West Mobility in Flux…


Part I
Patterns of South-Eastern European Migration in Historical and Comparative Perspective

The New Migratory Routes of Europe? Polish and Romanian Emigrations in a Comparative Historical Perspective
By Aurore Flipo

Italy – Albania. The Migrant as a Bridge Between Two Homelands: The Role of Remittances
By Eralba Cela, Eros Moretti, Eniel Ninka

A Critical Discussion of the Motivations to Remit in Albania and Moldova
By Jessica Hagen-Zanker and Melissa Siegel

Part II
Migration, Asylum and European Integration: Experiences of Central and South-Eastern European Countries

Migration Policy and Immigrants in the Czech Labour Market
By Eva Janska

Hungary at Crossroads
By Áron Kincses, Mary Redei

Building “Fortress Europe”: Europeanization of Asylum Policy in Turkey
By Nurcan Ozgur Baklacioglu

Part III
New Approaches to the Enlarging European Migration Space

The EU Visa Liberalisation Process for Western Balkan Countries as a Reflection of the Politics of Modernity
By Sanja Ivic

The Quest for Talent: EU Policies towards the “Brain-drain” Phenomenon
By Eugeniu Burdelnii

Right to Refuse. Choices of Sovereign States in Transforming Migration Scenarios
By Oudekki Loone