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House testimony on worldwide threats to homeland security
2. DHS report on refugees and asylees, 2013
3. Canada: Population projections
4. Australia: Population statistics
voter survey - views on immigration
6 New Mexico: Poll on driver's licenses for illegal aliens
7 Transatlantic Trends 2014
8 Heritage Foundation report on the visa waiver program
9 American Enterprise Institute report on southern border security and Central American stability
10 Brookings Institution report on the limited English proficient workforce in U.S. metropolitan areas
11 Recent policy paper from the Institute for the Study of Labor
12 New working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research
13 Six new reports and features from the Migration Policy Institute
14. Eight new papers from the Social Science Research Network
15. New working paper from the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
16. Ten new reports from the International Organization for Migration
17. Recent report on migration and remittances from the World Bank
18. New report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
19. "A Lasting Impact? On the Legislative Activities of Immigrant-origin Parliamentarians in Germany"
A Right to Flee: Refugees, States, and the Construction of International Cooperation
21. When Care Work Goes Global: Locating the Social Relations of Domestic Work
22. Hidden Dangers: Mexico on the Brink of Disaster
23. Let Me Be a Refugee: Administrative Justice and the Politics of Asylum in the United States, Canada, and Australia
24. The Immigrant War: A Global Movement Against Discrimination and Exploitation
25. Migration in the 21st Century: Political Economy and Ethnography
26. Immigration and the Making of Modern Britain
27. An Immigration History of Britain: Multicultural Racism since 1800
28. China in the World: Migration, Settlement, Diaspora Formations and Transnational Linkages
CSEM Newsletter
30. Ethnic and Racial Studies
31. International Migration
32. International Migration Review
33. IZA Journal of Migration
34. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
35. Latino Studies
36. Resenha
Committee on Homeland Security
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Worldwide Threats to the Homeland
Statement of Chairman Michael McCaul
Witnesses testimony:
Jeh Johnson, Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
James B. Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice
Matthew G. Olsen, Director, National Counterterrorism Center
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Refugees and Asylees 2013
DHS Office of Immigration Statistics Annual Flow Report, August 2014
Summary: This report provides information on the number and characteristics of persons admitted as refugees or granted asylum in the United States in 2013.
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Population projections: Canada, the provinces and territories, 2013 to 2063
Statistics Canada, September 17, 2014
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Australian Historical Population Statistics, 2014
Australian Bureau of Statistics, September 18, 2014[email protected]/mf/3105.0.65.001
Overseas born population
In 2011, over one in four Australians were born overseas. There have been many historical changes in the source countries of immigrants since Federation, when people from Britain and Ireland made up over three-quarters of all Australia's overseas born population. Following WWII, Australia accepted large numbers of people from other European countries, particularly Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Greece. Since 1973, after the dismantling of the White Australia policy and broadening of Australia's immigration policies, new groups of migrants have been arriving from all parts of the world (and notably from Asia) increasing the diversity of Australia's population.
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Politico Survey of Likely Voters
September 2014
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling immigration?
NET: Approve ..................................... 35%
Strongly approve..................................... 10%
Somewhat approve..................................... 26%
NET: Disapprove...................................... 64%
Somewhat disapprove.................................. 20%
Strongly disapprove.................................. 44%
Decline to answer.................................... *
Which party do you trust more to handle immigration, the Democratic party or the Republican party?
Democratic party......................................31%
Republican party......................................34%
Not sure..............................................35%
Decline to answer..................................... *
How important is the issue of comprehensive immigration reform in determining which candidate you support in November?
NET: Important......................................75%
Very important.........................................27%
Somewhat important.....................................48%
NET: Not important..................................25%
Not very important.....................................20%
Not at all important....................................5%
Decline to answer...................................... *
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Thumbs down on licenses for immigrants here illegally
The Albuquerque Journal, September 22, 2014
Summary: The Journal Poll asked this question: “Do you support or oppose New Mexico’s state law that allows driver’s licenses to be issued to immigrants who are in the country illegally?”
Seventy-five percent of those polled said they opposed it, while 20 percent said they supported it. Three percent had mixed feelings, and 2 percent didn’t know or wouldn’t say.
Earlier Journal Polls – also of likely voters – put the opposition at 72 percent and 71 percent.
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Transatlantic Trends 2014: Mobility, Migration, and Integration
Key Findings from 2014 and Selected Highlights from Transatlantic Trends and Transatlantic Trends: Immigration 2008-2013
The German Marshall Fund, September 2014
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The Visa Waiver Program: Enhancing Security, Promoting Prosperity
By David Inserra and Riley Walters
Heritage Foundation Issue Brief, September 16, 2014
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To secure southern border, US must lead international effort to stabilize Central America
By Roger F. Noriega and Jose R. Cardenas
American Enterprise Institute, July 24, 2014
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Investing in English Skills: The Limited English Proficient Workforce in U.S. Metropolitan Areas
By Jill H. Wilson
The Brookings Institution, September 22, 2014
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New from the Institute for the Study of Labor
Does the Calculation Hold? The Fiscal Balance of Migration to Denmark and Germany
By Holger Hinte and Klaus F. Zimmermann
Policy Paper No. 87, July 2014
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New from the National Bureau of Economic Research
Finishing Degrees and Finding Jobs: U.S. Higher Education and the Flow of Foreign it Workers
By John Bound, University of Michigan; Murat Demirci, University of Virginia; Gaurav Khanna, University of Michigan; and Sarah E. Turner, University of Virginia
NBER Working Paper No. 20505, September 2014
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New from the Migration Policy Institute
1. Residential Segregation: A Transatlantic Analysis
By John Iceland
September 2014
2. Rotterdam: A Long-Time Port of Call and Home to Immigrants
By Han Entzinger and Godfried Engbersen
September 2014
3. Diploma, Please: Promoting Educational Attainment for DACA- and Potential DREAM Act-Eligible Youth
By Margie McHugh
September 2014
4. Smart Inclusive Cities: How New Apps, Big Data, and Collaborative Technologies Are Transforming Immigrant Integration
By Meghan Benton
September 2014
5. Integrating Migration into the Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda
By Lars Johan Lonnback
MPI Policy Brief, September 2014
6. Canadian Immigrants in the United States
By Jie Zong, Hataipreuk Rkasnuam, and Jeanne Batalova
Migration Information Source, September 15, 2014
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New from the Social Science Research Network
1. African Migration to the United States: Assigned to the Back of the Bus
By Bill Ong Hing, University of San Francisco School of Law
Book Chapter in "Perspectives On The Immigration And Nationality Act Amendments Of 1965"
2. The US Labour Immigration Scheme – All About Being Attractive? EU Perceptions and Stakeholders’ Perspectives Reviewed
By Katharina Eisele, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
September 17, 2014
Liberty and Security in Europe Papers No. 67
3. Zealous Advocacy: Pushing Against the Borders in Immigration Litigation
By Elizabeth Keyes, University of Baltimore School of Law
Seton Hall Law Review, Forthcoming
4. Immigration Causes American Businesses to Fail and that Is a Good Thing
By Ryan H Murphy, Southern Methodist University (SMU) and Rick Weber, Farmingdale State College
September 16, 2014
5. Do Migrants Rob Jobs? New Evidence from Australia
By Gary Gang Tian and Jordan Shan
Australian Economic History Review, Forthcoming
6. The Right to Travel: Breaking Down the Thousand Petty Fortresses of State Self-Deportation Laws
By Linus Chan, University of Minnesota School of Law
Pace Law Review, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2014
7. Welcoming the Outsider: Local Variations in the Construction of the Law Towards Immigrants - Police Departments
By Linda M Williams, Arizona State University, School of Public Affairs
May 30, 2013
8. Assessing the Prospects of Competing Agricultural Guest Worker Legislation: the Inherency of Unequal Bargaining Power in a Status Quo of Non-Enforcement
By Ian David Baldwin, George Mason University School of Law
September 11, 2014
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New from the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
Understanding return migration to Mexico: towards a comprehensive policy for the reintegration of returning migrants
By Miryam Hazán
Working Paper No. 193, September 2014
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New from the International Organization for Migration
1. Glossary on Migration
By Richard Perruchoud and Jillyanne Redpath-Cross
September 2014
2. – Rights, Residence, Rehabilitation: A Comparative Study Assessing Residence Options for Trafficked Persons
By S. Craggs and R. Martens
September 2014
3. Laws for Legal Immigration in the 27 EU Member States
September 2014
4. Human Rights of Migrant Children
September 2014
5. Migration and the Right to Health: A Review of European Community Law and Council of Europe Instruments
September 2014
6. Integrating migration into the Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda
IOM-MPI Issue in Brief No. 10, September 2014
7. Biometrics and International Migration
September 2014
8. A New Global Partnership for Development: Factoring in the Contribution of Migration
By Elaine McGregor, Melissa Siegel, Nora Ragab, and Teressa Juzwiak
9. The South–South remittance corridor between Argentina and Bolivia
By Matteo Mandrile
September 2014
10. Gallup World Poll: The Many Faces of Global Migration
Based on research in more than 150 countries
By Neli Esipova, Julie Ray, and Anita Pugliese
September 2014
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New from the World Bank
Migration and Remittances: Recent Developments and Outlook
Migration and Development Brief No. 22, April 2014
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New from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Matching Economic Migration with Labour Market Needs
September 2014
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A Lasting Impact? On the Legislative Activities of Immigrant-origin Parliamentarians in Germany
By Andreas M. Wust
Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 20, No. 4, October 2014
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A Right to Flee: Refugees, States, and the Construction of International Cooperation
By Phil Orchard
Cambridge University Press, 320 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1107076250, $89.10
Kindle, ASIN: B00M75O9WG, $63.20
Book Description: Why do states protect refugees? In the past twenty years, states have sought to limit access to asylum by increasing their border controls and introducing extraterritorial controls. Yet no state has sought to exit the 1951 Refugee Convention or the broader international refugee regime. This book argues that such shifts represent an ongoing process whereby refugee protection is shaped and redefined by states and other actors. Since the seventeenth century, a mix of collective interests and basic normative understandings held by states created a space for refugees to be separate from other migrants. However, ongoing crisis events undermine these understandings and provide opportunities to reshape how refugees are understood, how they should be protected, and whether protection is a state or multilateral responsibility. Drawing on extensive archival and secondary materials, Phil Orchard examines the interplay between governments, individuals, and international organisations which has shaped how refugees are understood today.
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When Care Work Goes Global: Locating the Social Relations of Domestic Work
By Mary Romero, Valerie Preston, and Wenona Giles
Ashgate Pub. Co., 326 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 1409439240, $113.05
Kindle, 316 pp., ASIN: B00NMNY0NU, $95.96
Book Description: We know that migration systems link the women who migrate and the households and organizations that employ domestic and care workers, but how do these migration systems work, and more importantly, what are their impacts on the sending as well as the receiving societies? How do sending and receiving societies regulate women’s migration for care work and how do these labour market exchanges take place? How is reproductive labour changed in the receiving society when it is done by women who are subject to multifaceted othering/racializing processes? When Care Work Goes Global seeks to answer these questions.
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Hidden Dangers: Mexico on the Brink of Disaster
By Robert Joe Stout
Sunbury Press, Inc., 216 pp.
Paperback, ISBN: 162006488X, $16.10
Book Description: Mexico is undergoing economic and political changes that lie like landmines ready to explode beneath Uncle Sam’s footsteps.
By the close of the first decade of the twenty-first century Mexico-United States relations had begun to shred. The leaders of the two countries shared a master-servant façade of cooperation and commitment but faced eroding control of the economy, the flourishing drug trade and human rights issues. Despite the propaganda to the contrary every year millions of Mexicans sank into poverty, their lands expropriated and the prices of basic necessities soaring. ICE agents swept through factories, farms and construction sites from Maine to California herding handcuffed “illegals” into detention facilities. Both countries ignored human rights violations and corruption in order to maintain control over Mexico’s pro-neoliberal administration. Violence associated with the “War on Drugs” took over 70,000 lives without materially diminished the U.S. market for cocaine, marijuana and designer drugs. Brutal repression of citizen protest provoked ongoing international criticism and alienated millions of Mexican citizens. The country’s dependence on oil exports to finance social programs pressured the state-controlled monopoly to cut corners, creating pipeline leaks and other environmental disasters.
Hidden Dangers focuses on the period 2000-2010 and pinpoints five major “landmines” that seriously threaten both countries social and political structures. It includes first-hand observations of devaluations, political repressions and border conflicts and commentaries and analyses from officials and academics on both sides of the frontier. The five principal sections investigate migration and its effects on both Mexico and the United States, the drug trade’s influence on the economies and politics of both countries, popular uprisings that challenge U.S. influence and neo-liberal politics, how Mexico’s deeply rooted “politics of corruption” binds the entrepreneurial and banking systems to government processes and environmental disasters, both real and in the making, created by the oil, lumber and cattle industries, toxic waste, floods and poisoned waterways.
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Let Me Be a Refugee: Administrative Justice and the Politics of Asylum in the United States, Canada, and Australia
By Rebecca Hamlin
Oxford University Press, 248 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0199373302, $85.73
Paperback, ISBN: 0199373310, $25.45
Kindle, 10684 KB, ASIN: B00NHWZ4G8, $15.39
Book Description: International law provides states with a common definition of a refugee,"as well as guidelines outlining how asylum claims should be decided. Yet even across nations with many commonalities, the processes of determining refugee status look strikingly different. This book compares the refugee status determination (RSD) regimes of three popular asylum seeker destinations: the United States, Canada, and Australia. Though they exhibit similarly high levels of political resistance to accepting asylum seekers, refugees access three very different systems-none of which are totally restrictive or expansive-once across their borders. These differences are significant both in terms of asylum seekers' experience of the process and in terms of their likelihood of being designated as refugees. Based on a multi-method analysis of all three countries, including a year of fieldwork with in-depth interviews of policy-makers and asylum-seeker advocates, observations of refugee status determination hearings, and a large-scale case analysis, Rebecca Hamlin finds that cross-national differences have less to do with political debates over admission and border control policy than with how insulated administrative decision-making is from either political interference or judicial review. Administrative justice is conceptualized and organized differently in every state, and so states vary in how they draw the line between refugee and non-refugee.
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The Immigrant War: A Global Movement Against Discrimination and Exploitation
By Vittorio Longhi
Policy Press, 156 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN:1447305884, $22.52
Paperback, ISBN: 1447305892, $18.00 1447305892/centerforimmigra
Kindle, 323 KB, ASIN: B00APENJAO, $9.60
Book Description: The abuse of Asian workers in the oil-rich Gulf countries, the trafficking of undocumented latinos at the US border, the exploitation of African sans papiers in France and the attacks on Sub-Saharan farmhands by the mob in Italy.All these events show how migrants, especially those without legal documents, can be an easy target for violence and discrimination, often with impunity. At least, until they decide to fight back. ;In this original, accessible book, Vittorio Longhi, a journalist who specialises in international labour matters, describes an emerging phenomenon of social conflict, in which migrants are not conceived as passive victims of exploitation. Instead they are portrayed as conscious, vital social actors who are determined to organise and claim better rights. ;With a global perspective, The immigrant war highlights the 'struggle for human rights, citizenship and equality', in the context of a policy vacuum within the international community towards migration. He demonstrates how these emerging conflicts can break the chain of exploitation and contribute to rethinking failing migration policies and the role of migrants in contemporary societies. ;The book will be of interest to labour and migration specialists, students of social sciences, trade unionists and human rights activists, as well as a general readership interested in migration.
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Migration in the 21st Century: Political Economy and Ethnography
By Pauline Gardiner Barber and Winnie Lem
Routledge, 262 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0415892228, $131.81 0415892228/centerforimmigra
Paperback, ISBN: 0415716632, $43.40
Kindle, 545 KB, ASIN: B0094GD6LG, $41.23
Book Description: This edited collection focuses on global migration in its inter-regional, international and transnational variants, and argues that contemporary migration scholarship is significantly advanced both within anthropology and beyond it when ethnography is theoretically engaged to grapple with the social consequences and asymmetries of twenty-first century capitalism’s global modalities. Drawn from settings across the globe, case studies explore the nuanced formations of class and power within particular migration flows while addressing the complex analytics of a contemporary critical political economy of migration. Subjects include global migrants as capitalists, entrepreneurs and "cosmopolitans," as well as workers and immigrants who are subject to varying degrees of precariousness under intensified competition for profits within contemporary global economies. By re-addressing the question of the relationship between changes in global capitalism and migration, the book aims for a timely intervention into the debates on migration which have come to be one of the most contentious emotionally fraught issues in North America and Europe.
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Immigration and the Making of Modern Britain
By Laurence Brown
Routledge, 208 pp.
Hardcover, ISBN: 0415660297, $102.25
Paperback, ISBN: 0415660300, $33.71
Book Description: Immigration and the Making of Modern Britain provides a new vision of how Britain was remade by immigration, and how the experiences and identities of migrants were transformed by broader changes in British society and culture. Over seven chapters covering a number of case studies ranging from Irish immigrants to the South Asian diaspora, Laurence Brown foregrounds his detailed analysis of the dynamics of Britain’s industrial economy, shifts in national and local politics, urban reforms, and demographic and cultural change to show how all these factors shaped the contours of the assimilation and exclusion faced by immigrants.
The book emphasizes the internal diversity of the Irish, Jewish, Caribbean, African and Asian diasporas in Britain through analyzing their diverging mobilities, transnational networks and experiences of settlement. It explores how the claiming of collective identities by immigrants was articulated within changing political and economic environments and also charts how the meanings of ethnicity, segregation and integration have been constantly remade both by new arrivals and their hosts.
Accessible and original, Immigration and the Making of Modern Britain is an important contribution to the study of modern British history.
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An Immigration History of Britain: Multicultural Racism since 1800
By Panikos Panayi
Routledge, 300 pp.
Paperback, ISBN: 1405859172, $46.38
Kindle, 1700 KB, ASIN: B00NHSH0KU, $36.96
Book Description: Immigration, ethnicity, multiculturalism and racism have become part of daily discourse in Britain in recent decades – yet, far from being new, these phenomena have characterised British life since the 19th century. While the numbers of immigrants increased after the Second World War, groups such as the Irish, Germans and East European Jews have been arriving, settling and impacting on British society from the Victorian period onwards.
In this comprehensive and fascinating account, Panikos Panayi examines immigration as an ongoing process in which ethnic communities evolve as individuals choose whether to retain their ethnic identities and customs or to integrate and assimilate into wider British norms. Consequently, he tackles the contradictions in the history of immigration over the past two centuries: migration versus government control; migrant poverty versus social mobility; ethnic identity versus increasing Anglicisation; and, above all, racism versus multiculturalism.
Providing an important historical context to contemporary debates, and taking into account the complexity and variety of individual experiences over time, this book demonstrates that no simple approach or theory can summarise the migrant experience in Britain.
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China in the World: Migration, Settlement, Diaspora Formations and Transnational Linkages
By Loretta Baldassarand Kee Pookong
Mcgill Queens Univ. Pr., 250 pp.
Paperback, ISBN: 1553393260, $33.32
Book Description: In September 2011, the leading scholars of Chinese migration around the world gathered in Prato, Italy - home of one of the largest Chinese communities in Europe - for an international conference on the movement of people out of China, their return, and the transnational networks that link migrant Chinese peoples to their homeland. The result of that gathering, this book is an in-depth analysis of one of the largest and most important ongoing diasporas in human history. China in the World delivers a complete assessment of both the history and key contemporary debates relating to Chinese migration and settlement around the world. Each of the chapters examines a particular region that has played a significant role in the development of Chinese diasporas. The authors pay particular attention to the process of integration in host countries as well as the nature of continuing transnational ties to the homeland, and include analysis of generational, gender, and class distinctions. In addition to vibrant case studies and engaging accounts of everyday experiences at personal, family, and community levels, the book also considers the involvement of state governments and their relationships to China. A definitive analysis of relocation and settlement patterns, key issues, and current contexts of the Chinese diaspora, China in the World is a major addition to the scholarship on human migration.
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CSEM Newsletter
September 2014
English language content:
By Bishop Bawai Soro
Bishop Bawai Soro is Titular Bishop of Foratiana and Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Peter the Apostle of San Diego
For decades, the minority Christian population of Iraq has been suffering hardships. But in the summer months of 2014 – and since the beginning of the military campaign by ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, also known as ISIL or Islamic State) – the situation has gone from bad to intolerably worse.
The Chaldean Catholic Church is one of the Eastern Catholic Churches, which is an autonomous, self-governing church in full communion with the Pope (Bishop of Rome) and the wider Roman Catholic Church.
Chaldean Christians number over half a million people who are ethnic Assyrians and indigenous to predominantly northwestern Iraq and parts of northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and northwestern Iran.
The core villages of the Chaldean people, located in the Nineveh plain in northwestern Iraq, were attacked and decimated by ISIS in a matter of days, leaving the fleeing Christian inhabitants not only homeless but also internally displaced refugees (IDRs) in their own ancient land.
After having their lives threatened and facing the stark choice of either converting to the warped and extremist interpretation of Islam proselytised by ISIS, paying a heavy tax, or dying in large numbers (many by beheading), tens of thousands of men, women, children, the elderly and infirm fled.
And many of them fled on foot in the searing heat with little or no food, water or shelter – into Iraqi Kurdistan, mostly to Erbil and Duhok, seeking safety, security and asylum.
It is incumbent on all democratic peoples to aid the scattered Chaldean people who find themselves in such a desperate, stark life or death situation. Some are encouraging the displaced to return to their villages, and indeed they are always free to do so.
However, we must understand that people have chosen to leave their beloved homeland to reach safety and protect their families, even at the cost of their dignity.
Upon their return, the displaced would more often than not find their homes damaged, looted or destroyed by ISIS and their local allies.
The million-dollar question therefore is: What kind of future awaits the minority Chaldean and Assyrian Christian population of Iraq?
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Before the Syrian civil war, the picturesque Lebanese hill town of Deir El Ahmar saw occasional seasonal field workers arriving from Syria to pick tobacco, onions and other crops and then return home after the harvest.
Today, 14 settlements dot the outskirts of the town overlooking the Bekaa Valley and some 5,000 refugees live there. Few are showing signs of going home. Across Lebanon, tensions between host communities and Syrian refugees-now more than 1.1 million-are growing, thanks in part to events such as the kidnapping of Lebanese soldiers by Syrian militants.
In this environment, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres and the head of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Helen Clark, arrived in Deir El Ahmar on Tuesday to show their support for the refugees and to pledge their backing for Lebanon, which has taken the largest share of refugees from the three-year civil war.
The visit underscored a shift in the international response to the Syrian crisis: not only should assistance flow to refugees, said Guterres and Clark, but increasingly it must also flow to host communities in neighbouring countries to help them cope with the burden.
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By Steven Greenhouse
Nearly one in three migrant workers in Malaysia’s thriving electronics industry toils under forced labor conditions, essentially trapped in the job, a factory monitoring group found in a report issued on Wednesday.
The monitoring group, Verité — which conducted a two-year investigation commissioned by the United States Department of Labor — found that 32 percent of the industry’s nearly 200,000 migrant workers were employed in forced situations because their passports had been taken away or because they were straining to pay back illegally high recruitment fees.
The report said those practices were prevalent among the migrants from Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam and other countries who work in Malaysia’s nearly 200 electronics factories. Those factories, which produce consumer electronics, motherboards, computer peripherals and other electronic goods, account for a third of Malaysia’s exports and produce for many well-known companies, including Apple, Flextronics, Samsung and Sony.
The Verité report said that 92 percent of the migrant workers in Malaysia’s electronics industry had paid recruitment fees and that 92 percent of that group had paid fees that exceeded legal or industry standards, defined as more than one month’s wages.
The report said about half of the migrant workers who borrowed for their recruitment fees spent more than a year paying off those fees. According to the report, 94 percent of the migrants did not have their passports when Verité's investigators interviewed them, and 71 percent said it would be impossible or difficult to get their passports back when needed.
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By Keneath Bolisay in Mas-in
Almost a year after Typhoon Haiyan cut a swath of destruction through the central Philippines, rebuilding has turned the region into one big construction site. Major infrastructure, buildings and roads are being rehabilitated. But in the interior village of Mas-in, nestled among sugarcane and pineapple plantations, one woman can only think of building what she has been longing for since birth – her identity.
Marissa Esmiro, 37, along with her husband Marvin, 33, and two daughters, recently acquired their birth certificates at the office of the local civil registrar – formally and legally establishing their identities.
This new lease on life gives the family a chance to improve their situation. "We were considered aliens even before the typhoon came and we owned nothing," said Marissa, who never finished her primary education and gets by with only a US$4 weekly income from clearing farm land.
Starting this April, the UN refugee agency, through its implementing partner IDEALS (Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services), has been implementing a free mobile civil registration project aimed at assisting an estimated 80,000 typhoon survivors in issuing or reconstituting their civil records and other legal documents including birth, marriage and death certificates. As of August, the project has generated more than 120,000 requests, surpassing its initial target.
These vital civil documents, like the birth certificate, open up a range of opportunities to citizens like Marissa to access housing, health care, education, employment, civil protection and confirmation of citizenship.
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By Muh'd Zangina Kura
Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS), Jigawa State Command, yesterday intercepted nine people suspected to be victims of trafficking at Sharuwa Yarkirya village of Babura Local Government Area of the state.
Parading the victims to newsmen in Dutse, the state controller general, NIS, Mr Isa Jere, said the suspected victims were arrested while attempting to cross the border on their way to Zandar in Niger Republic.
He explained that those intercepted include seven females and two males while two others escape including the driver of the bus that conveyed them.
Mr Jere, however, revealed that none of the suspected victims carried required traveling document that can permit them to enter another sister ECOWAS country.
He added that after concluding the investigation, they would hand over the victims to NAPTIP zonal headquarter in Kano State for counselling and other appropriate action.
According to him, most of the victims are from Edo, Lagos and Ogun states.
The commandant noted that in the last two months, they have succeeded in intercepting over 30 victims of human trafficking who are transported from Nigeria to Niger and Libya for final transportation to Europe where they would be engaged in inhuman labour and other illicit activities.
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Jamila Saad, a housewife who is taking care of her 12-member family and also fled to one of the UNRWA schools, told IPS: “The school was receiving more and more refugees, and we and the other refugee families were sharing one toilet. We need a better life for our children and we hope that our home will soon be rebuilt so that we can begin a new life there in our new home.”
The complex and harsh conditions that the Palestinian refugees are suffering in schools and other shelter centres has pushed most international organisations to provide the refugees with as much aid as possible, but this is far from finding a final solution for the refugees’ suffering.
The conditions of the thousands of refugees who have lost their homes has placed the new Palestinian government before an enormous challenge and a huge responsibility to provide these refugee families with care and a secure environment, as well take on the responsibility of implementing the reconstruction programmes financially aided by the European Union and donor states in accordance with ceasefire agreement brokered in Cairo between Israel and Hamas, especially in terms of the reconstruction of Gaza.
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Ethnic and Racial Studies
Vol. 37, No. 11, October 2014
Selected article::
Between global citizenship and Qatarization: negotiating Qatar's new knowledge economy within American branch campuses
By Neha Vora
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International Migration
Vol. 52, No. 5, October 2014
Migration Policy and Development in Chile
By Cristián Doña Reveco and Brendan Mullan
The Formation of Morocco's Policy Towards Irregular Migration (2000–2007): Political Rationale and Policy Processes
By Katharina Natter
Embedding or Uprooting? The Effects of International Labour Migration on Rural Households in Armenia
By Victor Agadjanian and Arusyak Sevoyan
A Look at Migrations in the Post-Soviet Space – the Case of Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Russian Federation
By Agnieszka Weinar
Institutionalization of Migration Policy Frameworks in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
By Shushanik Makaryan and Haykanush Chobanyan
What Can Migration Policymakers Learn From Legal Frameworks on National Minorities? National Minorities and Migration in Armenia and Belarus
By Iryna Ulasiuk
Immigrants in Azerbaijan: Current Situation and Prospects of (Re)integration Policy
By Sergey Rumyantsev
Scientific Brain Drain and Human Capital Formation After the End of the Soviet Union
By Ina Ganguli
Mothers and Grandmothers on the Move: Labour Mobility and the Household Strategies of Moldovan and Ukrainian Migrant Women in Italy
By Sabrina Marchetti and Alessandra Venturini
Coming Home? Patterns and Characteristics of Return Migration in Kyrgyzstan
By Susan Thieme
Returnees' Perspectives on Their Re-migration Processes
By Ine Lietaert, Ilse Derluyn and Eric Broekaert
Returning “Home”: East European Migrants' Discourses of Return
By Violetta Parutis
Diversity in Return Migration and its Impact on Old Age: The Expectations and Experiences of Returnees in Huelva (Spain)
By Estrella Gualda and Angeles Escriva
Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building Through the Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals to Afghanistan
By Katie Kuschminder
Brain Drain from Turkey: Return Intentions of Skilled Migrants
By Nil Demet Güngor and Aysit Tansel
Internal Displacement: Return, Property, Economy
By Deniz S. Sert
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International Migration Review
Vol. 48, No. 3, Fall 2014
Economic Incorporation, Civil Inclusion, and Social Ties: Plans to Return Home Among Central Asian Migrant Women in Moscow, Russia
By Victor Agadjanian, Evgenia Gorina and Cecilia Menjívar
Bringing in State Regulations, Private Brokers, and Local Employers: A Meso-Level Analysis of Labor Trafficking in Israel
By Adriana Kemp and Rebeca Raijman
Conceptualizing Transnational Engagements: A Structure and Agency Perspective on (Hometown) Transnationalism
By Thomas Lacroix
Transnationalism and Ethnic Identification among Adolescent Children of Immigrants in the Netherlands, Germany, England, and Sweden
By Paulien Schimmer and Frank van Tubergen
Mobilization by Different Means: Nativity and GOTV in the United States
By Melissa R. Michelson and Lisa García Bedolla
The Decline of International Migration as an Economic Force in Rural Areas: A Mexican Case Study
By Richard C. Jones
English Language Proficiency Among the Foreign Born in the United States, 1980–2007: Duration, Age, Cohort Effects
By Veena S. Kulkarni and Xiaohan Hu
Immigration Policy in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States: An Overview of Recent Trends
By Ather H. Akbari and Martha MacDonald
U.S. Immigration Policy at a Crossroads: Should the U.S. Continue Its Family-Friendly Policy?
By Harriet Duleep and Mark Regets
New Directions in Immigration Policy: Canada's Evolving Approach to the Selection of Economic Immigrants
By Ana M. Ferrer, Garnett Picot and William Craig Riddell
Change and Continuity in Australian International Migration Policy
By Graeme Hugo
Competing for Talent: Diffusion of An Innovation in New Zealand's Immigration Policy
By Richard Bedford and Paul Spoonley
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IZA Journal of Migration
Vol. 40, No. 10, August 2014
EU enlargement and the race to the bottom of welfare states
By Christoph Skupnik
Differences in the labor market entry of second-generation immigrants and ethnic Danes
By Nabanita Datta Gupta, and Lene Kromann
Human capital quality and the immigrant wage gap
By Serge Coulombe, Gilles Grenier, and Serge Nadeau
Cultural diversity and subjective well-being
By Simonetta Longhi
Immigration status and property crime: an application of estimators for underreported outcomes
By Georgios Papadopoulos
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Vol. 40, No. 11, October 2014
Selected articles:
The Quality of Parent–Child Relationships in Transnational Families: Angolan and Nigerian Migrant Parents in The Netherlands
By Karlijn Haagsman and Valentina Mazzucato
‘We are Always Thinking of our Community’: Bolivian Hometown Associations, Networks of Reciprocity, and Indigeneity in Washington D.C.
By Christopher Strunk
Prestige and Status in the Migration Process: The Case of Social Differentiation in a Romanian ‘Community’ in Spain
By Chris Moreh
Whiteness, Blackness and Settlement: Leisure and the Integration of New Migrants
By Jonathan Long, Kevin Hylton, and Karl Spracklen
Intimate Multiculturalism: Transnationalism and Belonging amongst Capoeiristas in Australia
By Cristina Wulfhorst, Cristina Rocha & George Morgan
‘Prostitutes’ and ‘Defectors’: How the Ukrainian State Constructs Women Emigrants to Italy and the USA
By Cinzia Solari
Are Migrants Agents or Instruments of Development? The Case of ‘Temporary’ Migration in Malaysia
By Parthiban Muniandy and Valeria Bonatti
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Latino Studies
Vol. 12, No. 3, September 2014
Selected articles:
Child migrants at the border
By Lourdes Torres
“Queer for Uncle Sam”: Anita’s Latina diva citizenship in West Side Story
By Deborah Paredez
Mexican immigrant experiences with discrimination in southern Appalachia
By Cameron D. Lippard and M. Graham Spann
Barriers to abortion facing Mexican immigrants in North Carolina: Choosing folk healers versus standard medical options
By Natalia Deeb-Sossa and Deborah L. Billings
Mobilizing African Americans for immigrant rights: Framing strategies in two multi-racial coalitions
By Sylvia Zamora and Chinyere Osuji
Out of the shadows: DREAMer identity in the immigrant youth movement
By Pedro de la Torre and Roy Germano
Brown in the Windy City: Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in postwar Chicago by Lilia Fernández
By Merida M. Rua
Latinos in the Midwest by Rubén O. Martinez (ed.)
By Louis Mendoza
Social death: Racialized rightlessness and the criminalization of the unprotected by Lisa Marie Cacho
By Vanesa Ribas
Citizenship excess: Latino/as, media, and the nation by Hector Amaya
By Alejandra Castaneda
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Ano 25, No. 96, September 2014
English language content:
U.N. Reports Sharp Increase in Refugees as Civil Wars Cripple Nations
By Somini Sengupta
Spain: A Precarious Gateway to Europe for Syrian Refugees
By Inés Benítez
Haitian Migrants Turn Toward Brazil
By E.C. Gogolak
The Age of Survival Migration
By Diana Cariboni
Thousands of Migrants Forced to Leave Israel, Rights Group Says
By Isabel Kershner
Insecurity, drought and lack of livelihoods force 130,000 to flee homes in Somalia
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