Stirring Latino Anger Against 'Enemies'

By Jerry Kammer and Jerry Kammer on September 21, 2010

For the past several years, advocates of illegal immigrants have complained -- often justifiably -- of the hostile tone of some of their opponents, particularly on talk radio.

But as we reported earlier this year, the advocates have been drumming up plenty of hostility themselves. Our report showed how the Southern Poverty Law Center fabricated a bogus hate-group smear that became the centerpiece of a campaign by the National Council of La Raza to delegitimize the Federation for American Immigration Reform, and by extension, NumbersUSA and the Center for Immigration Studies.

The attempt to stir Latino anger on behalf of illegal immigrants has also taken shape with a 30-second television spot. The spot first aired early this year, as the advocates sought to move through Congress the huge package of immigration-expansion measures commonly known as comprehensive immigration reform.

The spot, which is now back on Univision with sponsorship from the Tides Advocacy Fund, features Cuban-American actor Tony Plana sternly issuing a warning and a call to arms:

The anti-immigrant movement has discriminated against us, insulted us, and generated hate against us. Now a new battle for immigration reform is approaching in Congress. And this time all of us must struggle. Yes, all of us. You and your family, too.

Today as the Senate neared a possible decision on the Dream Act, the hard-edged campaign took new form. This time a text message warns: "Our enemies are calling Congress to block it." It urges calls to the Senate in favor of the Dream Act.