Immigration Reading List, 8/10/11

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1. Senate testimony on the economic impact of immigration reform
2. House testimony on the HALT Act
3. DHS report on Border Patrol apprehensions, 2005-2010
4. DHS report on deferred action
5. Latest issues of DOJ EOIR Immigration Law Advisor
6. Latest ICE Cornerstone Report
7. CRS report on travel and remittances to Cuba
8. GAO report on homeland security and new technologies
9. Canada: Reports on immigrant and minority women
10. Netherlands: Immigration and population statistics
11. E.U.: Immigration and population statistics
12. Australia: Immigration and population statistics
13. N.Z.: Statistics on international travel and migration




14. Three new reports from TRAC
15. Five new reports from the Institute for the Study of Labor
16. Five new reports from the Migration Policy Institute
17. Seventeen new papers from the Social Science Research Network
18. New publication from the International Organization for Migration
19. "How Widespread Is the Use of the H-1B Visa for Reducing Labor Costs?"
20. Four new and recent papers from the Southern African Migration Project
21. "Immigration and the Resources Boom Mark 2"
22. "Mexican Migration Patterns Signal a New Immigration Reality:"
23. "Safer than Ever: A View from the U.S.–Mexico Border"
24. "Exploring contexts surrounding Filipino nurse migration in Canada through oral history"






25. The Politics of Home: Belonging and Nostalgia in Europe and the United States
26. Gender, Migration and the Public Sphere, 1850-2005
27. Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future
28. Identity, Belonging, and Migration
29. The Political Psychology of Globalization: Muslims in the West
30. Casualties of Care: Immigration and the Politics of Humanitarianism in France






31. Ethnic and Racial Studies
32. Human Mobility
33. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security
Tuesday, July 26, 2011…

The Economic Imperative for Enacting Immigration Reform

Member Statements
Senator Patrick Leahy, Chairman…

Senator Chuck Grassley…

Witness Testimony:

Robert Greifeld, Chief Executive Officer
New York, NY

David J. Skorton, President
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY…

Brad Smith
General Counsel and Senior Vice President, Legal and Corporate Affairs
Microsoft Corporation
Redmond, WA

Puneet S. Arora
Los Angeles, CA

Ronil Hira, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Public Policy
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY

Laurent F. Gilbert, Mayor
Lewiston, Maine

David Roefaro, Mayor
Utica, New York…

Paul Bridges, Mayor
Uvalda, GA…



House Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

H.R. 2497, the "Hinder the Administration's Legalization Temptation" Act

Chairman's Statement:
Lamar Smith

Witness Testimony:

David Vitter
United States Senator

Chris Crane, President
National ICE Council

Jessica Vaughan, Policy Director
Center for Immigration Studies

Margaret Stock, Adjunct Professor
University of Alaska Anchorage


Apprehensions by the U.S. Border Patrol: 2005-2010
By Lesley Sapp
DHS Office of Immigration Statistics Fact Sheet, July 2011…


Deferred Action: Recommendations to Improve Transparency and Consistency in the USCIS Process
Department of Homeland Security
Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman, July 11, 2011


The Quality That Makes Something Worthy of Belief: REAL ID Credibility Standards and the Parameters of Plausibility Findings
By Michele D. Frangella
Immigration Law Advisor, Vol. 5 No. 6, July, 2011


The Cornerstone Report
Structuring Transactions - Criminals Continue to Attempt Evade Reporting Requirements Structuring Transactions
Vol. 8, No. 1, Summer 2011…


Cuba: U.S. Restrictions on Travel and Remittances
By Mark P. Sullivan
CRS Report for Congress, July 15, 2011


Homeland Security: DHS Could Strengthen Acquisitions and Development of New Technologies
Government Accountability Office, GAO-11-68, July 15, 2011
Report -
Highlights -


Immigrant Women
By Tina Chui
Statistics Canada, July 2011

Visible Minority Women
By Tina Chui and Hélène Maheux
Statistics Canada, July 2011


Number of people from Central and Eastern Europe doubled in half a decade
Statistics Netherlands, July 2011…

Migration contributes little to population growth
Statistics Netherlands, July 2011…


EU27 population 502.5 million at January 1, 2011
More than 5 million children born in the EU27 in 2010
Eurostat, July 2011…

6.5% of the EU population are foreigners and 9.4% are born abroad
By Katya Vasileva
July 2011…


6 million migrants call Australia home
Australian Bureau of Statistics, June 2011[email protected]/mediareleasesbyReleaseDate/35A2…

Australia's population growth rate continues to slow
Australian Bureau of Statistics, June 2011[email protected]/mediareleasesbyReleaseDate/CA19…


International Travel and Migration: June 2011
Statistics New Zealand, July 20, 2011…

International Travel and Migration: May 2011
Statistics New Zealand, June 20, 2011…


New from the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, Syracuse University

Immigration Court Decision Times Lengthen
July 2011

Summary: During the first six months of FY 2011, decision times continued to climb in cases disposed of by the Immigration Courts, according to very timely government enforcement data obtained by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). The increasingly long average wait reached 302 days — up 7.5 percent in the last six months, and almost 30 percent higher than the average disposition time during FY 2009 (see Figure 1).

Longest times were for those individuals granted relief from removal, where average times reached 714 days, up from 697 days during FY 2010. Shortest times were for removal orders which averaged 158 days, up from 141 days last year. These results are based upon TRAC's analysis of case-by-case records obtained from the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) under the Freedom of Information Act.

Full details — by state, nationality, Immigration Court and hearing locations — can be viewed using TRAC's court outcomes application, now updated with data through the end of March 2011.


Immigration Prosecutions for April 2011

Immigration Convictions for April 2011


New from the Institute for the Study of Labor

1. What Explains Prevalence of Informal Employment in European Countries: The Role of Labor Institutions, Governance, Immigrants, and Growth
By Mihails Hazans
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5872, July 2011

2. Intellectual Property Rights, Migration, and Diaspora
Alireza Naghavi and Chiara Strozzi
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5864, July 2011

3. The Economic Integration of Forced Migrants: Evidence for Post-War Germany
By Thomas Bauer, Sebastian Braun, and Michael Kvasnicka
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5855, July 2011

4. Immigration, Unemployment and Growth in the Host Country: Bootstrap Panel Granger Causality Analysis on OECD Countries
By Ekrame Boubtane, Dramane Coulibaly, and Christophe Rault
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5853, July 2011

5. The Portability of New Immigrants' Human Capital: Language, Education and Occupational Matching
By Gustave Goldmann, Arthur Sweetman, and Casey Warman
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5851, July 2011


New from the Migration Policy Institute

1. Running in Circles: Progress and Challenges in Regulating Recruitment of Filipino and Sri Lankan Labor Migrants to Jordan
By Dovelyn Rannveig Agunias
July 2011

2. DREAM vs. Reality: An Analysis of Potential DREAM Act Beneficiaries
By Jeanne Batalova and Margie McHugh
July 2011

3. The Economic Integration of Immigrants in the United States: Long- and Short-Term Perspectives
By Aaron Terrazas
July 2011

4. Running in Circles: Progress and Challenges in Regulating Recruitment of Filipino and Sri Lankan Labor Migrants to Jordan
By Dovelyn Rannveig Agunias
July 2011

5. African Immigrants in the United States
By Kristen McCabe
Migration Information Source, July 2011


New from the Social Science Research Network

1. Should Citizenship be Conditional? Denationalization and Liberal Principles
By Matthew Gibney
Oxford Department of International Development, August 2011

2. Should I Stay or Should I Go?: A Defense of the Best Interest Standard in Immigrant Family Reunification Decisions
By Marcia Anne Yablon-Zug
Brigham Young University Law Review, Forthcoming
University of South Carolina School of Law, August 2011

3. Who Gets a Swiss Passport? A Natural Experiment in Immigrant Discrimination
By Jens Hainmueller and Dominik Hangartner
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Political Science and London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), July 2011

4. Immigration and the Occupational Choice of Natives: A Factor Proportions Approach
Javier Ortega and Gregory Verdugo
City University London - Department of Economics and Banque de France
Banque de France Working Paper No. 335, July 2011

5. Labour Immigration Policy in the EU: A Renewed Agenda for Europe 2020
By Sergio Carrera, Anaïs Faure Atger, Elspeth Guild, and Dora Kostakopoulou
Centre for European Policy Studies , Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) , Radboud University Nijmegen - Faculty of Law and University of Manchester - School of Law
CEPS Policy Brief No. 240, July 2011

6. The Economic Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market of Host Countries - Meta-Analytic Evidence
By Simonetta Longhi, Peter Nijkamp, and Jacques Poot
University of Essex - Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) , VU University of Amsterdam Department of Spatial Economics and University of Waikato - National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis
Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper No. 11-103/3, July 2011

7. The Use of Immigration Status in Cross-Examination of Witnesses: Scope, Limits, Objections
By Caleb E. Mason
Southwestern Law School
American Journal of Trial Advocacy, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2010,

8. There Goes the Neighborhood? – People‘s Attitudes and the Effects of Immigration to Australia
By Mathias Sinning and Matthias Vorell
Australian National University and Rhine-Westphalia Institute for Economic Research (RWI-Essen)
July 2011

9. Harput, Turkey to Massachusetts: Immigration of Jacobite Christians
By Sargon Donabed, Roger Williams University and Shamiran Mako
July 2011

10. Population Aging and Individual Attitudes Toward Immigration: Disentangling Age, Cohort and Time Effects
By Lena Calahorrano, RWTH Aachen
July 2011

11. Openness, Skills and Rights: An Empirical Analysis of Labour Immigration Programmes in 46 High- and Middle-Income Countries
By Martin Ruhs
Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford
July 2011

12. State and Local Regulation of Immigration: The Need for a Bilateral (Reciprocal) Ratchet
By David P. Weber
Creighton University School of Law
July 25, 2011

13. The Morton Memo and Prosecutorial Discretion: An Overview
By Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia
The Pennsylvania State University
Immigration Policy Center, July 2011

14. Migration Restrictions and Criminal Behavior: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
By Giovanni Mastrobuoni, Collegio Carlo Alberto; Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies (CeRP); Netspar and Paolo Pinotti, Bank of Italy
FEEM Working Paper No. 53.2011, July 2011

15. Relations between the Generations in Immigrant Families
By Nancy Foner, CUNY Hunter College and Joanna Dreby, SUNY University at Albany
Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 37, 2011

16. The Impact of Recessionary Politics on Latino-American and Immigrant Families: SCHIP Success and DREAM Act Failure
By Mariela Olivares
Howard University School of Law, July 18, 2011

17. Moral Turpitude: A Standard in Search of a Doctrine
By Julia Ann Simon-Kerr
The University of Chicago Law School; Yale University Law School, July 12, 2011


New from the International Organization for Migration

Humanitarian Evacuation on the Libyan Border
February 28, 2011–May 28, 2011
Three-month report on IOM’s response…


How Widespread Is the Use of the H-1B Visa for Reducing Labor Costs?
By Norman Matloff
University of California, Davis
Conference on Dynamics of the S&E Labor Market
Georgetown University, July 11, 2011


New from the The Southern African Migration Project

1. The Engagement of the Zimbabwean Medical Diaspora
By Abel Chikanda
Migration Policy Series No. 55, 2011…

2. Medical Xenophobia: Zimbabwean Access to Health Services in South Africa
By Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera
Migration Policy Series No. 54, 2011…

3. Migration-Induced HIV and AIDS in Mozambique and Swaziland
By Jonathan Crush, Ines Raimundo, Hamilton Simelane, Boaventura Cau, and David Dorey
Migration Policy Series No. 53, 2010…

4. Migration, Remittances and 'Development' in Lesotho
By Jonathan Crush, Belinda Dodson, John Gay, Thuso Green, and Clement Leduka
Migration Policy Series No. 52, 2010…


Immigration and the Resources Boom Mark 2
By Bob Birrell, Ernest Healy, Katharine Betts, and Fred T. Smith
Monash University, Centre for Population and Urban Research, July 2011…


Mexican Migration Patterns Signal a New Immigration Reality:
Fewer Mexicans are Entering the U.S., Fewer Are Leaving, and Mexican American Births Now Outpace Immigration from Mexico
American Immigration Council, August 2011…


Safer than Ever
A View from the U.S.–Mexico Border: Assessing the Past, Present, and Future
By Marshall Fitz
Center for American Progress, August 2011…


Beyond greener pastures: exploring contexts surrounding Filipino nurse migration in Canada through oral history
By Charlene Ronquillo, Geertje Boschma, Sabrina Wong, and Linda Quiney
Nursing Inquiry, Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2011…


The Politics of Home: Belonging and Nostalgia in Europe and the United States
By Jan Willem Duyvendak

Palgrave Macmillan, 192 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0230293980, $77.14

Paperback, ISBN: 0230293999, $26.40

Book Description: This book addresses prominent debates in Western Europe and the United States on themes as seemingly diverse as national identity and nostalgia, migration and integration, gender relations and 'caring communities'. At the most fundamental level, all of these debates deal with the right to belong and the ability to 'feel at home'. The book examines what has happened to the 'home feelings' of the majority under the influence of the two major revolutions of our times: the gender revolution and increased mobility due to globalization. It analyzes how 'home' has been politicized, examines the risks of this politicization, as well as exploring alternative home-making strategies that aim to transcend the 'logic of identities' where one group's ability to feel at home comes at the expense of other groups.


Gender, Migration and the Public Sphere, 1850-2005
Edited by Marlou Schrover

Routledge, 196 pp.

Paperback, ISBN: 0415807158, $39.95

Book Description: The decision to emigrate has historically held differing promises and costs for women and for men. Exploring theories of difference in labor market participation, network formation and the immigrant organising process, on belonging and diaspora, and a theory of 'vulnerability,' A Global History of Gender and Migration looks critically at two centuries of the migration experience from the perspectives of women and men separately and together. Uniquely investigating the subject globally over time, this book incorporates the history of migration in areas as far-flung as Yemen, Sudan, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Poland, the Soviet Union, the US, and the UK, an approach that allows for patterns to emerge over time. A Global History of Gender and Migration further shows that although there are various points on which migrant men and women differ, and several theories exist to explain these differences, this comprehensive guide offers a unifying thesis on the theories and practice of
migration, adding to our insight into the mechanisms underlying the creation of differences between migrant men and women.


Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future
By Ian Goldin, Geoffrey Cameron, and Meera Balarajan

Princeton University Press, 352 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0691145725, $29.38

Kindle, 1766 KB, ASIN: B0053YNV68, $19.25

Book Description: Throughout history, migrants have fueled the engine of human progress. Their movement has sparked innovation, spread ideas, relieved poverty, and laid the foundations for a global economy. In a world more interconnected than ever before, the number of people with the means and motivation to migrate will only increase. Exceptional Peoplelooks at the profound advantages that such dynamics will have for countries and migrants the world over. Challenging the received wisdom that a dramatic growth in migration is undesirable, the book proposes new approaches for governance that will embrace this international mobility.

The authors explore the critical role of human migration since humans first departed Africa some fifty thousand years ago--how the circulation of ideas and technologies has benefited communities and how the movement of people across oceans and continents has fueled economies. They show that migrants in today's world connect markets, fill labor gaps, and enrich social diversity. Migration also allows individuals to escape destitution, human rights abuses, and repressive regimes. However, the authors indicate that most current migration policies are based on misconceptions and fears about migration's long-term contributions and social dynamics. Future policies, for good or ill, will dramatically determine whether societies can effectively reap migration's opportunities while managing the risks of the twenty-first century.

A guide to vigorous debate and action, Exceptional Peoplecharts the past and present of international migration and makes practical recommendations that will allow everyone to benefit from its unstoppable future growth.


Identity, Belonging, and Migration
Edited by Gerard Delanty, Paul Jones, and Ruth Wodak

Liverpool University Press, 256 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 1846311187, $85.00

Paperback, ISBN: 1846316898, $32.95

Book Description: The emergence of new kinds of racism in European societies—referred to variously as “Euro-racism,” “cultural racism,” or, in France, racisme differential—has been widely discussed by citizens and scholars alike. While these accounts differ, there is widespread agreement that racism in Europe is on the rise and that one of its characteristic features is hostility to migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers. Identity, Belonging and Migration aims to provide a new understanding of the social, political, and historical forces that marginalize these new “others”—culminating in an investigation of the narratives of day-to-day life that produce a culture of everyday racism.


The Political Psychology of Globalization: Muslims in the West
By Catarina Kinnvall and Paul Nesbitt-Larking

Oxford University Press, 240 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0199747547, $37.29

Kindle, 2272 KB, ASIN: B005CTIZB0, $31.96

Book Description: In an increasingly globalized world, there are new economic, strategic, cultural, and political forces at work. The Political Psychology of Globalization: Muslims in the West explores how these shifts and shocks have influenced the way in which Muslim minorities in western countries form their identities as political actors. Catarina Kinnvall and Paul Nesbitt-Larking uncover three identity strategies adopted by Muslims in the West: retreatism, essentialism, and engagement. Six western countries - Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom - serve as places for exploration of the emergence of these Muslim political identities. These countries are discussed in light of their colonial histories, patterns of immigration, and citizenship regimes.

Although retreatism, essentialism, and engagement occur in Muslim citizens of each of the six western nations discussed in this book, the countries that are best able to balance individual and community rights are most successful in promoting the politics of engagement. In contrast, regimes that focus on anti-terrorist legislation and discourses, and support majority political cultures that are exclusionary, also promote retreatism and essentialist identity strategies in both minority and majority communities. The authors discuss the importance of a climate of engagement that is based on recognition, dialogue, deep multiculturalism, a new global and "cosmopolitical" consciousness, and a sense of political identity that transcends national boundaries and regimes.


Casualties of Care: Immigration and the Politics of Humanitarianism in France
By Miriam I. Ticktin

University of California Press, 312 pp.

Hardcover, ISBN: 0520269047, $65.00

Paperback, ISBN: 0520269055, $26.95

Kindle, 1071 KB, ASIN: B00594445O, Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0520269047, 312 pp., $14.82

Book Description: This book explores the unintended consequences of compassion in the world of immigration politics. Miriam Ticktin focuses on France and its humanitarian immigration practices to argue that a politics based on care and protection can lead the state to view issues of immigration and asylum through a medical lens. Examining two "regimes of care"--humanitarianism and the movement to stop violence against women--Ticktin asks what it means to permit the sick and sexually violated to cross borders while the impoverished cannot? She demonstrates how in an inhospitable immigration climate, unusual pathologies can become the means to residency papers, making conditions like HIV, cancer, and select experiences of sexual violence into distinct advantages for would-be migrants. Ticktin's analysis also indicts the inequalities forged by global capitalism that drive people to migrate, and the state practices that criminalize the majority of undocumented migrants at the expense of care for the exceptional few.


Ethnic and Racial Studies
Vol. 34, No. 9, September 2011

Selected articles:

Racialized national identity construction in the ancestral homeland: Japanese American migrants in Japan
By Jane H. Yamashiro

Patriotism and language loyalties: comparing Latino and Anglo attitudes toward English-Only legislation
By Sarah Allen Gershon and Adrian D. Pantoja


Human Mobility
Boletim 76 – Ano VIII – July 2011…

Selected articles:

1. International refugees, Latino immigrants compete for service-sector jobs
By Steve Fidel

A culture clash reminiscent of many in American history is surfacing here as Latino immigrants find they have new competition for service-sector jobs. The clash occurs after an immigrant population gets a firm hold on the lower rungs of the economic ladder and then sees competition from a newer immigrant population.

Today's competition affecting the Latino community comes from refugees, about 1,100 of whom will arrive in Utah during the year, mostly from southeast Asia and Africa. The new arrivals join a population of about 25,000 in Salt Lake County whose journey here began with refugee status. Reported jitters among the Latino workforce at the Grand America Hotel, for example, has brought to light some of the angst the Latinos have with refugees
. . .…

2. Migration fell during economic crisis
The world economic crisis led to a severe fall in international migration, a report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has claimed.
By Leah Hyslop

According to the OECD’s 2011 International Migration Outlook Report, permanent migration into OECD countries fell by around seven per cent in 2009, to just 4.3 million people. A 16 per cent decline in the movement of temporary migrants, such as seasonal agricultural workers, was also noted. Experts at the organisation said the drop was mainly attributable to a reduced amount of “free movement“ within the EU, which was in turn likely to have been caused by a shrinkage in the labour market. “Of course, some countries have put measures in to limit the number of migrants, but most of this fall was caused by a decline in demand,” said Thomas Liebig, one of the report's authors… (to be continued) TOP
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3. Most Americans want less immigration, poll shows

The majority of Americans think that immigration should be reduced but over half believe that welcoming overseas workers is good for the country, the latest Gallup poll shows. The polling organization has looked at the issue of immigration in the United States over many decades and the views of people have not changed much. Americans in 2011 continue to show a slight preference for lower immigration levels over keeping the levels the same, while a much smaller percentage favors increased immigration.
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4. Role of foreigners in housing shortage examined
Many Swiss blame the influx of highly qualified foreigners for the current housing shortage in the country and the rise in rents over the past few years.

Two recently released studies, one by the liberal think tank Avenir Suisse and the other by the Federal Housing Office, have examined the basis for this perception. In the past, foreigners have often been accused of “stealing” jobs from Swiss citizens and for bringing salaries down. But over the past few months the focus “has shifted from jobs to housing”, says Gerhard Schwarz, head of Avenir Suisse.
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5. Latinas say ‘service providers not understanding their culture’ is a barrier to health care access
By Ashley Lopez

Research conducted by California Latinas for Reproductive Justice shows that immigrant women feel their culture is creating a barrier to proper health care access.This barrier adds to an already long list of disadvantages and obstacles to proper health care that this demographic faces.
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6. Famine refugees face increased violence, aid groups say
By Lily Boisson

Humanitarian organizations in the Horn of Africa say they've seen a dramatic increase in violence against women as more people make the journey to refugee camps in East Africa. An influx of people at Hagadera, Ifo and Dagahaley camps, collectively known as Dadaab refugee camps, is also causing increased violence in the camps, according to aid agencies in the region. A UNHCR report says sexual and gender-based violence against women in Dadaab has quadrupled in the past six months. This year 358 cases were reported from January to June. Last year 75 cases were reported in the same time period.
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7. New UK plan limits legal aid to immigrant women
By Rebecca Curtis, with editor Astrid Zweynert – Women News Network – WNN

The UK government’s planned cuts to its legal aid scheme will severely disadvantage migrant and refugee women, who may lack knowledge of the UK legal system and family support or face language barriers, campaigners say. The reforms, proposed by the government in November, would cut legal aid from civil areas including immigration, housing, employment and debt, unless a person’s life, home or freedom is at risk. Lawyers and aid organisations argue the scheme’s harshest cuts since its 1949 inception will deny some half a million people justice.
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8. Alabama Churches Mobilize Against Harsh Anti-Illegal Immigration Law

The movement against Alabama's harsh crackdown on undocumented immigrants is being led, in some respects, by the church.The latest example was Sunday in Huntsville, where a few hundred people gathered in a downtown park for an interfaith prayer rally to protest the law. Many participants wore white and carried candles; some pastors wore clerical garb. The mobilization of the church, for some, is a chance for Bible Belt redemption. During the civil rights movement of the 1950s and `60s, many state churches didn't join the fight to end Jim Crow laws and racial segregation. Some cross-burning Ku Klux Klan members took off their hoods and sat in the pews with everyone else on Sunday mornings, and relatively few white congregations actively opposed segregation. Some black churches were hesitant to get involved for fear of a white backlash
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9. Norway massacre exposes incendiary immigration issue
By Mohammed Abbas

Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik said he killed 93 people to spark a "revolution" against the multiculturalism he believed was sapping Europe's heritage, and experts say a frank debate about immigration may be the best way to prevent similar explosions of violence. In some Nordic countries, and elsewhere in Europe, political parties have fed on rising public concern over immigration as economic conditions worsen and a drip-feed of Islamist attacks stokes fear and suspicion of new arrivals. But experts argue overly aggressive political rhetoric and scare tactics have inflamed passions rather than address the many complex, underlying problems. Conflicting messages and political squeamishness in tackling immigration and multiculturalism have frustrated the public and given space for hardline ideologues, they say
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10. African Women in Europe Victims of Human Trafficking
By Beatrice Mariotti

As European countries strive to find a solution to Lampedusa that has come to symbolize much disdained African migration to Europe, little attention is being paid to African women and children in Europe, who are faced with new forms of slavery and colonialism which they experience day in and day out in democratic states of the 'North', which are otherwise mindful of human rights. Though precise figures are not available, the United Nations' International Labour Organization (ILO), estimates that there are about 2.5 Million people trafficked every year across the borders worldwide. After drug dealing, human trafficking along with arms dealing is the second largest crime industry in the world (churning out 7-10 billion dollars a year), and is the fastest growing, says the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)… (to be continued) TOP
. . .… - 04.07

11. Mexico alters constitution to balance human trafficking

Mexico President gave the approval on changing the constitution on Wednesday. He aimed for cracking on human trafficking must be corrected. Felipe Calderon published the changes traffic rules when one who is suggested in trail also, one guarantee which goes singular unit of crime and they called victims. The important testimony can give the chance of the authority and the society without any risk Caldren gives Mexico 180 days on approved for nationwide trafficking with human and the law will be reformed and streamline how authority and handle over the country… (to be continued) TOP
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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Vol. 37, No. 8, September 2011


Children's Roles in Transnational Migration
By Allen White, Caitríona Ní Laoire, Naomi Tyrrell & Fina Carpena-Méndez

‘Asexual, Apolitical Beings’: The Interpretation of Children's Identities and Experiences in the UK Asylum System
By Heaven Crawley

In the Best Interest of the Child? The Politics of Vulnerability and Negotiations for Asylum in Sweden
By By Marita Eastmond & Henry Ascher

Making Connections: Second-Generation Children and the Transnational Field of Relations
By Lotta Haikkola

‘They Told Us in a Curry Shop’: Child–Adult Relations in the Context of Family Migration Decision-Making
By Teresa Hutchins

Tampering with the Sex of ‘Angels’: Migrant Male Minors and Young Adults Selling Sex in the EU
By Nick Mai

Narratives of ‘Innocent Irish Childhoods’: Return Migration and Intergenerational Family Dynamics
By Caitríona Ní Laoire

Divergent Discourses, Children and Forced Migration
By Giorgia Doná & Angela Veale